Seems to be in the next second.

  will die.

  Jiang Gu's deep eyes looked at the woman in blue quietly, and he only felt that something was about to stir in his heart, and the emotions that had been buried by him seemed to be constantly fluctuating.

  "I can not help you."

  Heaven said ruthlessly.

  The woman in the blue shirt heard the words, and there was a hint of despair in her beautiful eyes.


  "You can save him"

  The icy voice of Tiandao sounded again.

  Ma Xiaoling watched quietly.

  She wants to know.

  Who is Ma Linger trying to save? If it is the second zombie king, then what happened two thousand years ago "I can save him"

  The woman in the blue shirt muttered to herself.

  She looked at the nothingness ahead.

  Her eyes gradually dimmed, and a glimmer of light gradually emerged.

  The firm belief in my mind.

  Don't let her fall.

  Her breath seemed to be cut off at any moment.

  On the verge of death hum.


  There seemed to be a trace of strength in her slender palm, she held the long sword and supported it with force.

  She stood up slowly, trembling.

  The blue shirt flutters and the blue silk flutters.

  In that trembling, she stood slowly.

  after she stood up.

  All pictures.

  It vanished into smoke.

  The woman in the blue shirt turned into blue smoke and dispersed, leaving only the ancient bluestone road in the dark ahead.

  This bluestone ancient road is full of ancient aura, surrounded by vast darkness, as cold as the universe, as if this bluestone ancient road is the only one left in the whole world.

  "Go ahead."


  "Have the answer you want."

  A cold voice came out.

  I don't know when, in the darkness of nothingness, a woman in blue appeared, and in the darkness of nothingness, she pointed to the end of the ancient bluestone road.

  "I don't know right or wrong."


  "I still trust him."

  The woman in the blue shirt, after speaking softly, turned into blue smoke and dissipated.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked forward.

  Walk through this ancient bluestone road.

  The two gradually approached the end of the bluestone ancient road.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The end of the bluestone trail.

  It is an empty sea.

  There seems to be a dark sea flowing here, wandering in the abyss.

  "The Power of Reincarnation"

  Jiang Gu felt the power fluctuations in his body, which caused a slight fluctuation in his deep pupils.

  Here, it is a dream.

  But why does his body fluctuate? Could it be that this is not a dream? After he and Ma Xiaoling entered the door, they fell into a deep sleep. The source of reincarnation behind the door was connected to the source of reincarnation last time in Ma Xiaoling's body. Together, they create a dream.

  This is what Jiang Gu thought.

  But now it looks like a dream.

  It seems half-truth.

  Looking at the dark sea abyss in front of her, Ma Xiaoling subconsciously took a step back, but she knew that the fifth part of the record was probably in this sea abyss.

  "Jiang Gu."

  Her beautiful eyes lightly looked at Jiang Gu on the side.


  Jiang Gu turned his head.

  Just turned around.

  Lips felt slightly moist.

  His eyes are deep, without any waves for ten thousand years, and they shrink in an instant! A cheek that is as beautiful as a fairy, like a peerless beauty, constantly enlarges in his eyes.

  With wet lips, he kissed him gently.

  that moment.

  The world seemed silent.

  Ma Xiaoling.

  Even kissing him "I don't want to regret it anymore."

  Ma Xiaoling said to him.


  She jumped up.

  Jumped directly into the abyss of the sea.

  Jiang Gu stood in the same place, the dead heart began to beat again, and the icy body now showed a hint of warmth, or heat.

  I saw Ma Xiaoling jump down.

  He stepped forward lightly.

  The sense of weightlessness occupied his body, and he felt that the boundless abyss and sea water gradually surrounded him.

  He opened his eyes in the darkness.

  in this darkness.

  There was no breath of anyone, and there was no trace of Ma Xiaoling.

  He was about to search.


  A familiar force.

  Came from there.


  He felt the familiar power.

  Because this power is the power he comprehends - reincarnation.

  For two thousand years, he has continuously cut himself off, leaving a part of his memory, wandering in the world, and sealing himself.

  And these powers, as well as these abilities, all originate from this reincarnation.

  His eyes looked at the darkness in front of him.

  Scenes from [-] years ago seemed to flash before my eyes again.

  "Two thousand years ago, you saved me."

  "It's also the power of reincarnation that you brought back"

  He muttered softly to himself.

  Feel the familiar power.

  His body began to continuously absorb these forces, and the forces of reincarnation were continuously drawn into his body.

  ———————— "Jianggu"

  Ma Xiaoling called softly.

  She couldn't feel any breath, and couldn't feel any trace, she fell into the boundless darkness, looking for the fifth part:: partial record.


  while she was still searching.

  Endless sleepiness.

  Attacked again.

  In that drowsiness, she slowly closed her eyes.

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