Without any hesitation.

  He went straight to the stage of the bar.

  His speed was fast, almost instantaneously.

  When he came to the stage, he directly picked up the guitar on the stage.

  "Xiao Ling, don't be impulsive, you are injured now, I will let someone right away to help you see."

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling worriedly, and his eyes were vigilant.


  Ma Xiaoling chuckled lightly, with an indescribable beauty on her face.

  "I think it's good."

  "I know you want the former Ma Xiaoling to come back, but what?"

  "I don't want her back."

  She looked at Mao You and said lightly.

  She is not stupid.

  On the contrary, she is very smart and even understands the thoughts of Mao You and others.

  "Now, no one can stop me"

  Ma Xiaoling smiled, she was about to step away and leave here.

  Om! Suddenly! A pleasant musical sound came from the corner.

  Mao You and the others looked at the stage in surprise.

  on the stage.

  Ma Ren is playing the guitar, his expression is very serious and nervous, but the music he plays is very beautiful, but in that... beauty, there is a kind of power, that kind of power, it seems to be able to shatter everything.


  Ma Xiaoling suddenly looked at the horseman.

  However, she suddenly stopped talking.

  She stood silently in front of the door.

  Listen to that music.

  Those indifferent eyes, in the music, gradually became: gentle.



  Immediately people saw that Ma Xiaoling's eyes gradually softened and said softly.

  buzzed under his playing.

  Ma Xiaoling actually closed her eyes slowly.

  Seeing this, Mao You hurried forward and gently protected Ma Xiaoling.

  ————————“Very familiar music.”

  Underworld, a place.

  Madam Meng seemed to hear familiar music that rang in her ears.

  "Music Plays"

  "Meng Po Soup"

  She sounded the record left by King Jizo.

  There will be a piece of music that connects Yin and Yang.


  She didn't believe it at first, this is the underworld, but now it's in an apartment.

  Ma Xiaohu stared blankly at the snacks in front of him.

  That is Chang'e's favorite snack.

  But now suddenly.

  He seemed to hear something, and looked forward with some surprise in his eyes.


  The golden light of the sky.

  It slowly enveloped him.

  He slowly closed his eyes.

  When he opened it again, a golden light appeared in his eyes.

  "Everything necessary has been gathered."

  "The chess game of millions of years ago is finally about to unfold."

  "After so many years, are you finally going to appear again?"

  He looked at the sky with awe in his eyes.

  ——————————— "The time is coming soon."

  in a garden square.

  A man in a white suit, quiet

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Staring silently into the distance.

  in the distance.

  Qiong Yao and Wanyan Bupo stood there.

  Yao Qiong seemed to want to ask Wanyan Bupo something, but Wanyan Bupo naturally knew that the person in front of him was the Lady of Yaochi, and when he learned that Mother of Yaochi offered him to come out, he subconsciously wanted to refuse.

  But inside.

  That drop of the mother of Yaochi's hard work was doing something wrong and asked him to go to the appointment.

  Look at the two people in the distance.

  The man in white suit looked down at the time on his watch.

  "The Book of Heaven is also ready to be completely reorganized, and the future ending has already appeared."

  "Next, I'll take a look. This ending seems to be the same as what I thought."

  He said with a slight smile on his lips.

  behind him.

  A man with slightly curly hair and exploding hair appeared, it was Sheng.

  Gradually, he looked at the man in the white suit in front of him, and the gentleman resisted.

  "Don't worry, you'll be free soon."

  "And I will not take back your power."

  "Just now, I need you to help me with one thing."

  He smiled and looked at the vast starry sky in front of him.

  "What's up"

  Ask first.

  "Help me get a thing, a very beautiful thing,."

  "Don't worry, I will help you."

  The man in the white suit points a little forward.

  This is a very real picture as the eternal heart locks appear in front of the eyes.

  "With it, everything is fine."

  ————————In Ma Xiaoling’s consciousness.

  She fell into darkness again.

  This time.

  She fell into the darkness with Malinger.

  Malinger was seriously injured.

  There, the second Zombie King had already disowned his six relatives. If the dragon had not appeared in time, Ma Linger would have died directly and turned into dust like the disciples of Taoism and Exorcism.

  I don't know how long it was dark.

  When the picture appeared again, it was Ma Linger who opened his eyes.

  She returned to the mountain gate of Ma's house.

  She was locked up again.

  This time, it was more serious.

  The Ma family directly sealed her in the hall where she lived.

  She sat quietly in the hall.

  She sat, and Ma Xiaoling sat with her.

  During that time, she heard countless news about Kyushu.

  These news are no longer a secret.

  Everyone in Kyushu knows it.

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