
  "It doesn't feel right."

  He said to the woman in the blue shirt in front of him.

  "I don't feel right."

  He repeated one sentence.

  Surrounded by the ruins of the village.

  Flames burn in the ruins.

  in that flame.

  He felt a familiar breath.

  But that... breath.

  Made him feel very uncomfortable.

  It seems that the familiar breath should not appear.

  What's more important is that these monster corpses have a familiar aura.

  He looked around, but couldn't tell what was wrong in his heart.

  "It's okay I'm here."

  The woman in the blue shirt spreads a smile.

  She stretched out her hand to him.

  "Let's go."

  Her slender Bai Zhe's hand was placed in front of Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu gently held the slender palm with his hand.

  A touch of coldness.

  Into the palm of your hand.

  He looked towards the front, and the woman in the blue shirt with a smile spread out, her body was gradually cracking.

  That seemed to be the last time he saw the woman and smiled.

  ————————— Ma Xiaoling looked at the picture in front of her, watching Jiang Gu and Ma Linger holding hands and moving forward.

  There were mixed emotions in her eyes.

  She also finally understood why she was able to find the first record.

  That's because in her past life, she had a relationship with Jiang Gu.

  She originally thought that her relationship with the second zombie king might only exist in the records.

  But never imagined it would turn out like this.

  The picture in front of me gradually collapsed.

  text, emerges.

  "Monster Chaos"

  "It will be over soon."

  "But the real turmoil really begins."

  "The Origin of the Demon Corpse Chaos"

  "Found by disciples of Taoism and Exorcism."

  In the words of Qin Zhuan.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to see how sad Ma Linger was when she wrote this.

  She is from that text.

  Can feel a heaviness.

  "That is"

  "Four years ago, I used to pursue the corpse that appeared in the forest where the corpse general went."

  "The robber's corpse."

Chapter 364 The Robber's Corpse!Zombie King?

  The source of the demon corpse scourge.

  It was the corpse of the robber. Ma Xiaoling gradually recalled the first record she had found.

  The first record once recorded that Ma Linger felt the monstrous aura of a demon corpse, and she tracked it away, tracking down a huge group of tombs.

  If it is really there, then that is to say, the corpses of these robbers appeared there. Could it be that Ma Xiaoling guessed in her heart that those robbers were the second zombie king, who was killed by Jiang Gu. She continued to watch, suddenly Eyes narrowed.

  "That's the robber's body I saw when I went to the tombs."

  "There are corpses everywhere, and there are blood marks on the necks of countless corpses."

  "I felt the monstrous corpse aura here, and there was no breath of living people here, until I went deep into the forest and saw him fall to the ground."

  "Four years ago, I thought this was a general."


  There seems to be a woman in the text who is softly narrating this past.

  The words recorded in it are already obvious that it was not the generals who killed those robbers! It was Jiang Gu! However, if those people didn't get the drop of Jiang Gu's blood, then they couldn't turn into zombies. , the disciples of the exorcist pursued the source of the turmoil"

  "The source of the turmoil is from the mutated robber corpses. These former corpses have turned into monster corpses, retaining their original consciousness."

  "They were caught and returned to the mountain gate of Ma's house to investigate the power in their bodies."


  The text in front of me gradually disappeared.

  A picture emerges.

  In that picture, Ma Xiaoling saw that hundreds of Taoist and exorcist disciples escorted more than a dozen robbers to come, they walked up the stairs, and used various magic weapons to suppress the dozen or so robbers.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the screen.

  The eyes of the dozen or so robbers in the picture turned out to be light ice blue, and the ice blue was intertwined with pale white. At this moment, they were bound by magic weapons and were escorted to the mountain gate.

  These robbers were escorted to the side hall of the Ma family.

  Here gather the Taoist exorcists of the Ma family, as well as exorcists of various schools and Taoists who have achieved Taoism.

  The canonization of the Ma family as the number one exorcist in the world is naturally not only a canonization of reputation, but a huge power.

  All exorcists and Taoists must obey the orders of the Ma family. The Majiashan Gate is the holy place of the exorcists and Taoists. Countless exorcists and Taoists are stationed in the Majiashan gate.

  These are some residual records found by Ma Xiaoling.

  These records can prove the prosperity of the Ma family at the beginning.

  She continued to look at the screen.

  in the screen.

  The dozen or so robbers were escorted to the temple.

  "This time, I'm afraid that the most yin and evil things will come out again. Although the demons in the world don't dare to cause harm, but the emperors among the demons will not die, so I can't rest assured for a day."

  "The chaos of demon corpses has been around since ancient times. If it wasn't for this most sinister and evil thing, how dare the demon be presumptuous!"

  "If I wait to find that most sinister thing, I will definitely kill him."

  In the picture, countless voices sounded in the side hall.

  From this voice, it is not difficult to see that the world's exorcists and Taoists fear and dislike the zombie king.

  According to previous records, the most terrifying beast in the world, since

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Of course, it is the emperor zombie king of the monster corpse! This is a record from ancient times to the present! It is also the largest demon in the world that all Taoists, exorcists, and generations want to kill and suppress! The source of the turmoil is that if these robbers can From the robbers, find the position of the generals and ministers, then, as long as the generals and officials are suppressed and killed, this is the most sinister and evil thing from ancient times to the present, then the demons in the world will be completely unable to turn over!" He has rarely been seen so far, and it is recorded that every time he shows up, millions of people of my kind have been sucked out of their souls."

  "I'm afraid this time is a precursor to his birth. We must kill him."

  "The Taoist, the exorcists have been killed by this monster corpse emperor in all dynasties, this time he must not be spared!"

  Countless Taoists and exorcists said in a cold voice.

  There was a chill in the screen.

  Ma Xiaoling listened to the words in the picture, from which she learned a lot of records.

  It seems that in the records that are not lost, the generals and ministers have been born many times, but according to the generals and officials that Ma Xiaoling has contacted, although the generals and ministers are the zombie king, he does not feel like a murderous person to Ma Xiaoling, especially the first. In the second calamity, it was he who took action to stop this calamity.

  Could it be that this record is wrong or that there are other possibilities that Ma Xiaoling does not know.

  But when she looked at this picture and saw the disgust of the Taoists and exorcists for demon corpses, she felt a touch of unease in her heart.

  The source of this turmoil didn't give her time to imagine.

  The picture changed in an instant! The picture is still the side hall, but at the moment this side hall is dark.

  In the darkness, a formation was arranged.

  In the formation, more than a dozen robbers were trapped in the center of the formation, surrounded by flags. The flags were filled with runes, and the runes were interwoven into a formation. The robbers in the center of the formation, A hideous face was revealed, and in that hideous face, their icy blue pupils and white pupils were constantly intertwined.

  Countless Taoists and exorcists are exorcising their hands outside.

  Om! Above the formation.

  One after another screen appeared.

  There was a dark forest there.

  These robbers who turned into monster corpses in the forest are now carrying their knives and heading towards the center of the road.

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