She looked a little pained.

  "Then what you said will happen in the future"

  Mao You asked directly.

  This is what everyone is worried about.

  If it really happened in the future, then it means.

  Everyone present will probably die.


  Kuang Tianya nodded.

  "Whether I tell you or not, these things in the future will definitely happen."

  "Uncle Jiang Gu said that when I came here, I have become a part of history, and Pangu Guangyu has no power to allow me to return to 202."

  "So, even if I show up, it may not change anything, but I'm not reconciled."

  "If we wait, the variable is death"

  Kuang Tianya looked at the crowd.

  the whole room.

  There was silence for a moment.

  Terribly quiet.

  ———————— [This author is a little thick-skinned, cough and cough] Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 378 The source of the common people, the secret of heaven!

  "You mean we're going to die"

  Mao You looked solemn.

  "Can you tell us what happened in the future?"

  Although she doesn't know what will happen in the future, but looking at what Kuang Tianya said, it seems that everyone is dead. "By the way, you seem to have said that Xiaoling killed Jiang Gu"

  Mao You remembered what Kuang Tianya said when Ma Xiaoling was bitten.

  That's exactly what happened.

  Ma Xiaoling lost her mind, which caused her to be bitten.

  Kuang Tianya heard Mao You's words.

  She was silent for a while.

  She looked forward with beautiful eyes, her clear eyes had a few thoughts.

  "I do not know"

  "I haven't experienced that period of time. I have read the history books of that period of time. During that period of time, many, many things happened. I also forgot where to read this part of the record, but according to this part of the record , all will die."

  "And all the deaths started after Aunt Ma was bitten."

  Speaking of which.

  Kuang Tianya looked guilty.

  "I didn't expect it to be bitten by me."

  She didn't expect that it would be her bite.

  She mentioned it.

  Mao You just remembered that Kuang Tianya was weird before.

  "What the hell happened to you"

  Arrow asked.

  As Kuang Tianyou's previous life, he has a kind of affection for Kuang Tianya.

  "I do not know"

  "I went to my parents, but I only found one record, they were all gone, I wanted to come back, but suddenly lost consciousness."


  "Then I don't know anything."

  Kuang Tianya shook his head in pain.

  "I sensed my father's breath, but I followed and there was no trace of it. When I came back, it felt dark in front of me, I opened my eyes again, and I arrived here."

  When everyone heard this, they all frowned.

  Mao You said coldly: "It seems that someone is playing tricks."

  Her eyes were a little cold, but also a little dreadful.

  The person who can control the magic star is definitely not a simple character.

  But for now, she doesn't seem to be able to catch the trace of this person.

  It is even possible that someone deliberately released Kuang Tianyou's aura and made Kuang Tianya pursue him.

  "Then where have you been"

  Maoyou asked.

  "Like what you said"

  Kuang Tianya tried his best to recall that... address.


  Everyone was stunned.

  Especially Mao You.

  As a descendant of an exorcist, she knows the meaning of the word Kunlun.

  —————————In a vast land.

  Ma Xiaoling followed the ethereal blue shirt step by step, moving forward step by step.

  She didn't know how long she had gone, and she heard an ethereal voice, which she remembered in the deepest part of her conscious mind.

  "Everything in the world is in reincarnation."

  "But he can't enter reincarnation, he can't go to life, he was abandoned by these six realms, and he is not among the common people. If he dies, he is really dead."

  "I went to the sea of ​​reincarnation, because the sea of ​​reincarnation has a way to save him."

  The voice resounded in this vast world.

  The words are full of firmness, and only firmness.

  It seems at this moment.

  She has no other emotions.

  When Ma Xiaoling heard this voice, there seemed to be a guess in her mind.


  "Is it the sixth part of the record of the Ma family?"

  she thought

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  This is possible.

  The further back the Ma family records are, the harder it is to find them.

  The first part to the third part, in that reality.

  But the fourth part to the fifth part:: part, are gradually hidden.

  If it weren't for her coincidence, it would be difficult to find the fourth and fifth parts::.

  "This is the fifth part :: partial record I left behind"

  "I have already left four paragraphs of records in this world, but I just want to tell you about this fifth part of the record."

  "My afterlife."

  Her words.

  It was said to Ma Xiaoling.

  In the picture of the vast land in front of Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  The woman in the blue shirt stopped.

  She stood in the vastness and turned her head slowly.

  Those beautiful eyes like stars stared at Ma Xiaoling.

  in those eyes.

  There seems to be an unspeakable story.

  In that story, Ma Xiaoling seemed to see that the girl's clear eyes gradually turned into the depths in front of her eyes, the stars in front of her.

  Vast land.

  Blue shirt fluttering.

  The woman in the blue shirt, her hair fluttering, has an indescribable aura, just like a lifelike woman, across the endless years, traveling through the long river of time and space for two thousand years, and looking at Ma Xiaoling.

  That glance seemed to contain countless words, and she wanted to speak to Ma Xiaoling.

  It seems like an era has passed.

  The woman turned around, her blue robe fluttered in the wind, and countless blue mists swayed, and in the blue mist, she walked towards the vast land step by step.

  "I found a way to save him."

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