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Chapter 376 A corner of the future! 【3/5】

  "What do you mean by a catastrophe more terrifying than the third catastrophe?"

  Mao You's expression tightened.

  Although I don't know what just happened, but looking at this situation, it seems that the zombie Xiaoling that Uncle Qiu said appeared.


  is a crisis.

  "It's Miss Ma's zombie bloodline."

  "The former Ksitigarbha agent told me before he left that the blood of the Ma family cannot be contaminated with the blood of the zombies. Once it is contaminated with the blood of the zombies, it will be completely crazy! It may even endanger the whole people!"

  "So we must suppress Miss Ma and find a way to wake up the real Miss Ma."

  Meteor explained to Mao You, and his eyes were also worried.

  "You mean, beg uncle is gone"

  Mao You was stunned.

  "Yes, before the former Ksitigarbha agent left, he handed me the position of Ksitigarbha agent and gave me some instructions."

  "Including this matter, the Ksitigarbha agent said that once handled carelessly, it will cause a catastrophe even more terrifying than the third catastrophe."

  Meteor said solemnly.

  "Once Miss Ma breaks through the seal, then"

  "This world will welcome another general."

  Meteor's words are simple but clear.

  "Impossible, Xiaoling she"

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling who was sealed.

  "Once the blood of the zombies and the blood of the Ma family are confused, as a friend of Miss Ma, you should know the responsibilities of the Ma family, when these responsibilities no longer exist."

  "No one can suppress the grievances of the Ma family for thousands of years."

  "The Ma family has kept upright and eliminated evil from generation to generation. Each generation has accumulated a certain amount of resentment. Each of them is bound by an inexplicable inheritance. This is the resentment of the Ma family, which has been handed down from ancient times to the present."

  "When these grievances accumulate to Miss Ma's generation, and the blood of zombies erupts, the grievances of these Ma families will no longer be able to be suppressed, then"

  Meteor said slowly.

  He didn't finish speaking, but Mao You already knew the seriousness of the matter.

  The zombie Xiaoling just now was completely unscrupulous, even she was afraid.

  Once she breaks the seal.

  Who knows what she will do "We have to wake her up before her blood is done."

  "Now her power has not been fully formed, and it has only recovered by [-]%% at most, so the five holy monks can still suppress it, once it fully recovers"

  Meteor's eyes were solemn, and he said heavily: "No one can stop it."

  "And as her power recovers, the resentment accumulated on her body will become more and more serious, and we will not be able to determine what she will become by then."

  A word.

  Let Mao You's heart tighten.

  She looked at the meteor and quickly asked, "How long do we have?"

  Meteor looked at the five holy monks.


  "If there are no accidents, it will be fifteen days."

  "If there is an accident, it will be shortened to ten days."

  "At all times, the heavens and the earth are chaotic, the world's righteous way and the devil's way are not divided, the demons will no longer be suppressed, and the world will be in chaos."

  An ethereal voice came out.

  "Life will be wiped out, and the earth will be a mess."


  Hearing this, Mao You took a deep breath.

  "Then what are we going to do"

  Mao You looked at the meteor.

  Since the meteor has come.

  Then there must be a way for Meteor.

  Meteor smiled bitterly and said only one thing.



  Mao You widened his beautiful eyes, "You said it for a long time, which means that there is no way to be right, where is Uncle Qiu?"

  Mao You felt that the meteor in front of him seemed unreliable.

  After talking for a long time, there was only one word.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Waiting for "Ksitigarbha Agent"

  Meteor pondered for a while, and said slowly: "He went to the Sea of ​​Reincarnation to find something."

  "He said that as long as there are variables, the crisis will be resolved naturally."

  "Right now, this is the only way we can do it."

  "Unless someone can enter the world of consciousness of Miss Ma and awaken the consciousness of Miss Ma, but with Miss Ma's current cultivation level and the power of the zombie blood in Miss Ma's body, even if they enter the world of consciousness, there is no way to awaken Miss Ma."

  Meteor said helplessly.

  The best solution is a dead end.

  Entering the world of consciousness, but unable to awaken Ma Xiaoling.

  Before the former Jizo agent left, there was only one command left.

  That is to call the five holy monks to seal Ma Xiaoling and wait for the emergence of variables.

  The former Ksitigarbha agent, with powerful mana, even if he only has the word Meteor, naturally there is nothing he can do.


  "can not wait!"


  The door was pushed open.

  A voice sounded.

  Mao You turned his head and found Kuang Tianya.

  "The End of the World"

  Behind Kuang Tianya are the team members and arrows.

  Kuang Tianya's breath was very weak.

  But it looks like it's back to normal.

  She looked at Ma Xiaoling lying on the bed and said directly, "We can't wait."

  "If you wait"

  "Uncle Jiang Gu will be killed by Aunt Ma!"

  "The world will also be crippled and gradually die."

  "The whole world, even the whole universe"

  "There are no more living beings!"

  She said with all her might.

  A pair of eyes, looking at Ma Xiaoling complicatedly.

  Mao You only felt his heart tremble.

  The staff behind said directly: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

  But Mao You knew.

  This situation is from the future.

  She looked at Kuang Tianya solemnly and asked, "Is what you said true?"

  "I know you are from the future, why on earth are you here"

  She looked very solemn.

  If what Kuang Tianya said is true, then the world may really encounter a crisis! It will even be more serious than the third calamity.

  And according to what Kuang Tianya said, it seems that the "I" of the universe is also involved.

  "I don't know why I came."


  "Uncle Jiang Gu asked me to come."

  Kuang Tianya shook his head.

  "I don't know why I came"

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