It spread to Ma Xiaoling's ears two thousand years later.

  The moment Ma Xiaoling saw the picture.

  As if her heart had stopped, she could clearly feel the anger, despair, helplessness, and unwillingness in the words, and countless emotions were intertwined.

  At the gate of Majiashan, he asked an answer.

  this answer.

  There was no answer.

  And now.

  These Taoist priests and exorcists who killed him had people from the Ma family.

  Even as calm as him.

  It was inevitable that he lost his mind at that moment.

  He and Ma Linger walked together for four years, slaying demons and slaying demons, and experienced life and death. In that life and death, both of them could die for each other.


  But did not expect this result.

  Ma Xiaoling can feel it.

  Jiang Gu felt unwilling in his heart.

  She couldn't feel any Jiang Gu's breath.

  Couldn't feel any corpse either.

  Throughout the land of Shenzhou, the corpse gas gradually dissipated.

  Only the body remains.

  Standing in the vastness of heaven and earth.

  a sword.

  Insert it on the ground.

  this moment.

  It was as if time had fallen silent.

  She felt the violent tearing of the picture in front of her. At this moment, the perspective of the picture showed a huge crack. In the end, the sky turned around, and the picture gradually settled on the last scene before the darkness, the man with the sword standing in the vast world.

  "It's him"

  Ma Xiaoling felt her heart stop beating.

  this moment.

  The picture in her heart and the picture in front of her gradually matched.

  She still remembers.

  In the white fog in front of the Naihe Bridge, when she was about to step into the world she wanted, the picture that ripped everything apart, in that picture, the man stood with a sword in the darkness of the vast world, facing the whole world. The world, as if heaven and earth are all his enemies, and he, there is only one person left.

  That kind of... loneliness.

  That kind of...shock.

  And the people in the picture gradually meet Jiang Gu in Ma Xiaoling's heart.

  that day.

  She is in front with Jiang Gu.

  She had guessed many times about the torn picture, one of which was whether it was Jiang Gu's memory picture.

  And that person in the memory picture.

  She is very familiar.


  The records are familiar.

  In that record, she had seen the person who faced the demons in the world in the Shenlong record.


  "Fellow Daoists and I will work together to suppress this demon!"

  The vast power swept down! The mighty righteousness permeated the world! The terrifying power imprisoned Jiang Gu's body.

  under his eyes.

  The power from reincarnation ran through his body in an instant! He gradually felt exhausted under the siege of countless Taoists, disciples of exorcists, Taoists, and exorcists.

  The power of reincarnation is a legendary forbidden technique! Reincarnation is mysterious and unpredictable.


  He roars in the sky! With countless unwillingness and anger! He kills demons and slays demons, he is not a Taoist, but he is for the world! These people want to kill him! His heart is cold and desperate.


  At the time of the Majia Mountain Gate.

  That... the chivalrous warrior who slayed demons with a sword is dead.

  His eyes were red, and his body was penetrated by the power of reincarnation! Endless pain swept over him! "Not enough!"

  "Town again!"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Another upright and majestic cry! "Town!"

  Countless voices echoed! His scarlet eyes looked to both sides.

  Hundreds of Taoist priests and exorcists have made seals on their hands and surrounded him! Countless Taoist priests and exorcists have blocked his whole body, trapping him with formations and magic weapons! These people's faces Cold as ice! For him, there is only one expression left! His scarlet eyes.

  Sweep the whole world.

  All over the world, there were exorcists and Taoist priests, the mighty, endless sea of ​​people, like a giant mountain surrounding him.


  There is no way to go.

  The power of reincarnation slammed into his body crazily! His eyes were stubbornly looking around.

  Looking for a figure.

  In four years, maybe at the beginning, in order to slay demons and eliminate demons, the more he went back and the more he experienced, he seemed to have only one goal left, and he and Ma Linger guarded each other.

  He saw the people of the Ma family.

  But he didn't see Malinger.

  The endless and terrifying power of reincarnation is overwhelmingly suppressed! The majestic and vast power of reincarnation suddenly runs through his body! At this moment! The power of his body suddenly dissipates! .

  At the moment of turning into darkness.

  He looked ahead, where he fell.

  He finally saw it.

  in the crowd.

  The woman in the blue shirt stood there.

  He could no longer see her face and expression.

  that moment.

  such a picture.

  In his heart, there was only one thought left.

  It turned out that even she didn't believe in herself.

  The last thought of his fall.


  He fell into the endless abyss.

  He didn't know where he went.

  He only knew the nothingness in front of him, which seemed to be the best interpretation of hell.

  In that darkness, he gradually closed his eyes and let himself sink.

  The screen gradually rewinds.

  In the endless darkness, Jiang Gu's scarlet eyes felt the power of reincarnation in his body, and it became more and more cold.

  The power in the body is slowly recovering.

  The whole cycle.

  But trembling slightly.

  ————————“I watched him fall”

  "My heart seemed to be dead at that moment."

  "My eyes are turned into darkness."

  The picture in front of Ma Xiaoling's eyes dissipated, and the text reappeared.

  In that text, a woman in a green shirt seemed to be looking up at the sky.

  "I went to see him."

  "He stood there and never moved."

  "No one can get close to there, even if they use the supreme Dao method, they can't get close to him within ten steps."

  "It was like he was asleep. I stood there quietly watching him, just like in the days of wandering and slaying demons, he lay quietly under the tree and fell asleep quietly."

  The words are gentle, but with great sadness, it seems that at this moment, the sadness in her heart can no longer be concealed.

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