Chapter 384 When Jiang Gu died, the second zombie king appeared!

  Dark turmoil swept up! Kyushu, fell into a huge turmoil! This day.

  Ma Xiaoling, accompanied by Ma Linger two thousand years ago, witnessed this unprecedented dark turmoil! The golden dragon swept Ma Linger away from there. Ma Xiaoling and Ma Linger saw a completely strange Jiang Gu, a man who seemed to be from Jiang Gu who has never appeared! Ruthless, cold, dark.

  The golden dragon escaped with the seriously injured Ma Linger. Behind him, Ma Xiaoling saw the darkness in the sky.

  Especially the mountain where the sword-wielding boy died, has long been swallowed by darkness, countless darkness swallowed the whole body, countless voices howled in pain, but they were gradually swallowed by darkness, and finally there was only silence. .

  Accompanied by this silence and the darkness of the sky, it gradually infiltrated and extended outwards.

  The golden dragon and Ma Linger fled in a hurry.

  Behind the golden dragon and Ma Linger, there is an endless darkness, which seems to be able to devour everything.



  Ma Xiaoling left there with Ma Linger.

  On the way, they saw tens of thousands of Taoists and exorcists gathered and rushed into the darkness together.


  after that sound.

  The endless silence swallowed everything, and the darkness continued to sweep in.

  "The Demon Resurrected"

  "The Demon King is back!"

  "The monster that died a year ago is alive!"

  "Heaven and earth will be in chaos, and Kyushu will be in chaos!"

  Countless voices sounded in Kyushu.

  I don't know how long it took to escape, the golden dragon stopped, and it stopped in the clouds with Ma Linger. In the clouds, Ma Linger could see everything that happened in Kyushu.

  Ma Xiaoling looked left and right:.

  With Ma Linger's eyes, they looked at the land of Kyushu behind him.

  They saw that in the cracks in the earth, the zombies who once died with the zombie king, crawled out of the ground, their eyes, a smear of blood tightly imprinted in the pupils, without any emotion, causing chaos in the entire Kyushu. .

  They saw that the dark mist gradually swallowed the entire Kyushu, especially behind them, the black mist became more and more dense and gradually swallowed away.

  They saw that the earth was in chaos, the earth was shaking, the mountain peaks were cracking, and the sea water was flowing against them. They saw that in the black mist, countless zombies marched forward with mighty might. Towards the center of Kyushu! They heard countless cries, some Taoist priests, some exorcists, some ordinary people "The chaos in Kyushu is about to start."

  "I'm Resurrected"

  "Maybe it's not him."

  Everything around seemed to become: silent.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at this memory.

  The picture is still moving continuously.

  She saw that in the countless darkness, a hundred thousand demon corpses swept away from the darkness, the Kyushu was in chaos, the mountains and rivers were torn apart, the land was dead, and the once prosperous seemed to have all turned into nothingness at this moment.

  The disciples of Taoism and exorcists guarding various places made their shots, but they also became food for demon corpses. After being swallowed by blood essence, they also turned into zombies.

  this turmoil.


  But Ma Xiaoling could hear the loud cries.

  This turmoil will cause the nine surnames to fall into great danger.

  Hearing what Ma Linger said, Ma Xiaoling looked a little blank.

  She looked behind her.

  Behind her was the darkness that filled the sky, running through the heavens and the earth, and the black mist was thick. From the thick black mist, she could see the mighty monster corpses moving forward like a sea of ​​water.

  in the body of the corpse

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  Afterwards, a figure stood in the black fog, the extreme darkness enveloped him, a pair of blood-red eyes looked down at this piece of land in the black fog, he was like a king, walking forward slowly.

  at this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling felt a familiar feeling.

  That is.

  The figure that appeared in the second robbery.

  That figure in the white fog is like this.

  Ma Xiaoling never thought that the second zombie king would be Jiang Gu, because the two have completely different personalities and different breaths, one is gentle and the other is ruthless.

  It seems hard to imagine that the two are the same person.



  Ma Xiaoling thought of this word.

  The second zombie king appeared when Jiang Gu was demonized, and Ma Xiaoling figured out a lot of things at this moment.

  She understood what Jiang Gu said: "The second zombie king is my enemy."

  "I see"

  Ma Xiaoling stared blankly ahead.

  She finally understood.

  Where did the second zombie king come from?

  Even in the pictures she saw, from Shenlong's memory, she had never seen Jiang Gu so cold and ruthless.

  until today.

  She finally understood.

  From the moment Jiang Gu died.

  The second zombie king appeared.

  The origin of the first robbery and the birth of the second robbery turned out to be the cause and effect planted by Taoists and exorcists.

  This is the cause and effect that Taoism and exorcism cannot bear.

  Therefore, the inheritance of Taoism and exorcism is broken, and the glory of the past is no longer, and only some unpopular spells and inheritance have been passed down.

  When Ma Xiaoling thought of this.


  has been cleared.

  this moment.

  She finally had a little understanding of Jiang Gu.

  "You are Jiang Gu."

  "Jiang Gu is you"

  She quietly looked at the front, the extremely dark figure in the black mist, she could feel the killing intent of Ling Lie, the ruthlessness like heaven, and the desire to destroy everything. the power of.

  But she was not afraid.

  Instead, there is endless sadness.

  Who would have thought that it was those Taoists and exorcists who killed Jiang Gu and released the origin of darkness and turmoil.

  This second Zombie King once used a sword to slay demons and slay demons and suppressed demons in Kyushu.

  "cause and effect."

  She muttered to herself.


  "Where is Ma Xiaoling"

  At the entrance of the bar, a middle-aged man with a high hairline, with dark circles under his eyes, walked in quickly.

  Next to him was Mao You.

  "People right away, don't worry, she's upstairs."

  Mao You said, she looked at the middle-aged man curiously.

  This middle-aged man looks really too ordinary, even a little sloppy, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, he looks like he hasn't slept for more than ten years, and this person with eyes is the one that Uncle Qiu told her ...the existence that can penetrate the yin and yang, and reverse life and death! Just the moment the two walked into the bar! Suddenly.

  A violent force suddenly erupted from Ma Xiaoling's room on the second floor of the bar! At the same time.

  A low growl.

  Reverberates throughout the bar! "Roar."

  [Start to restore and update!] Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 385 The beginning of the first catastrophe!Turmoil in Kyushu!

  "Oops! Not good!"

  Immediately when people heard the sound, their footsteps paused slightly, and they looked a little scared, but they seemed to think of something. As soon as they gritted their teeth, they walked directly to the second floor of the bar! Mao You hurriedly followed! It was just a few steps away! Bang! The bar The door on the second floor was directly smashed into pieces! Five holy monks in white monk robes fell directly from the second floor.

  A pretty figure in a black leather coat with tied hair walked slowly to the door of the second floor.

  "Little Ling!"

  Mao You hurriedly shouted! Immediately, people saw the pretty figure, and after a slight stun, he was about to walk up to the figure on the second floor for a while, and then looked directly at the stage of the bar.

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