
  She remembered what Jiang Gu had said to her.

  He had said.

  The second zombie king and him are enemies.


  "They are a person, but not a person"

  Ma Xiaoling was shocked by her answer.

  what's involved here.

  Made her shudder.

  Maybe this answer.

  Only Jiang Gu can answer her.


  Now here, only darkness remains.

  Jiang Gu disappeared.


  Ma Xiaoling continued to call.

  It's just that it's still silent here! Om! All of a sudden.

  The darkness in front of him gradually faded away.

  In the receding darkness, a vast ocean of Wang Hai appeared in front of Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  She felt extreme pressure.

  This sense of oppression instantly made her body burst into a mass of strength, which suddenly rushed upwards! I don't know how long she wandered.

  Her body shook suddenly.

  The power of reincarnation.

  Disperse directly.

  "Little Ling"

  Surprised voices emerged.

  When Ma Xiaoling opened her eyes, she realized that she had returned to the sea of ​​samsara unknowingly.

  The power of reincarnation in her body continued to devour her, forcing her to leave this sea of ​​reincarnation.

  From the sea of ​​reincarnation back to the shore.

  She looked around blankly.

  An unreal feeling constantly lingered around her, making her feel that everything around her seemed unreal.

  "I clearly entered behind that door."

  "Why did you suddenly come back here?"

  Ma Xiaoling's expression was full of confusion.

  Even if she came out of that door.

  That should also be in the deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation, but if she is there, I am afraid she will be swallowed by the reincarnation force in an instant, or even torn to pieces by the original force. With her power, it is not enough to resist, but why did she appear directly in the reincarnation. The sea edge of the sea "Xiao Ling, what happened"

  "Where's Jiang Gu?"

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling and hurriedly asked.

  "What Happened Two Thousand Years Ago"

Chapter 370 Two thousand years ago!Fate has taken action!

  two thousand years ago.

  What happened, Ma Xiaoling didn't know how to start for a while.

  The forbidden land in the deepest part of the underworld, the forbidden land of the Three Realms and Six Paths, what happened in it has a huge relationship with the dark turmoil. More importantly, the second zombie king is Jiang Gu! That woman , I got something back from the pool of reincarnation.

  But what is it, the record does not mention it.

  Everything Ma Xiaoling knew was what happened two thousand years ago, before the advent of the dark age, and how Ma Linger saved him was not mentioned.

  As for fate, she doesn't even know.

  Part [-]: Partial records, she has been sucked into her soul by that record, and at a certain moment, she seemed to feel that she seemed to have become a Ma Linger, feeling that monstrous sadness, that kind of... sadness, pervades all over the body.

  Even her.

  After seeing that record, I still couldn't hate the second zombie king.


  when she knew.

  The second zombie king was Jiang Gu's time.

  "The second zombie king is Jiang Gu."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Uncle Qiu.


  Uncle Qiu's eyes widened, and he stepped back a few steps.

  It was as if he had heard the news of the shattering of the earth.

  His eyes widened, but he couldn't react.

  Ma Xiaoling stood on the spot and did not speak.

  After a while.

  Uncle took a deep breath.

  He stood there, his hands trembling slightly.

  "He is the second zombie king"

  "Second Zombie King"

  "Then, all this may make sense."

  The shock and surprise in Uncle Qiu's eyes could not be dissipated.

  "It turns out that the things we couldn't figure out in the third robbery were so simple."

  He gave a wry smile.

  "Third Calamity"

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were puzzled.

  "Did you forget it"

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling and was a little surprised.

  Ma Xiaoling really forgot.


  She was occupied by more important things, and up to now, her mind was still in chaos.

  Ask your uncle to remind me.

  She then thought of the various obstacles of the third robbery.

  Why did Jiang Gu's breath dissipate, she returned to eight hundred years ago, and the second zombie king who woke up a hundred years ago walked into the seal of Pangu, but suddenly appeared and confronted the general.

  This is the biggest doubt.

  No one knows what's going on in here.

  "It seems now"

  "Xiao Ling, you awakened Jiang Gu eight hundred years ago. He must have absorbed some power, and the power in it will affect the performance of his spells two thousand years later."

  "Thereby awakening the power and defeating the generals."

  "This is the news we are struggling to figure out, really"

  Uncle Qiu shook his head helplessly.

  "Just, how could he be the second zombie king?"

  Begging uncle to be puzzled.

  It seems completely incomprehensible.

  How can two completely different people be the same person?

  "They have different breaths"

  Uncle Qiu shook his head, thinking hard.

  "I don't know either, but, Part [-]:: Partially documented"

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were complicated.

  She didn't believe it either.

  If not part [-]:: Partial record.

  "The fifth part::

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  What did the records record?"

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