The moment she closed her eyes.

  In front of her eyes, paragraphs of text appeared.

  "The Ma family is prosperous, the world's demons are afraid, the world's exorcists, Taoism, respect the Ma family as the first family."

  "The prosperity of the Ma family, after conquering the dragon, no one can shake it, the world should be peaceful."

  "But a wisp of blood-colored fog."

  "Rise up in that remote place."

  "The turmoil in the world has begun again."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 361 The Second Zombie King of Two Thousand Years!Jiang Gu!

  This text is ancient, it is Qin Zhuan of the Qin Dynasty.

  The words appeared in the darkness, and after a while, they slowly dissipated.

  "A wisp of blood-colored mist"

  Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself.

  This seems to be the front end of that dark age.

  As my uncle said.

  Before that dark age, there was a turmoil.

  Could the turmoil before this dark age have something to do with the Zombie King? According to Ma Linger, the ancestor of the Ma family, the second Zombie King seems to have been seriously injured and is in imminent danger.

  What happened in this, the turmoil before the dark age, and the dark age one year later, what kind of involvement Ma Xiaoling can feel, the occurrence of the dark age seems to be related to this turmoil.

  According to the records left by the ancestors of the Ma family, the second zombie king did not have any idea of ​​destroying the world, unless during this period of time, the second zombie king had the idea of ​​destroying the world.

  She continued to look at the records.

  The words in front of me slowly dissipated.

  After dissipating, the darkness in front of him gradually turned into a picture, and a wisp of blue smoke gushed out, interweaving into a picture.

  in that screen.

  There is a mountain.

  On that mountain peak, a majestic and magnificent building was built.

  In the center of the building is a hall.

  Ma Xiaoling could see that countless ancients dressed in Taoist and exorcist costumes walked up from the mountain step by step. These people looked at this magnificent building with respectful expressions. from the building on top.

  In that building, countless Taoists and exorcists have taken their seats and chatted lively.

  Only the center of the building, in the great hall, was silent, without any sound.

  "This is"

  Ma Xiaoling's pupils contracted.

  From that picture, she saw countless Taoists and exorcists who had attained Taoism, and they led the family to sit down and talk here.

  What shocked her the most was.

  In the pictures she saw, every exorcist and Daoist disciple, whose cultivation was not weaker than her at the beginning, even some were exactly the same as her now. to the peak.

  But in the picture she saw, there were tens of thousands of people with a cultivation base higher than her.

  What a brilliant figure this is. From this picture, it is not difficult to see the prosperity of the Taoist and exorcists at the time! Her gaze.

  It fell on the mountain gate of the building in the picture.

  In front of the mountain gate, is a magnificent Qin Zhuan - Ma family! The architecture here.

  It is the mountain gate of the Ma family! And these exorcists and Taoists who came here actually came to the Ma family.

  in that darkness.

  The screen is silent.



  Ma Xiaoling looked at the nave of the building.

  in that hall.

  A woman in a blue robe came out, as light as smoke, she opened the door, looked at the lively crowd, and showed a slight smile.

  with her appearance.

  In the silent picture, there were traces of voices, and those voices gradually filled Ma Xiaoling's ears from small to large.

  in that noisy voice.

  Ma Xiaoling heard a lot of news.

  "The witch of the Ma family is really extraordinary. She suppresses the world's demons and subdues the dragon, and she is the number one exorcist in the world."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "It took me four years to rise, and what makes me even more curious is that the man in black who can never see his face next to the witch of the Ma family has an amazing origin."

  "The world has changed a thousand times, and the times have changed. The witch of the Ma family is also the youngest person in the past. Her strength is even more terrifying, and her momentum has reached its peak. It is not an exaggeration for us to call the Ma family the first exorcist."

  "Yeah! The Ma family has been ordinary from generation to generation, but I never imagined that such a genius has emerged today."

  In the noisy voice, almost all of them were amazed at the Ma family.

  The Ma family has exorcised demons for generations, but there has never been such a prominent scene.

  And today.

  It is the day when the world's exorcism family, Taoism, worships the Ma family! Just a month ago, the Ma family surrendered the spirit dragon between heaven and earth! She is the number one witch in the world to exorcise demons! And it was conferred today! The Ma family has suppressed countless demons in the world for nearly four years! The big demons in the world trembled when they heard the names of Ma Linger and the man in black! No demon dared to dare Once again in the world! Before that, the demons almost slaughtered villages, counties, and even cities! The demons were in chaos, the world was in chaos, and the people's names were no longer alive.

  Since the beginning of heaven and earth, the birth of human beings, and the perfection of the three realms and six paths, the human condition has always been very weak, the demons themselves have spiritual power, and human beings have been reduced to food until the first practitioner appeared.

  But things didn't get better.

  Even if Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms, the world is still full of demons and turmoil.

  Until Ma Linger and the man in black appeared.

  The world's monsters are gradually afraid of human beings, especially the birth of the dragon! Ma Linger becomes enlightened, and the world's monsters are afraid! So.

  The world's exorcists, Taoism, all recognize the status of Ma Linger and the Ma family! And Qin Shihuang also personally canonized Ma Linger! "The brilliance of the Ma family"

  When Ma Xiaoling saw this scene, her expression was full of shock.

  The world's exorcists and Taoists all come to worship! This is how prosperous the Ma family is. The most important thing is that these worship exorcists, Taoists, enlightened exorcists, and Taoists are countless, but now they all admit the first exorcism of the Ma family. Status! Even come to worship! This is the prosperity of Taoism and exorcism! It is the prosperity of human beings! At the same time.

  It is also the prosperous age of the Ma family! It can be said that today's prosperous age is the most prosperous era since ancient times! But it is also the darkest era.

  Because no one thought that after that year.

  Taoism and exorcism have lost their heritage.

  The era of mankind has entered darkness! Only Ma Jiafang has retained a trace of inheritance.

  And everything here is actually related to the second zombie king.

  during this year.

  What happened suddenly.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes turned to the door of the main hall.

  After Malinger came out.

  A man wearing a black Qin Dynasty gown.

  He also walked out slowly.

  The sun shines on his cheeks.

  There was a smile on those delicate cheeks.

  The breeze blew by.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  But suddenly froze in place.

  her beautiful eyes.

  At this moment, the pupils gradually widened.

  When she saw the face of the black youth, everything in her heart was confirmed.

  Her body trembled.

  Eye sockets are reddish.

  "Jiang Gu."

  —————————【Today I am going to the city for a day off, and I’m going to the city today. It’s a little uncomfortable to ride in the car hehe.

  】Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 362 There is no third zombie king in the world!

  The man in the black gown from the Qin Dynasty, Jiang Gu! His appearance is exactly the same! The only difference is that the man, who gave Ma Xiaoling a feeling, was full of realism.

  He came out of the great hall.

  Hearing the noise around him, he showed a happy smile.

  "You finally succeeded."

  The man looked at Ma Linger with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed into slits, looking very sunny and happy.

  Ma Xiaoling only felt her heart tremble.

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