"I don't know how long I've been standing there."

  "at last"

  "It's blocked here."

  "Everyone is gone."

  "I am here quietly with him."

  "I heard that when the blood-colored fog dissipated, the demon corpses disappeared, and peace was restored between heaven and earth."

  "The whole world is celebrating, and the biggest demon under the world has been wiped out."

  After the words slowly dissipated.

  The style suddenly changed.

  "I got out of here."

  "I think I'm going to the place I've been through with him."

  "I'm heading south"

  "I came to Hunrenping Mountain"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 369 Ma Linger's Reincarnation Road!

  "I've traveled all the places I've traveled with him."

  "Those times gradually made me feel that he still exists."


  "I met someone."

  "he told me"

  "He still has the last hope, and this hope is to go to the sea of ​​reincarnation, the deepest part of the underworld, where there is a door."

  "Open that door"

  "You can find hope"

  The text, the last paragraph, gradually dissipated.

  Ma Xiaoling sees here.

  Numerous complicated thoughts came to my mind.

  The drop of tears on Hunrenping Mountain, the record in the body of the blood dragon on Wangwu Mountain, and.

  record in front of you.

  She came here.

  It is because of a man's words, just because that sentence gives him hope.

  "If I were you"

  "I will do the same."

  Ma Xiaoling said softly.

  "Maybe, I am really your afterlife, and you are really my past life."

  "Our two lifetimes seem to have an inseparable connection with him."

  "do not know why"

  "Actually, I really want to hug you."

  Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself in the dark.

  It seems to say to herself.

  It seemed to say to the woman in the blue shirt in the dark.

  "You didn't fail."

  Ma Xiaoling said softly.

  in that screen.

  Malinger seems to have failed.

  Even Heaven can't save him.


  Jiang Gu is still alive today.

  And that dark turmoil, that... since the ancient times, the biggest catastrophe, the biggest dark age, was caused by the second zombie king, Jiang Gu, who was recorded to have died.

  that age.

  It directly cut off the inheritance of Taoism and exorcism.

  It also cut off the power of human beings.

  Cut off the law between heaven and earth.

  After that, heaven and earth entered the era of the end of the law.

  until today.

  The inheritance is almost destroyed, and now the heads of the Taoist schools and the exorcists are not as good as even a low-level disciple who used to be two thousand years ago.

  This seems to be for Taoists and exorcists.

  the greatest retribution.


  At that time, what happened, why did Jiang Gu come back to life, and how did the dark turmoil set off? Ma Xiaoling eagerly wanted to know, in the end, in what way did Ma Linger resurrect Jiang Gu.

  The darkness in front of him gradually dissipated.

  Ma Xiaoling looked around.

  There is still no Jianggu atmosphere around.

  In other words, there is no breath at all.

  She is like a person in eternal darkness.



  Ma Xiaoling called softly.

  She is a little complicated inside.

  She was looking forward to seeing Jiang Gu, but she was also a little scared. What she was afraid of was that she didn't know how to get along with Jiang Gu.


  she called again.

  There is no sound in the dark.

  Ma Xiaoling was quietly in this darkness, her eyes looked straight ahead, and there seemed to be countless pictures in front of her.

  The first time I met Jiang Gu in Yingguo Town, he held an umbrella and walked step by step in the white mist filled with the light rain, and all living beings trembled.

  That was her real first meeting with Jiang Gu.

  The second meeting was Jiajia Building.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The third and fourth time.

  She always felt that something was wrong.

  But unfortunately I can't tell.


  She trembled all over.

  "Why, his aura is not similar to the second zombie king?"

  She seemed to get a point.

  This is also the most important point why she didn't suspect that Jiang Gu was the second zombie king.

  Because the auras of the two are completely different! Before she saw this record, even if she had seen the picture and had doubts, she still couldn't believe it.

  The auras of the two are completely different, especially, the characters of the two do not seem to be the same person at all.

  Every time the second zombie king appears, life is ruined.

  Jiang Gu is completely different.

  His presence makes people feel at ease.

  Even if he is the zombie king, there is no one, not even Ma Xiaoling.

  But the second zombie king that appeared in the second catastrophe cannot be reminiscent of Jiang Gu at all.


  There are countless questions in Ma Xiaoling's mind.

  Can be biased.

  No one could answer her.

  She could only guess for herself.

  And she guessed the answer.

  It made her look even more solemn.

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