Kyushu has set off a huge turmoil, a turmoil that has never occurred in the ancient times, and this turmoil is unprecedented in history.

  The mighty monster corpses swept across Kyushu.

  Countless creatures died in that swirl, and all the sects of Taoism and exorcism guarding Kyushu were wiped out.

  The situation has fallen into a huge crisis, and Kyushu will face extinction.

  This is an unprecedented catastrophe.

  Countless creatures are afraid of it.

  in this fear.

  Taoists and exorcists can't sit still.

  They will unite to deal with the Demon Corpse King once again! Countless Taoist exorcists gathered in Xianyang.

  "Gathering in Xianyang."

  Ma Xiaoling heard the news.

  I remembered the first time I saw what was recorded in the record.

  The greatest war of darkness and turmoil.

  It is in that Xianyang.

  According to current news.

  Kyushu may not be able to stop the second zombie king.

  The first catastrophe is called the first catastrophe because no one can stop it.


  How did the first catastrophe end——————【I am very sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time, and I will not ask for leave until the end, thank you for your great support, love you!】See no The underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 386 The final ending!Calculations are different?

  Kyushu caused huge chaos.

  In this memory, Ma Xiaoling also went through all this with Ma Linger two thousand years ago.

  She desperately wanted to see.

  How did the first kalpa recorded in the Bible code end?

  in the hall.

  Malinger sat down quietly.

  A strong spiritual energy condensed.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Ma Linger in awe, she felt the aura that came from two thousand years ago, that aura came from the six realms of heaven and earth, Ma Linger, once again enlightened.

  The cultivation base after entering the Dao is also divided into deep and shallow, the Dao is invisible and infinite, and the end of the Dao has never been known.

  After Ma Linger was seriously injured, she broke through again.

  It's just why this fragment of thoughts appeared in this memory. Suddenly, the surrounding picture changed in an instant! She seemed to see herself floating up, looking down on this piece of Kyushu.

  At this moment, she saw a dark ruin.

  this ruins.

  It is the once prosperous Kyushu.

  No place in Kyushu was spared from the zombie apocalypse. Countless Taoist and exorcist disciples were powerless to resist all this, ordinary people fled in panic, and those demons were shivering in hiding in the mountains.

  the whole world.

  Trapped in great dark turmoil.

  Nowhere is complete.

  Countless zombies swept through Kyushu.

  The mighty darkness devoured the entire Kyushu, devastated, and the entire Kyushu was like a purgatory on earth.

  in this purgatory.

  The source of darkness.

  Gradually move towards Xianyang.

  Kyushu turned into hell.

  Scene by scene, shocking.

  this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling remembered the Qin Zhuan that appeared on the stone wall. In that Qin Zhuan, the second Zombie King was going to be hunted down for generations! "He is no longer him."

  Ma Xiaoling saw the source of the darkness and seemed to understand all this.

  Malinger was resurrected.

  Not Jiang Gu at all.

  But a dark emperor.

  I am afraid that the real Jiang Gu may really never come back...

  That was a painful decision.

  But it is also a decision that must be made.

  —————————In a villa in Xiangjiang.

  The man in the white suit sat down quietly on the table in the hall of the villa.

  He waved his hand.

  There were countless books constructed of phantoms in front of him. The books floated in front of his eyes, and then continued to condense, "Is the reorganization finally completed?"

  The man in the white suit smiled when he saw this scene.

  "I'm curious what the ultimate fate will be."

  "Everything that the Book of Heaven has speculated has its small details, but it will never change the final outcome."

  "So, it should be up to me to figure it out."

  When he said this, he was a little unsure.

  as destiny.

  Everything he knew and mastered made him aloof.


  Everything suddenly changed two thousand years ago.

  The result of his calculation has not changed, but the process has changed.

  This change made him doubt his ability to calculate, so he was always vigilant.

  Om! The phantom book was condensed and finally landed on the table.

  Destiny looked at the book in front of him, he sat down quietly, and opened the book.

  "Final End"

  He stared at the book tightly.

  No matter how the process changes, the outcome he calculated can be as long as it remains the same.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  So! He looked at the Book of Heaven. The Book of Heaven had some different records, all of which were reorganized and recorded everything in detail.

  "The third catastrophe, a chance of survival should not have appeared."

  "However, a ray of life appeared two thousand years ago. Ma Xiaoling used Pangu Guangyu to find a ray of life [-] years ago and saved the whole world."

  "Those who were supposed to die have opened their eyes again"

  Fate reads everything recorded after the reorganization of the Book of Heaven.

  Seeing this, he smiled.

  "Interesting, no one would have thought that that chance of life would be in the past, not now."

  "It's no wonder that the ending I calculated can't be used in the past. I can't calculate this kind of interweaving at all."

  "It's a coincidence, or someone is dealing with me in the dark"

  Looking at it, he fell into deep thought again.

  means here.

  Made him a little surprised.

  A silver lining was put in the past.

  Those who should not have appeared, have appeared, and those who should not have lived survived with a ray of hope.

  If it's just a coincidence, he doesn't need to care.

  But if someone was arranging the fate of this chess game in the dark, thinking of this, his expression gradually became solemn.

  He considers himself to be a good player in chess, but in front of this heavenly means, even he feels a little frightened.

  "It seems that this is not easy."

  Fate said solemnly.

  He turned the page over.

  He turned to the page he wanted to see.

  His eyes were a little nervous looking at the book of heaven. What he was worried about was that the future ending of everything was different from what he had calculated, then the layout of his endless years would be futile and useless! "Future ending"

  "The king and the Virgin will eventually fight, and the demonized Ma Xiaoling will enter the sea of ​​reincarnation"

  "The world is in chaos, and countless people die"

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