He finally knew where the trouble in the village came from.

  He looked at the Taoist, the exorcist who rushed towards him in front of him, showing a sarcastic smile.

  A group of chess pieces that have been exploited.

  memory recall.

  Jiang Gu's eyes turned from bewilderment to anger.

  He can never forget.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  That kind of... inexplicable loneliness.

  That was the first time he was more animal than human.

  He didn't know how he got out of the hall.

  He only knew that he was surrounded by countless numbers.

  left here.

  He killed countless people.

  There was a lot of blood on his hands.

  There is a lot of blood in his body.

  He killed all the way down the mountain.

  There are corpses everywhere, and the Majiashan Gate has turned into purgatory! Everywhere he goes, there are corpses and blood.

  that day.

  The sky was dark, and countless creatures were annihilated.

  He went down the mountain step by step.

  Get out of here step by step.

  He didn't know how long the war lasted.

  It's just that those Taoist methods, formation methods, and magic weapons are becoming more and more terrifying.

  In that darkness, countless masters looked at him coldly and attacked.

  Back to memory.

  Jiang Gu's blank eyes gradually turned into gentleness.

  He seemed to come back from that memory.

  He only knew how desperate he was at that time. He never thought that those Taoists who had had some friendship with him, the exorcists who were masters of Taoism, would not hesitate to shoot at him at this moment. Even the masters of the Ma family, Along with those exorcists and Taoists, they also took action.

  He still remembered it clearly.

  that day.

  That day was the moment of total despair for Taoism and exorcism.

  The justice he thinks is not the justice that Taoism and exorcists think.

  Inhuman is evil.

  He was the Zombie King back then.

  But there was no recovery of any force.

  in that utter darkness.

  He revived the dark form of the first stage, and Fang fled there with serious injuries.

  His deepest obsession.

  Still haven't got an answer.

  He didn't wait for the woman in the blue shirt to answer him.

  He fled there.

  Escape from there forever.

  He felt that he was seriously injured and seemed to be on the verge of death.

  ————————“He escaped from the Majia Mountain Gate.”

  "Escaped from countless Taoists, chased and killed by exorcists who have attained Tao."


  "Taoist, the exorcist has launched an arrest on Kyushu, and it is about to be annihilated by him."

  "At that moment, I seemed to understand"

  "The Taoists, the exorcists, have never flourished."

  A paragraph of text emerges.

  The screen gradually disappeared.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the words in front of her, and could feel the pain in Ma Linger's heart.

  "I finally understood at that moment"

  "Good and evil in the world, never look at kind, only look at nature."

  "Even if he is a demon, a demon corpse, and the most sinister and evil thing abandoned by the Three Realms and Six Paths, but he has the world in his heart and suppresses the evil demon."

  "I think I finally know the answer."

  "I have been in deep pain, I have guessed, and I have been afraid. What I am afraid of is his identity. If he wants to be the Demon Corpse King, I will follow the ancestral teachings of Taoism, exorcism, and even the Ma family. , suppress him"

  "What makes me miserable is that I can't do it, because I know that although he is the corpse king, he is worthy of my Ma Linger's love."

  this paragraph of text,

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to feel that those obsessions in her heart were slowly dissipating.

  From ancient times to the present.

  Slaying demons.

  It is what Taoism, exorcists, and even the whole world thinks is right.

  Demons are evil in the world.

  Even if the inheritance is lost.

  But this record still exists in the world.


  No one has ever doubted the authenticity of this record.

  —————————【Everyone 52 happy days will resume chapters [-] and [-]::: One day, I have to finish writing this large plot before May!] To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu novel

Chapter 367 He was standing in the middle of the mountain.

  No one knows that demons are also good and evil.

  Nobody knows.

  This monster corpse king.

  He was also a knight with a sword and a demon.


  They all know.

  But what about the identity of the zombie king, which is enough to make Jiang Gu, beyond redemption.

  "The Taoists in the world, the exorcists, have launched a search for him"

  "I was imprisoned in the Ma family, and the Ma family was targeted by major exorcists and Taoists."

  "The once prosperous Ma family seems to have weakened to the extreme overnight."

  "If it weren't for the seal of Qin Shihuang, perhaps the Ma family would have been lost forever."


  A light laughter.

  Echoes into the darkness.

  But that... laughter, makes people feel a kind of pain.

  "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous"

  "But it doesn't matter anymore"

  "Kyushu, turmoil has occurred again."

  "The source of the turmoil is the source, I don't know his news anymore, I was imprisoned here, it's dark here, but Dan Xue brought me some news, in the search, the border edge, the red fog like a sea In general, come in a crowd."

  "The people of the entire border have turned into demon corpses."

  "And he seems to be in that monster corpse."

  ——————————— Jiang Gu’s memory picture continues to look back.

  The power of reincarnation surges.

  He vaguely remembered.

  After he escaped, there were still countless exorcists who had attained the Tao, and the Taoists were chasing him. Under the serious injury, he was on the verge of death, fell into a coma, and even lost consciousness for a time.

  after losing consciousness.

  He alternated in the dark state of that first form.

  The Dark Resurrection seemed to gradually absorb its strength in that alternation.

  He can feel it.

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