in front of that.

  in that utter darkness.

  The ancient and majestic ancient gates appeared in an instant.

Chapter 358 Ma Xiaoling's memories are intertwined!Jianggu, who overlaps with the second Zombie King!

  The vast and majestic ancient gate stands among the stars intertwined with nothingness and darkness.

  This ancient door.

  About a hundred meters long.

  The majestic atmosphere, the breath of ancient times permeates the ancient door, the ancient door is made of bronze, and it exudes strange fluctuations.


  It was what Ma Linger was looking for.

  "This is"

  Ma Xiaoling only felt her heart beating.

  That majestic ancient gate seems to be a taboo in this world.

  And she.

  Now he is standing in front of the biggest taboo in this world.

  This is the way of reincarnation behind the door of the sea of ​​reincarnation. It is the most taboo place in the world, but now in this taboo place, another taboo door has emerged.

  Blue smoke Ma Linger's long blue smoke slowly poured into the majestic ancient gate.

  "Yes, reincarnation."

  Jiang Gu seemed to have seen something from the majestic ancient gate.


  Ma Xiaoling was puzzled.

  She looked forward and saw nothing but darkness.

  The majestic ancient gate is full of nothingness and darkness.

  "The sea of ​​reincarnation is the front end of reincarnation. When you step into the sea of ​​reincarnation, you will wash away everything that has been stained on your body."

  "Reincarnation, is the depths of the sea of ​​reincarnation, washed everything, sinking in the sea of ​​reincarnation, and then came here."

  Jiang Gu looked forward.

  "Here, should be the last road of reincarnation."

  He seemed to understand something.

  If the soul falls into the sea of ​​reincarnation, without searching, it will enter the ancient gate.

  Just like the rules and order of the world.

  When the soul enters the sea of ​​reincarnation, it steps into this ancient gate in the order of the reincarnation.

  But Ma Linger broke into here.

  The soul does not need to know the map, the Tao of Reincarnation will personally send these reincarnations to the last level.

  However, Malinger wants to find this entrance in this emptiness and darkness.

  This is the price of the intruder.

  If not found.

  will be lost here forever.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Gu looked at the ancient gate with deep eyes.

  The woman never left him two thousand years ago.

  "The last road of reincarnation."

  Ma Xiaoling looked ahead with her beautiful eyes.

  "She said she came to find the way of reincarnation."

  "Then here"

  "It's the real reincarnation."

  Entering here is to step into the cycle of reincarnation.

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't believe it.

  This is reincarnation, one of the six realms, the most taboo way of reincarnation between heaven and earth.

  But [-] years ago, Ma Linger actually came here and retreated completely.

  What terrifying Taoism does she possess, or what exactly does she possess.

  What a strong belief.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked forward slowly.

  The two walked into this vast ancient gate with Qingyan Ma Linger.

  The last road of reincarnation! ——————————Underworld.

  Om! The originally peaceful underworld suddenly shook the forbidden place of the Jizo agent.

  Uncle Qiu suddenly stood up: "Samsara fluctuates"


  He seemed to have thought of something.

  "Could it be that two thousand years ago, Ma Linger walked into the deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation and found reincarnation"

  "how can that be"

  He felt a little unbelievable.

  bang bang.

  He was surprised.

  There was a sudden knock on the door.

  "Come in."

  In the dark place, a woman wearing a black shirt walked in. She looked at Uncle Qiu with blank eyes.

  "Meng Po"

  Uncle Qiu looked at this woman, it was Madam Meng.


  Madam Meng looked at Uncle Qiu, she seemed to be thinking about something, "I seem to remember something, Ksitigarbha agent, can you help me find Ksitigarbha King?"

  "He's gone, he's caught in a cycle."

  The uncle shook his head.


  Grandma Meng nodded.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It was King Ksitigarbha who said that if you feel anything strange, then this thing will be given to you."

  Uncle Qiu took out a black piece of paper from the drawer and handed it to Granny Meng.

  Grandma Meng took it.

  Looking at this black paper, the confused eyes, but even more confused.


  Yuan Bupo sat on the bar, drinking quietly.

  "What's wrong"

  Arrow came over and asked, the two of them have a good relationship these days.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi suddenly wanted to know the story of the unbroken beauty eight hundred years ago, do you believe it?"

  Yuan Bupo looked a little puzzled, and he was also a little puzzled.


  A drop of the blood of the Lady of Yaochi was flowing on his body, and he could feel what the Lady of Yaochi thought, such as her emotions.

  "It should be fine"

  Arrow said puzzledly, "The King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi are also getting married."

  "do not know."

  Yuan Bupo shook his head.

  "When I saw her, I always thought it was very strange"

  "It's like, for so many years, more than [-] years, I have lived for her."

  "I can feel her pain, feel her emotions, feel her love"


  Yuan Bupo looks a little complicated.

  The feeling that the Lady of Jade Pond gave him was too strange.

  "Okay, don't think about it, there is still the last month left, just spend this month."

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