"How can there be a third zombie king"


  "There is only a second one."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the man in the black Qin Dynasty gown, and muttered to herself.

  in this world.

  There is no third zombie king.

  Since ancient times, there have only been two.

  Generals and Jiang Gu.

  She saw Qin Shihuang canonize Ma Linger.

  She saw more.

  This ancient emperor has a sincere respect for Jiang Gu.

  That kind of respect comes from the heart.

  He canonized Ma Linger, and the respect in his eyes was not as strong as when he looked at Jiang Gu.

  From this, it seems that Jiang Gu's status "starts from today."

  "Ma Ling'er is the national teacher of Qin, the first witch, to suppress the world's demons for me!"

  this sound.

  It resounds throughout the land of China! The world.

  All shocked! This moment.

  All eyes in the world are focused on Ma Linger and Jiang Gu! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 363 Four years ago!Robber's corpse!The source of turmoil!

  in this screen.

  The whole world trembled! This canonization laid the foundation for the prosperity of the exorcism family and Taoism! It also established the prosperity of the Ma family for the next two thousand years! "But"

  When Ma Xiaoling saw this scene, she was deeply shocked, but she knew that things were not so simple at all.

  The exorcist who had just entered the prosperous era, Taoism, almost completely fell into the dark age after a year! Her eyes gradually turned into confusion and confusion.

  What was going on here, she was thinking.


  There was a slight crack in the screen.

  She looked at the picture with her beautiful eyes, and soon saw the cracked picture.

  A man wearing Taoist clothes, his clothes were tattered, his breath was weak, and he seemed to be seriously injured. In that state of serious injury, he walked from the foot of the Majia Mountain Gate to the mountain gate step by step.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at his back.

  The scene in front of him suddenly kept rushing towards his back.

  I saw it in a place I don't know how far away.

  in a village.

  The blood-colored mist wafted out.

  Countless roaring voices emerged in this blood fog, madly heading towards the villagers.

  Cries and noises rang out.

  The screen is here.

  Broken suddenly.

  Everything in front of him turned into darkness again.

  But when it turned into darkness, she seemed to hear a strange laughter in the blood mist.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the blood-colored fog before the crack, that blood-colored fog was the power of the Lady of Yaochi.

  Could this be what Uncle Qiu said that Our Lady of Yaochi had appeared two thousand years ago?

  What does this have to do with the turmoil? "A wisp of blood mist came from the darkness and surged up in a distant place."

  "A turbulent darkness"

  "come again"

  "The day of canonization, the day of turmoil."

  A paragraph of text emerges.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the text, and she could see the sadness of Ma Linger writing this text from the text.

  The words appeared slowly, and then disappeared.

  "After the Ma family canonization"

  "On the edge of the border, countless demon corpses have emerged."

  "The chaos of demon corpses began to break out at the border. Countless border people were bitten by zombies and became demon corpses."

  "I went to the border with him."

  "We all thought that this was just a simple monster corpse chaos, but we never thought that it was the root cause of everything."

  The text is full of sadness.

  Ma Xiaoling could feel the sadness in her heart when Ma Linger wrote this paragraph.

  "The source of all turbulence starts here."

  The words gradually turned into pictures.

  The picture in front of you.

  It's a messy village.

  The figures of Ma Linger and Jiang Gu appeared here.

  When they saw the mess and ruins everywhere, Ma Linger and Jiang Gu both had solemn expressions.

  Except for Ma Linger and Jiang Gu.

  Beyond that, there are countless Taoists and exorcists.

  The turmoil of monster corpses on the border is very terrifying.

  In a short period of time, tens of thousands of demon corpses have appeared! And the number is still skyrocketing! If it is not resolved quickly, it will become an unprecedented crisis! Therefore, countless Taoist and exorcist disciples have been dispatched. Led by Ma Linger, go here to find out what's going on.

  Om when people are investigating.

  Suddenly, countless blood-colored mists came from that far! Ma Xiaoling's eyes were always on Jiang Gu's body.

  When the blood-colored mist surged.

  A hint of surprise appeared in Jiang Gu's eyes.

  That thread of surprise contained countless emotions.

  The blood-colored fog surged, and countless demon corpses emerged from the blood-colored fog! Thousands of demon corpses smashed out of the blood-colored fog and shot out of the scene in front of them.

  A voice emerged! "Arrangement!"

  Ma Linger snorted softly! Those Taoist and exorcist disciples arranged the formation in an orderly manner! Om! The blood-colored misty demon corpses suddenly swept out.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ma Linger came out with a sword! The Taoist method surged! In an instant, dozens of demon corpses were beheaded! After the beheading, they continued to kill those demon corpses! , also killed the demon corpse! Thousands of demon corpses were directly killed and defeated! It's just.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes kept falling on Jiang Gu.

  He stayed where he was.

  There is no action whatsoever.

  He looked at the blood-colored mist around him, and frowned slightly.

  The corpse fled everywhere.

  Those Taoist and exorcist disciples chased away! Ma Linger wanted to chase away.

  But she suddenly sensed something and looked at Jiang Gu behind her.

  Jiang Gu stood in the ruins, his clear eyes had a few thoughts.

  Ma Linger put away the long sword and walked over slowly.

  "What's wrong"

  Ma Linger looked at Jiang Gu and asked softly, "Did you sense something?"

  Jiang Gu stands in the ruins.

  There are some flames around.

  in this flame.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu quietly.

  ----------"What's wrong"

  In the blood-colored eyes that opened.

  The memories of that reincarnation reappeared.

  In the shattered picture, a new memory picture seems to have emerged again.

  in that trance.

  Jiang Gu heard a gentle voice.

  He looked around.

  In front of her was the beautiful woman in green shirt, the long sword in her hand was gently tucked behind her, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at him nervously.

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