"He doesn't know where he came from, but I know that he is a creature of the Three Realms and Six Paths. He has emotions and a Dao heart of righteousness. Even if he is a monster corpse emperor, he is still him."

  Malinger's voice sounded.

  It rang softly beside Ma Xiaoling's ear.

  It seemed to be telling all this right next to her.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes instantly looked at the top of the mountain.

  The memory of how Ma Linger succeeded in Kunlun became a taboo, and she couldn't see it at all.

  If Ma Linger succeeded, then Ma Xiaoling's eyes were directed to the figure standing on the top of the mountain.

  The moonlight shines down.

  The black mist of the mountain peaks shrouded the entire mountain peak.

  Under the moonlight, countless faint cries sounded softly all over the mountain, as if they were crying and complaining of countless grievances, and the demonic energy was intertwined here.

  The moonlight gradually reflected on the top of the mountain.

  At the top of the mountain, the man in a black shirt, his long hair scattered on both sides rippling in the wind, and the worn black long shirt has a few traces of fluttering.

  But his eyes were still tightly closed.

  There is still no breath here.

  I don't know how long has passed.

  Gradually it got late into the night.

  The figure is slightly cold, and it is even more icy and biting here.

  Ma Linger still looked at the figure quietly.

  Her eyes gradually sank from the initial tension and anticipation, as if the hope was gradually shattered.


  Her eyes were getting wet, and water mist poured out.

  Two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

  Ma Xiaoling watched all this, and her heart gradually changed from anticipation to loss, "Did you not succeed?"

  She muttered to herself.

  Could it be Jianggu two thousand years ago?

  In fact, Ma Linger had already died, and he did not save all sentient beings in the three realms and six realms of Jianggu. Life and death are reincarnations, and for the balance of heaven and earth, if life and death were reversed, the rules of heaven and earth would be chaotic.

  Even one person will still disrupt the life and death, the rules of the heavens, the reincarnation of the three realms and the six realms. From time immemorial to now, no one has ever been able to reverse life and death, reverse Yin and Yang, so it failed? Ma Xiaoling's eyes don't know why.

  There was also a slight mist of water gushing out.

Chapter 382 Reversing life and death!The Demon King...resurrected!

  Everything seems to be confusing: if Jiang Gu [-] years ago had not reversed his life and death.

  Then two thousand years later Jianggu Ma Xiaoling poured out the mist, looking at the figure standing there with a sword on the top of the mountain for eternity, she seemed to be influenced by Ma Linger's emotions.

  From that first record to this scene.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to follow Ma Linger and traveled two thousand years ago, especially the moment she learned that Jianggu was the second zombie king, Ma Xiaoling's emotions seemed to be connected with Ma Linger at that moment. .

  What Malinger experienced.

  Ma Xiaoling seems to have experienced it along with her.

  Even though it was separated by two thousand years of time and space, the emotions in his heart did not seem to be affected in any way.

  The night wind was blowing gently.

  under the moonlight.

  A light wind blew up Malinger's hair.

  her tears.

  Gradually slide down the end of the face.



  A gust of breeze blew past, and a trace of corpse aura slowly swept along with the breeze.

  The moment when the corpse gas gushed out.

  Ma Linger and Ma Xiaoling instantly felt the presence of that corpse aura.

  The gazes of the two of them penetrated the endless night, through resentment and demonic energy, and looked at the man standing on the top of the mountain! That ray of corpse aura emerged.

  Instantly disturbed the resentment and demonic spirit here.

  In an instant, the resentment and demonic energy here surged wildly! An endless storm was rolled up, tearing everything apart! It seemed to be afraid of something! The whole mountain.

  It suddenly became fierce! The dead wood on the mountain swayed wildly! Countless dust was flying in the wasteland! And on the top of the mountain, countless stones rolled down from the top of the mountain.


  The figure in the black gown standing on the top of the mountain.

  Those eternal eyes.

  at this moment.

  Moved slightly.

  Just for a moment.

  But let Ma Xiaoling and Ma Linger hold their breath, their eyes fixed on the figure.

  Hope in the eyes.

  In an instant it turned into light.

  "It worked"

  "It worked"

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to hear Ma Linger's voice.

  She turned to look at Malinger.

  However, he found that the mist in Ma Linger's eyes could no longer stop, and it was released like a flood, dripping on the ground.

  Her bright eyes.

  Staring straight ahead.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the top of the mountain in front of her, and suddenly the whole mountain shook, countless dead trees collapsed, and stones rolled down! Almost instantly!

  The figure remained motionless in the center of the crumbling peak, but the surrounding corpse aura had become more and more intense.

  "The Demon Revives The Demon Revives!"

  "The demon is revived! The demon king is back!"

  "Go and tell the teacher!"

  In the cracking, countless panic sounds! Ma Xiaoling looked at it at a glance.

  I saw that the entire mountain peak was like a violent demon, and the resentment was condensed crazily, turning into a green mist, and the crumbling mountain was lingering! Above the demon and resentment, strands of corpse aura were like emperor Staring at the common people, the two qi condensed into a blood-colored mist, standing on the top of the mountain, under the clouds! The sky and the earth looked discolored! And the Taoist and exorcist disciples who were stationed at the foot of the mountain saw this scene. Panic! The sound of panic, the sound of cracking, the sound of the earth shaking, and the sound of countless demon roars constantly resounded through the entire screen.

  this moment.

  It's like chaos in the world! It's just that Ma Xiaoling looked at the figure in the black robe standing on the top of the mountain in the center, he still stood there quietly, never opened his eyes, and never made any movement.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He was like Henggu standing there.

  The cracked picture and the cracked world do not know why.

  Ma Xiaoling felt her heart, and it seemed that countless fearful emotions were swaying. This emotion was transmitted from those two thousand years ago. It seemed that the picture in front of her was telling her that there was a terrifying existence, and she was slowly waking up.

  "The turmoil of a year ago"

  "Dark Upheaval After a Year"

  Ma Xiaoling remembered the words in the record.

  present time.

  It just matched all the records from a year ago.

  this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to understand something.

  A year of turmoil.

  Ma Linger left several records in one year.

  A year later, the darkness and turmoil were inseparable from this record.

  Dark and turbulent, the biggest catastrophe two thousand years ago, the most terrifying catastrophe in the history of Taoism and exorcism, this catastrophe has led to two thousand years of time, the inheritance of Taoism and exorcism has been cut off, and it has even become impossible. This is called It is the most terrifying catastrophe in history, and it is also the first catastrophe mentioned in the Bible code.

  It's kind of ridiculous that this happened.

  But it's also heartbreakingly sad.

  The zombie king of Yijian Town of Kyushu Demon was killed by these so-called Taoists and exorcists, which led to the occurrence of dark turmoil.

  Then she looked at the scene in front of her.

  That picture.

  Gradually it became silent.

  "He recovered"


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