That kind of... smile.

  She had never seen it on Jiang Gu, not even on Jiang Gu's cheek eight hundred years ago.

  so clear.

  Such sunshine.



  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  She didn't know whether the man in front of her was real or not, maybe it was an illusion, maybe it was real.

  The origin of Jiang Gu is very mysterious, mysterious to the extreme.

  Meeting for the first time.

  every time it appears.

  Is the second zombie king two thousand years ago really Jiang Gu? She can't believe it.

  "I can't do it without you."

  Ma Linger turned her head, a smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

  The sun fell down.

  It splattered on the cheeks of the two of them.

  this moment.

  As if forever.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at this scene with her beautiful eyes, her expression was indescribably complicated.

  She didn't know whether to believe this scene or not.

  But she knows.

  Before she entered, the sixth sense in her mind had always made her feel afraid. It turned out that this was what she was afraid of. Maybe, she had guessed it before.

  She just watched this scene quietly with her beautiful eyes.

  She couldn't feel Jiang Gu's breath, not even a trace.

  this moment.

  There was a sense of fear in her heart.

  The picture in front of you.

  gradually change.

  She saw the man in the black Qin Dynasty gown and Ma Linger walking out of the hall.

  The moment the two walked out of the hall.

  All the voices were silent for a moment! Everyone's eyes, everyone's eyes, fell on the two of them.

  this moment.

  It is destined to be the prosperity of the horse family.

  This picture also represents the most prosperous era of Taoism and exorcism.

  this era.

  It is called the prosperous era.

  But this time.

  After only one year, it entered the dark age.

  in the screen.

  The two walked to the stage arranged by the Ma family step by step and took their seats.

  There is the rear of the central hall of the Ma family.

  In the back, there is a huge open space, Ma Xiaoling can see from the picture that there are almost five or six, the size of a football field, on the open space are the cushions of Taoists and exorcists, and countless disciples of exorcists and Taoists are seated.

  And at the very front of the open space, is a huge platform.

  Now the enlightened exorcists are seated there.

  Everyone's charm is full of charm, immortal style, and it seems to be exposed.

  And Ma Linger and the black Qin Chao robes, then slowly came to the front, which is the main seat! Countless eyes focused on the two of them.

  The two took their seats.

  this location.

  Representing the Taoism of the world, the supreme position of the exorcist! —————— The power of reincarnation pours in.

  Jiang Gu's eyes closed slightly.

  Moment of closing.

  The power of reincarnation in the body seems to be calling for his memory, the sleeping memory, slowly recovering after the influx of reincarnation power.

  All the darkness in front of him seemed to gradually interweave into a picture.

  in that trance.

  He seems to be back to that

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  ...on stage.

  The sun shone on him, revealing a long-lost tenderness.

  He looked left and right:.

  Sitting beside him was a woman in a blue shirt, a blue gown covered in blue yarn, long black hair scattered behind him, a pair of beautiful eyes with a smile that could not be concealed, and her beautiful face had a faint smile.

  "what's wrong"

  As if seeing his gaze, the woman turned her head slightly and asked him softly.

  Jiang Gu turned his head and saw the front.

  It is densely packed, and there are numerous exorcists, Taoists, hundreds of thousands of them all sitting cross-legged on the ground of the huge open space, and their eyes are full of awe as they look at him and Ma Linger above. .

  He heard countless admirations.

  I saw countless amazed eyes.

  Looking at this scene, he suddenly felt an inexplicable anger.

  That kind of... anger.

  It seems to originate in the body.

  "It's all to die for"

  In that anger, his words were gentle, but with extreme chill.

  everything in front of you.

  At the moment when the voice fell.

  Suddenly cracked! Screen.

  It cracked directly! The sunlight cracked in an instant and turned into a cold chill! Blood red and darkness intertwined in the sky! Those smiles, those admirations, those smiles, all turned into distorted cheeks, looking coldly follow him.

  Those who were sitting cross-legged on the ground all raised their swords and magic weapons at this moment and aimed them at him.

  his gaze.

  Looking around.

  all around.

  All are dark.

  In the darkness, countless sword intents surged.

  He felt endless malice.

  It seems that the whole world will put him to death.

  "Zombie King!"

  "The most yin and evil thing! I will kill you today!"

  Cold words sounded! Om.

  in that darkness.

  The power of reincarnation slowly poured in.

  Intertwined with memories! But at this moment, the memories are shattered! The closed eyes.

  Open suddenly.

  Scarlet eyes suddenly appeared.

  Extremely cold! ————————— Ma Xiaoling looked at the screen quietly.

  in the screen.

  under everyone's eyes.

  Qin Shihuang actually came to the canonization in person! The moment she saw Qin Shihuang, her eyes were lost for a moment.


  The Emperor of the Ages turned out to be Riley who once appeared in Eagle Country Town.

  with her appearance.

  Ma Xiaoling's guess was confirmed again.

  "in this world"

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