"In this catastrophe, mankind gradually perishes"

  "No life"

  Destiny looked at everything calculated by the book that day, and his eyes became more and more restless.

  The ending here, though, is the same as what he had deduced.

  But "Why is there an ending missing, is there no more"

  He kept turning the pages.

  The final outcome of mankind is extinction.

  Then nothing major happened.

  He looked at the projections of countless years to come, but he didn't see what he wanted to see.

  "Eternal Kingdom"

  "Why the Eternal Kingdom Has Not Come"

  "Is it wrong to take the eternal heart lock or the map in Kuang Tianya's mind?"

  He was already ready.

  When Kuang Tianya was sucking blood, he used the means to record the map in Kuang Tianya's mind that could unlock the labyrinth of the Eternal Heart Lock. Once he got the Eternal Heart Lock, he could unlock the labyrinth.

  Eternal kingdom.

  will come! But.

  The records here do not record the coming of the eternal kingdom.

  The records are all about the demise of the world, the battle between the king and the Virgin, Wanyan is not broken, Mao You, Kuang Tianyou and others all died.

  "There must be something wrong, there must be!"

  Fate said solemnly.



  His eyes narrowed.

  "Ma Xiaoling was seriously injured, Jiang Gu was on the verge of death, Kuang Tianya went back to the past"

  "Eternal kingdom"


  He finally saw what he wanted to see.


  This ending.

  What's going on after a full twenty years? Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 387 Heaven's Way!The figure in the tomb of Pangu!Layout man!

  "Kill them."

  "kill them"

  The sound of endless shouting echoed in Jiang Gu's ears.

  In the sea of ​​reincarnation, the power of reincarnation gradually poured into him, and it gradually merged with the power of reincarnation two thousand years ago! Different.

  The power of reincarnation revives the power in the body, and his memory makes him constantly change in that dark recovery and normal state.

  In his mind, there are endless shouting voices, making him slaughter everyone in that rage.

  But in that darkness, it seemed that the boy with the sword was staring at him silently, preventing his merciless slaughter. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  instability in both states.

  Like the repression of the second catastrophe.

  But with this instability.

  Jiang Gu's temperament has become stronger and stronger, and this kind of strength can make him gradually regain a trace of calm under the extreme recovery of darkness.


  in that endless darkness.

  Jiang Gu's eyes suddenly looked at a certain place.

  "The Breath of Destiny"

  He felt the breath of destiny.

  The breath of destiny.

  It happened two thousand years ago.

  Can't wait for fate to reappear now? Jiang Gu's eyes narrowed slightly. He had sensed this breath two thousand years ago. Two thousand years ago, in the ruins of the border of the Qin Dynasty, he looked at the ruins. , When he saw the devastation, he sensed a trace of unusual breath.

  The robbers who came back to life.

  Those blood-colored mists, two thousand years ago, after fleeing all the way, he gradually understood everything.


  The layout of two thousand years, his purpose is to deal with that fate.



  He sensed another breath in the sea of ​​reincarnation, and the appearance of that breath made him feel a familiar feeling.

  "Pangu Tomb"

  His scarlet eyes peered into the deepest part of that darkness.

  There appeared the breath he sensed in Pangu's tomb.

  "Pangu Tomb, a lifeline."

  He muttered to himself.

  The Pangu Guangyu that appeared in Pangu's tomb was a ray of life for the third calamity. Then, Jiang Gu, the one who brought a ray of life, looked at the dark and endless abyss.

  He seemed to feel it, and a breath was gradually taking shape.

  "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

  A cold voice came out.

  That voice seems to be from the ancient and distant and ethereal, as if it does not exist in this world.

  "It's you"

  Jiang Gu seemed to have thought of something, the darkness in front of his eyes.

  seems to be in front of him.

  A figure stood in the darkness.

  The two seemed to look at each other in the endless darkness.

  "Two thousand years ago, endless darkness reversed life and death, reversed Yin and Yang."

  "You really exist."

  Jiang Gu's eyes were calm.

  two thousand years ago.

  the moment he died.

  in that endless darkness.

  There seems to be some kind of power intertwined, and there is a group of power that comes from this breath.

  And he was in Pangu

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The breath sensed by the tomb also belonged to this voice, so he was thoughtful, but he did not expect that this voice would appear today.

  Who is the person who brought a ray of life to this third calamity? "I have always existed since the beginning of the world."

  "Fate destroys everything. I have gone through the faults of countless civilizations. In this endless river of time, I am looking for a silver lining."

  "My destiny will continue to reincarnate in the future until I can find this ray of life. This time in reincarnation, I may be able to find that ray of life, so that I can completely reverse yin and yang, reverse life and death, and mess up this universe in the vast universe."

  The voice said softly.

  It seems that everything he has experienced in this time and space, for him, has been plain and can no longer be plain.

  "You go through countless cycles"

  Jiang Gu asked.

  The voice did not answer him.

  This dark space fell into a long silence.

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