Ma Linger's words were indescribably complicated.

  The last sentence seemed to have an indescribable emotion.


  "My recovery is unprecedented"

  "The Demon King"

  Falling with her words.

  in that screen.

  in that silent picture.

  The figure in the black gown standing in the middle of the crack, an extremely suppressed breath slowly recovered.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes stared ahead in amazement.

  under her horrified gaze.

  A pair of scarlet cold eyes opened in the crack.

  Stare at this vast land! It is unprecedentedly cold.

  With endless killing intent and indifference, overlooking this world! "Kill."

  A cold voice.

  From the cracked mountain peaks, from the faint green mist where countless demonic qi and resentment condensed, a faint sound rang out.

  Plain words.

  But it echoed throughout Kyushu! This day.

  Kyushu changes color! ———————————The sea of ​​reincarnation.

  Under Jiang Gu's scarlet eyes.

  The memories of the past are like a tide back in reincarnation.

  Accompanied by the retrospective of these memories.

  The power in his body became more and more terrifying.

  The memory in front of me seemed to be transformed into a picture.

  And in that picture, is the cracked world.

  In the cracked world, a pair of scarlet eyes opened.

  Overlooking the land.

  It seems to announce that a person who should have died a year ago is about to vent his unwilling hatred! "Kill."

  He murmured softly.

  at that moment.

  The hatred in the body, unwillingness, and countless negative emotions are intertwined and poured into the body! The darkness has recovered to the extreme! This world.

  Will usher in the wrath of a demon king.

  The front end of a dark turmoil.

  In that inverted yin and yang.

  In that reversal of life and death.

  Emerging slowly in the cracked mountain! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 383 The Revival of the Demon King!living hell!


  Instantly fell into a huge chaos! That kind of... unwilling hatred, unwilling anger in the deepest part of the heart, calling for the ultimate dark recovery.

  The sky was dyed with a layer of blood-red mist, and the mist was intertwined with dark mist, which entangled there, blinding the entire sky in an instant, suppressing the terrifying aura, and circulating between the heavens and the earth.

  Between heaven and earth.

  It turned into darkness in an instant.

  The wisps of corpse aura suddenly exploded and turned into a sea of ​​​​sky! Standing on the top of the sky, above the resentment and demon energy! Above the resentment and demon energy, it is the vast and boundless corpse energy! Direct transformation The blood-colored fog filled the whole world! Jiang Gu slowly opened his eyes.

  The unwilling resentment made him exude a strong and terrifying cold killing intent! "Monster King"

  "The Demon King is awake!"

  Countless panicked shouts sounded! Coming from that far away! Jiang Gu's whole body was endlessly pitch-black, countless rocks collapsed, dead trees, flowers and grass cracked, like a hell on earth! He was in a hell on earth.

  Stare forward.


  Countless majestic voices sounded! In an instant! I saw hundreds of silhouettes rushing up from under the mountain! Endless Taoism, magic weapons formed a group, and the center of the entire mountain was blocked in an instant! Jiang Gu was blocked! "The evildoer didn't lose his soul a year ago! Today he disturbed the chaos of heaven and earth! Yin and yang reversed!

  "I knew you were weird! I've already set up a killing formation, and today is the time when your soul will be completely dissipated!"


  "Get up!"

  Countless golden lights emerged from the darkness! It turned into a spell to block Jiang Gu's body! Huge chains came from all directions of the mountain! The chains made a sound of collision in the air! The golden light flickered, full of mighty power! The huge chain is filled with golden light! It directly blocked Jiang Gu's whole body, and countless chains were intertwined together, making Jiang Gu's lock dead! And in the air, hundreds of figures surrounded the chain, and their hands were imprinted! Send out a terrifying spell! Among these hundreds of figures, there are dozens of Taoist priests and exorcists! The power of its spells caused the world to shake! "Suppression!"

  After the panic sound, at the foot of the mountain, countless Taoist and exorcist disciples rushed from that distance! There are tens of thousands of disciples guarding this place! Hai! Everyone's goal is the resurrected demon king! ———————— "Don't!"

  Ma Xiaoling and Ma Linger exclaimed at the same time! They saw the cracked earth, the collapsed rocks, and even in the darkness, the Taoists and exorcists of the Taoists and exorcists shot! The monstrous golden light has blocked everything! The power contained in it is hard to resist even Ma Linger! This is a lore! Those Taoists and exorcists did not relax their vigilance even in the face of corpses! So huge The powerful formations, these spells are enough to kill Ma Linger's impression of him.

  She reversed yin and yang, broke into the underworld, entered the sea of ​​reincarnation, the forbidden place! It is for today.

  But it was humming! Ma Xiaoling felt the majestic spiritual power! Her beautiful eyes looked aside.

  The long sword in Malinger's hand next to him raised.

  She's about to go.

  A year ago, she was banned in the Ma family, she wanted to tell Jiang Gu, she believed in him, and she was willing to fight with Jiang Gu again.


  Misunderstandings in the world are like fate

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Luckily, she missed it.

  She is in the hall.

  Didn't say that.

  She is on the mountain.

  Only a standing body was seen.

  Today she won't let fate miss out again.

  Therefore, her footsteps are directly forward.

  The moment she stepped on it, it buzzed! Suddenly.

  Malinger's footsteps stopped.

  Ma Xiaoling looked forward suspiciously, and when she looked forward, her eyes shrank instantly! In front, there were cracks in the chains that blocked Jiang Gu's body! Countless spells turned into various golden lights The talisman, blasting towards Jiang Gu! It is as mighty as the ocean! It is full of terrifying power! It's just that the cracks in the chain keep cracking open! A pair of scarlet eyes emerged from the chain, staring coldly at everything in front of him.

  Murderous intent.

  Extremely cold! Those are the eyes that Ma Linger and Ma Xiaoling have never seen from Jiang Gu! That moment.

  Jiang Gu is unfamiliar to the extreme! Om! Then.

  Under the eyes of the two of them.

  A trace of energy fluctuations emerged! The moment when the energy emerged! The hundred figures that surrounded Jiang Gu's body exploded directly! Hundreds of figures started from the figure closest to Jiang Gu, and in just a short moment, they all exploded! Make blood fog! The blood fog sprinkled on the ground, and there was a slight coolness.

  Around the mountain, tens of thousands of Taoist and exorcist disciples have rushed into Jiang Gu's body! These Taoist and exorcist disciples are holding magic weapons and come from the air! The distance from Jianggu is only a few dozen meters! Just watching Tens of thousands of disciples came to this scene.

  All stopped in an instant! Like the chill from the abyss, it enveloped everyone present! Even Ma Linger and Ma Xiaoling.

  Among these hundreds of figures, dozens of them are heavenly masters who have attained the Tao, and the rest are exorcists who are well-known in the world. Heavenly masters, whose Taoism is the top in Kyushu! But they all exploded and died in an instant. Hundreds of digits, not a single one out.

  Bang! The chains burst open! The golden light gradually dissipated.

  The center of that golden light.

  Jiang Gu was wearing a tattered black long gown, standing in the center, with a long sword in one hand, his long black hair scattered behind him, he stood there as if he had not moved for ten thousand years.


  Beneath his handsome face.

  Those scarlet icy eyes, with a strong killing intent, looked at everyone present.

  Boom! Boom! Tens of thousands of people haven't had time to respond.

  The exorcist who approached Jiang Gu first, the Taoist body also began to burst! It turned into a blood mist and dissipated directly! The speed of the explosion was crazy extended! In less than a few seconds, the thousands of people who were closest to Jiang Gu directly turned into Blood fog! Om! Suddenly.

  Ma Xiaoling felt an extreme coldness and chill.

  She felt a kind of fear! Under her eyes! Ma Linger's long sword started to crack! "Roar!"

  A dragon roar! The golden light enveloped Ma Linger, and directly escaped! Ma Xiaoling's sight also followed Ma Linger and quickly escaped! Ma Xiaoling watched this scene blankly.

  In the distance, her eyes hurriedly glanced at the tens of thousands of exorcists in the hell on earth. In the endless panic, the Taoist priests turned into blood mist before they could react.

  Cold killing intent! Permeates the entire Kyushu! It seems to announce to Kyushu the return of a person who died a year ago.

There are no eunuchs in this book, please take a leave of absence

  I'm sorry, dear readers, there was something wrong with the dog I bought recently, and it was fine the day before yesterday. Yesterday, I suddenly vomited, diarrhea, and tossed it for a day or two. I'll take it to the veterinary hospital in the city tonight. The dog is two or three months old. , I don't have any spirit now, it's really uncomfortable to watch it, and then start the stable update after it's dealt with, the latest update may not be too stable.

  Another thing to say, that is, this book is expected to end in more than one million words, and now it is almost at the end of the novel. Please download Fei Lu's novel.

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