in perspective.

  Ma Xiaoling heard a trembling voice.

  The man in the black robe slowly stood up.

  He turned his back to Malinger.

  "I said it wasn't me, do you believe it?"

  He turned his head and smiled.

  Those eyes were very clear.

  Through the endless dark hall, look directly at the people in the picture.

  Also looking straight.

  Ma Xiaoling in two thousand years.


  At this moment, Ma Linger blurted out.


  "Bold monster!"

  "Die quickly!"

  At the moment when her first word fell! An angry shout sounded! Then.

  the entire hall.

  In an instant, golden light spread all over! Ma Linger's second word was drowned in the dark night.

  in that perspective.

  She saw the man in the black gown standing in the center of the hall.

  His clear eyes still looked at her quietly.

  Seems to be waiting for her answer.

  Just waiting.

  But it's a formation! "Don't!"

  Ma Xiaoling shouted.

  Just in front of her.

  just the past.

  Just a piece of the past.

  In the center of the formation, countless golden lights spread all over.

  The mighty golden light blocked the entire hall in an instant! Countless terrifying forces suddenly collapsed! At the moment of the collapse, countless disciples of Taoism and exorcism rushed in from the four gates of the hall! Holding the magic weapon, they aimed at them in an instant. The man in the black gown in the formation.


  "Except this monster!"

  "The world is safe!"

  "This monster wants to gain our trust and cause chaos in the world! It should be killed!"


  "It's not a generation of demon slayers at all!"

  "It's the biggest demon that has caused chaos in the world!"

  One after another sound.

  echo the whole picture.

  He rejected everything that the figure in black gown did! Countless golden lights, countless Taoist methods, and countless powerful spells slammed into the black figure in the center! Remind you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 366 The torn picture!Catch the Zombie King!

  The hall is separated.

  The picture seems to be divided into two parts.


  It was the man in the black gown who was surrounded by countless people and attacked by countless Taoist techniques and magic weapons in that great hall.


  It was a woman in a blue shirt standing at the door of the hall, trying to stop her with all her might.

  in the viewing angle of the screen.

  Countless disciples dressed in Taoism and exorcism rushed forward with magic weapons.

  A cold face emerged in the darkness.

  In those countless pictures, Ma Xiaoling saw the perspective in front of her tremble. In that tremor, the perspective kept moving forward, as if she was running.

  "Stop her!"

  "Ma Linger, don't you want the entire Ma family to be wiped out!"

  A low voice resounded in her ears! Ma Linger looked around, and for a moment, she seemed to feel something was wrong.


  No matter how deep she is.

  There are quite a few experts here, and Ma Linger was instantly stunned by countless magic weapons. She struggled to move forward, but was submerged by countless people.

  There are countless magic weapons, Taoism, and countless Taoists and exorcists, drowning everything.

  the entire hall.

  It suddenly cracked! With the collapse of the main hall, the whole picture was torn apart directly.

  Ma Xiaoling stared blankly ahead with a complicated expression.



  "I've known for a long time that this person has a strange origin and must have a plot!"

  Countless noisy sounds.

  filled the entire hall.

  Jiang Gu opened his eyes blankly.

  In the power of that reincarnation, the memory in his mind seems to be a little confused. Those past are intertwined with everything he has experienced in 100 years and [-] years, and gradually interweave into pictures, some of them are unfamiliar, some are familiar. Incomparable.

  And the resuscitation power in his body is also continuously increasing, just in that enhancement.

  Those pictures from the past gradually emerged, and slowly appeared in the depths of his memory, in the depths of darkness.

  He heard countless loud noises.

  Give him a splitting headache.

  He opened his eyes blankly.

  Then he saw countless Taoist techniques, formations, and magical treasures coming towards him! Countless Taoists and exorcists, holding magical treasures, looked at him coldly.

  That admiration, reverence, seems to be gone.

  in his mind.

  I suddenly remembered.

  He stood in front of the crowd of people, and the disciples of Taoism and exorcism who attacked him once worshipped him from below.

  All memory backtracking.

  Intertwined with the scene in front of you.

  It seems to be split, and it seems so natural.


  He felt a piercing pain.

  That kind of pain originated from his body! He slowly lowered his head in the endless Taoism, magic weapon, and formation.

  Then suddenly looked up.


  A roar.

  Echoes of the ruined hall! "Monster King!!"

  "The biggest monster in the world"

  "Sure enough!"

  "Kill him and the world will live in peace"

  Countless voices echoed in the ruins.

  That day.

  Jiang Gu felt a kind of loneliness.

  That kind of... loneliness, wrapping the whole body.

  He finally understood.

  His identity is the Zombie King.

  It is an immortal and immortal existence abandoned by the three realms and six realms.

  that moment.

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