After flipping through it again, there seems to be nothing left.


  Uncle Qiu found that there seems to be a slight gap in the last page. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


Don't be fooled by other fakes

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  His finger pointed out a golden light.

  Suddenly swept across to the last page.

  Om! Golden light breaks through countless cracks.

  On the last page, another page appeared.

  When Uncle Qiu saw this, there was an indescribable solemnity in his eyes.

  What is it that makes the Tibetan king hide again and again imaginable.

  What a secret thing this is.

  The record of King Ksitigarbha is already very good, but this last page is still hidden here, what is the shocking secret? He slowly turned to the last page.


  His eyes widened instantly.

  He studied the page carefully.

  I don't know how long it took.

  The record of King Jizo in his hand actually ignited a flame.

  in that flame.

  The records of Ksitigarbha were gradually destroyed.

  Uncle begged but remained unmoved.

  Surprised for a while.

  He slowly recovered his senses.

  "There is a big hand in the ancient times"

  "The Great Hand Against Destiny"

  "One Line of Life"

  He was amazed.


  he feels

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  When he reached the deepest part of the underworld, there was a slight fluctuation in the sea of ​​reincarnation! The fluctuation seemed to be calling him.

  in that calling.

  He walked towards the deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

  before leaving.

  He handed the Kizang King agent to Meteor.

  And he has entered the deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

  ————————The realm of the sun.


  Mao You stood beside Ma Xiaoling.

  She has been there for a long time.

  The only major event recently is the Lady of Yaochi and the Human King.

  Once the relationship between the two fails, then everything will be in vain, the grudges that the two have accumulated for millions of years will explode, and once it erupts, the whole world will fall apart.

  Now Jiang Gu is nowhere to be found.

  Please don't have any news.

  The only thing that reassured Mao You was that the progress of the Lady of Yaochi and the Human King was still a victory.

  Om! She is looking at books with all kinds of boredom.


  A wave of fluctuations emerged! At the moment of emergence.

  Her eyes suddenly turned to Ma Xiaoling on the bed.

  Ma Xiaoling on the bed opened her eyes slowly.

  "Xiaoling! You are awake"

  Mao You said happily.

  Just the voice just fell.

  She felt something was wrong.

  The awakened Ma Xiaoling's eyes turned out to be purple pupils, the deepest part of the purple pupils was a faint ice blue, like ice mist surging in the purple pupils.

  Her eyes were still calm.

  But this kind of indifference is not the kind of indifference it used to be.

  But a real indifference.

  This indifference emerges.

  For a moment, Mao You felt uneasy.

  "Xiaoling, you"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Mao You.

  Only one sentence was asked.

  "Jiang Gu, are you back?"

  This sentence seems very important.

  Mao You subconsciously shook his head.


  Ma Xiaoling stood up directly.

  She looked indifferent.

  Look at your surroundings.

  A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. This smile bloomed like the most beautiful flower. From this smile, Mao You saw the ease in Ma Xiaoling's eyes that had never been seen before. .

  She took one step and was about to leave here.

  "Xiao Ling, where are you going?"

  Mao You quickly blocked Ma Xiaoling.

  "Find someone."


  Mao You already had the answer in his heart.

  "Jiang Gu."

  Ma Xiaoling pushed her hand away directly.

  The moment Mao You wanted to block it again.

  An icy chill suddenly swept over her.

  Ma Xiaoling's purple eyes looked at her, and the ice-blue mist in the pupils kept surging, it seemed that in the next second, it would burst out in an instant! "Don't block me."

  She said lightly.

  But Mao You bit his mouth, but did not let go.

  Om! Ma Xiaoling's fingertips poured out a ball of energy, and it slammed into Mao You in an instant! Mao You couldn't dodge in time! Om! It was at this moment.

  Five cracks gushed out from around Ma Xiaoling! "Town!"

  Five monks wearing white monk robes and pillar caps walked out of the cracks! The hands formed a seal, and a terrifying and mighty force swept from the heavens and the earth! In an instant, Ma Xiaoling was blocked! After these five people 5 emerged.

  A man in a black suit appeared, wearing sunglasses, followed by Death.


  Mao You saw the man.

  "It's not too late."

  "The current situation may have reached the most dangerous time."

  "This crisis"

  "It will be a catastrophe even more terrifying than the third catastrophe."

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