in the middle of the road.

  A figure, slowly moving forward step by step, he looked very weak, limping, lowered his head and kept breathing.

  He walked in the middle of the road.

  Suddenly surrounded by these robbers ———————— "Stop"

  A vicious voice sounded.

  Jiang Gu's memory went back again.

  The power of reincarnation kept pouring in, and the power in his body kept recovering.

  His eyes looked around in confusion.

  Found around, I don't know when there were countless robbers, and they surrounded him in the middle of the road.

  He vaguely remembered the robbers. He remembered that the robbers should all be dead.

  It's just why he looked around, only to find that his body was constantly shaking.

  In his mind, the bloodthirsty desire made him tremble, and his pupils gradually turned bloody.

  In the darkness, he slowly raised his head.

  ——————[Yesterday I had a cold at nine o’clock, I took medicine and wanted to sleep, I woke up and updated, who would have slept until eleven o’clock, eleven in the morning] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

Chapter 365 He is the Zombie King!The biggest monster in the world!

  That was the first time that the blood of the zombies appeared in his body. His body was extremely weak and weak to the extreme. Under that weakness, there was only one word in his mind.


  Blood! Beneath that bloodthirsty desire.

  In his daze, he felt the breath of blood.

  Under the breath of that blood, he slowly raised his head and opened his eyes.

  Blood-colored pupils emerged in the darkness.

  He was like a beast, a terrifying bloodthirsty beast, rushing towards the food.

  He didn't know how many people he had killed.

  All he knew was that the blood wasn't enough! He was bloodthirsty unconsciously.

  He heard the screams of horror, saw countless figures shaking, and saw those figures fleeing into the distance, he did not let those people follow the breath, he was like a beast, and a terrifying murderous breath erupted. The land is slaughtered.

  It's just that his body is still weak and he doesn't know where he has gone.

  Only once is conscious.

  He opened his eyes.

  under the forest.

  He saw a woman coming from outside the forest.

  She was wearing a blue shirt, blue yarn and black hair fluttering in the wind, her beautiful face reflected in the moonlight, and her beautiful eyes looked around, as if she was looking for something.

  The bloodthirsty meaning in his heart continued to surge up, intertwined with a feeling of weakness.

  at last.

  He is weak.

  Slowly fell down.

  behind him.

  There are corpses everywhere.

  It extends from [-] meters away to this place.

  ————————— Ma Xiaoling looked at the picture quietly.

  When she saw the picture that appeared above the formation in the picture, her body began to tremble, and that feeling was very worrying.

  She is sure.

  She is sure too.

  The face that appeared in the robber's memory picture was Jiang Gu.

  Ma Xiaoling saw it.

  Everyone in the formation in the screen also saw it.



  Malinger shook her head.

  Her beautiful eyes were full of astonishment, and she looked at the picture in disbelief.

  All the Taoists and exorcists who were present were stunned and unbelievable, but a coldness followed immediately.

  The screen suddenly collapsed.

  After it broke apart, it quickly intertwined again.

  The intertwined picture changes rapidly. The first picture is of a robber biting a man in Tsing Yi, and it is Tian Jiao.

  In the second picture, countless robbers turned into demon corpses, attacking humans madly.

  The third picture is the appearance of countless blood mists, and those human beings turned into demon corpses, attacking the surrounding human villages and county offices.

  Constantly breaking and constantly emerging.

  Everything, the source of this turmoil, all points to one person.

  The man in the black Qin Dynasty gown beside Ma Linger.

  The screen freezes slowly.

  It seems that an era of darkness has passed.

  in that darkness.

  A woman in a green shirt appeared in the air, Mei Mei looked forward quietly and spoke softly.

  "I believe it will never be him."

  "I always believed it was just."

  The woman in the blue shirt turned into blue smoke and dissipated.

  The interweaving of blue smoke turned into a picture.

  In that picture, one could see the Taoists and exorcists heading towards the main hall of the Ma family. At the same time, all the disciples of the Taoists and exorcists mobilized and headed towards Kyushu.

  The news came gradually on the screen.

  "This time we are going to deal with the monster corpse king in the legend of the monster emperor from time immemorial!"

  "The man in the black gown beside Ma Linger is the legendary corpse king! It must be

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Gather all Taoists and exorcists, and kill this demon scourge!"

  "The magic power of this monster is boundless! Quickly gather the Ma family!"

  Countless images of summons were issued.

  The whole horse house.

  The atmosphere changed instantly.

  A chilling breath permeated the entire Ma family.

  The screen gradually changes.

  The picture in front of Ma Xiaoling's eyes turned into the front of the main hall.

  This picture seems to be a person's point of view.

  this person.

  He gently opened the door of the hall.

  The hall was pitch black as ink, with only a faint candlelight shining on it.

  in the center of the hall.

  A man in a black gown was sitting quietly.

  His black hair was draped around his back: he sat cross-legged quietly, as if he didn't notice everything around him.

  "The source of this turmoil"

  "They say you did it"

  Malinger said softly.

  The voice was full of complexity, she seemed to have already guessed the identity of the man in the black gown in front, but she was more willing to believe it.

  The man in front of you.

  It's still the same... upright young man.

  Holding a long sword, slaying the evil Kyushu.

  Just everything in the picture.

  unrest at the border.

  Everything pointed to him.

  He seems to be the biggest demon in the world who wants to stir up chaos in Kyushu.

  "Are you a general?"

  "Jiang Jin."

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