When he was in a coma, he absorbed countless blood power.

  He could also feel that the power of the blood came from behind him, in every village, every county, there, there were countless corpses, coldly falling to the ground, mixed with the corpses of those Taoist and exorcist disciples.

  Dark Resurrection.

  Gradually recovered to the second state.

  He didn't know where he was, and he didn't know how long he had escaped. Although the Taoist methods, formations, and magic weapons of those who had attained the Tao could not harm him, he was just a person, and only a few hundred Taoists were needed. , the enlightened person of the exorcist family, even if he is in the first state of dark recovery, it is difficult to deal with.

  Not to mention.

  There are tens of thousands of people who have attained the Tao, and there are even old monsters hidden in the world.

  All the way to escape, his body was seriously injured, and every time he went through a big battle, he would fall into a coma.

  to the end.

  He was in a coma for more and more time.

  When he once completely fell into a coma on duty weeks.

  When he opened his eyes again.

  felt it.

  Countless breaths surrounded him.

  That is.

  A breath like the ocean.

  He felt the endless sea of ​​people.

  Gradually surrounded him.

  He looked left and right:.

  This is a big mountain.

  It's just that this big mountain is silent at the moment, so silent that there is no sound, only those breaths are surging gently.


  The entire sky turned into darkness in an instant.

  in all directions.

  An endless sea of ​​people.

  surrounded him.

  Like the top of a giant mountain.

  He slowly stood up from the ground, dragged the severely injured body, and gently clenched the long sword in his hand.

  Long sword.

  Never sheathed.

  And he

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  And never let go...the hilt.

  Looking at the endless sea of ​​people, in that depression, he inserted the long sword in his hand into the ground.

  "bring it on"

  he said softly.

  ——————“I struggled to get out of captivity”

  "I left the Majiashan Gate."

  "All the disciples, Taoist priests, and exorcists of the Taoist family and the exorcist family have gathered to exterminate the blood fog and the source of the turmoil."

  "I followed all the way and saw corpses everywhere."

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  The text gradually fades away.

  The picture came to a ruin.

  In the ruins, many thatched cottages and farms can still be seen, but now there are corpses everywhere, these corpses have no blood, and all the blood on their bodies has flowed away.

  See this horrific picture.

  Even Ma Xiaoling.

  They all felt terrified.

  "I know it's not you"

  "You wouldn't do that."

  Malinger said softly.

  She knows.

  Even Jiang Jin.

  The people he wants to kill are those Taoist and exorcists who pursued him.

  Ordinary people, he will definitely not take action.

  She believed she was going all the way.

  The scene that I saw can only be described as tragic. From the Majiashan Gate to the border, there are almost corpses everywhere, and among the corpses, countless Taoist and exorcist disciples gathered towards the border.

  The mighty crowd.


  Gathered together, they formed a mighty battle.

  There are corpses everywhere, and this mighty battle.

  It seems to form a clear picture, in which the arrival of the dark age is constructed.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at this picture and finally understood how terrifying the turmoil before the dark age that Uncle Qiu said was.

  And this is turbulent.

  It was actually related to him and Malinger.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the screen quietly.

  The picture appeared and disillusioned, and in that picture, she saw Ma Linger gradually approaching the gathering place.

  I saw countless Taoist priests, exorcists take action, and characters from all sects and sects made strong shots, killing the demon corpse in the blood-colored fog, step by step, pressing the demon corpse in the border towards the border. Under the shot, they are losing step by step, and there is no chance of winning.

  The screen gradually collapsed.

  In the cracked picture, a light voice sounded.

  "I heard that someone sensed his breath in the center of the blood-colored fog."

  "The corpse of the blood-colored fog gradually retreats"

  "Countless Taoists and exorcists began to encircle and suppress demon corpses"

  "I heard"

  "They surrounded the corpse king."

  "I heard again"

  "They arranged countless formations and used the ancient forbidden spell to destroy the monster corpse king"


  The soft voice seemed to have no emotion.

  Just that sadness.

  It's like a shadow that never goes away.

  "The last picture I saw."

  "It is that sword, standing with him in the middle of the mountain, standing forever."

  She spoke softly.

  The text in front of me gradually disappeared.

  The picture gradually formed.

  The sky was dark, the endless darkness enveloped the earth, and in the center of the mountain near the center of the mountain, there were corpses everywhere.

  It's a man in a black shirt.

  He stood there quietly, with his hands on the hilt of the sword, his long hair scattered in his eyes.

  tightly closed.

Chapter 368 He seems to be asleep, Ma Linger's decision

  "even you"

  "don't believe me either"

  Heaven and earth are silent.

  The closed eyes whispered to themselves at the last moment.

  runs through everything.

  transfer to the screen.

  It spread to Malinger's side.

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