The man smiled again, "This is your choice."


  "Do you know the origin of all this?"

  The man asked suddenly.

  Ma Linger narrowed her eyes, "Who are you?"

  Ma Xiaoling was at the back, and finally understood that this person was the one who brought Ma Linger a chance of life, and it was he who let Ma Linger go to the deepest part of that reincarnation to find Jiang Gu's chance of life.

  Then the person in front of him "destiny"

  Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself.

  "I'm in the same vein as you."

  Fate smiled.

  There was an air about him.

  Ma Xiaoling and Ma Linger's expressions were shocked.


  The breath of fate.

  It is very similar to the Ma family, or in other words, it is stronger than the Ma family breath on Ma Linger! The Ma family's breath is gradually formed by cultivating the exorcism magic of the Ma family. The breath is pure! This breath of destiny "you"

  Malinger was also shocked.

  She thought it was a chess game.

  In a chess game that made her a chess piece, she still had to sacrifice herself in order to save Jiang Gu.

  It's just that the person in front of me reappeared, and it turned out to be "all this" with the Ma family.

  "It's all because of a grudge from ancient times."

  "That grudge has already made several people fall."

  Fate said softly.

  "That grievance was born from the love and killing of the Lady of Yaochi and the Human King."

  Destiny told Ma Linger the past events of endless years ago.

  That past.

  It is the past of the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi.

  It includes Chang'e's story, which is very simple.

  It was the King of Humans and the Lady of Yaochi who fell in love with each other, but because the Lady of Yaochi's mission was to spread the plague in the human world, and the human world was where the prince and the people lived, the two parted ways.

  Because of love and hatred, Our Lady of Yaochi gradually went to extremes, especially after the king fell in love with Chang'e, an ordinary woman in the world, this extreme reached the extreme.

  The Virgin of Yaochi wanted to destroy the world together! The King of Humans and the Virgin of Yaochi fought one after another.

  The prehistoric civilizations in this war were gradually destroyed.

  "The end of this period of grievance is that people

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The king fell into a deep sleep, and the Lady of Yaochi was sealed in a void space."

  "It is the Mother of Yaochi who is not reconciled. She left a drop of hard work in the world. Using this drop of hard work, she still has a ray of spiritual consciousness left in the world."

  "So, she still wants to disrupt the whole world."

  Destiny's voice is soft, telling a story of the past.

  This past is somewhat different from what Ma Xiaoling knew.

  "So, a wisp of blood mist appeared."

  Fate laughed.

  Malinger listened quietly.

  She remembered everything on the frontier, and the robber's body she saw that night.

  Those corpses were obviously dead.

  Why did she come back to life? She believed that this was not what Jiang Jin did.

  "So, the Mother of Yaochi used this drop of hard work to do something wrong"

  Ma Linger stood outside the main hall, her expression a little hard to see.

  "As you imagine."

  "Jiang Jin must have been swallowed by this drop of blood, which caused him to lose his original memory and become a demon."

  "I didn't expect this result. I originally thought that Jiang Jin would be able to wake up and deal with the Lady of Yaochi."

  Fate sighed.

  His words were full of temptation.

  Ma Xiaoling vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she was only a bystander of history after all, and everything that happened two thousand years ago may only be known to Jiang Gu.

  "All of this stems from Our Lady of Yaochi."

  "This is an unprecedented catastrophe. In this catastrophe, only killing him can solve the catastrophe caused by the Lady of Yaochi."

  Destiny continued.

  "Why are you telling me this"

  Ma Linger held the long sword in her hand, a wisp of breath gradually filled her, she was angry.

  "I wandered the world, in order to save this world."

  "Your Ma family originated from me, so you have cut demons and demons from generation to generation."

  "I tell you the truth because this world has encountered a catastrophe, so the world needs you."

  "He has been enchanted, but your presence may awaken a trace of his sanity."

  The smile of fate is getting gentler.

  "The moment his mind is awakened is also the moment when he is the most vulnerable. At that time, you can end his pain and end this catastrophe by stabbing with this sword."

  The shadow of fate gradually blurred.

  In front of him is a long sword.

  Ma Linger slowly walked towards the long sword.

  "Do not"

  Ma Xiaoling wanted to stop it.

  But she was just a bystander.


  Ma Linger looked at the long sword with a complicated expression.

  She doesn't know if it's true or not.

  But she knows.

  Jiang Jin is no longer Jiang Jin, he is no longer the boy who used his sword to slay demons and slay demons.


  It is no longer him.

  But Ma Linger looked at the long sword in front of her.


  Under Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  She held the long sword.


  "I will avenge you."

  "Kill you, I'll kill the Lady of Yaochi"


  Ma Linger held a long sword in her hand and looked at the moonlight.

  "I'll go with you."

  When the words fell, Ma Xiaoling suddenly felt a wave of extreme resentment suddenly swept over! That resentment, with extreme resentment, was from two thousand years ago! This resentment suddenly flooded her eyes! It made her feel uneasy for a moment. Om! Residual thoughts intertwined, poured into Ma Xiaoling's body, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

  at the same time.

  The second floor of the bar.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  Open suddenly.

  The moment it opened! The four holy monks, who were on horseback, and Kuang Tianya were instantly knocked to the door on the second floor, broke open the door directly, and hit the first floor of the bar.

  Ma Xiaoling, slowly walked out from the staircase door on the second floor of the bar.



  "Our Lady."

  Her purple eyes were intertwined with ice blue, and she suddenly looked at the sky.

  —————————【Cough, cough, I’m so sorry!】Please download Fei Lu’s novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 390 The Battle of the Human King and Our Lady!People looking for a lifeline!

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