

  Come back to the world from the resentment left over two thousand years ago! "She is not Xiaoling."

  Mao You looked at the figure, and his eyes were slightly shocked.

  She had never seen such a strange Ma Xiaoling.

  Even if Ma Xiaoling is enchanted and eroded by the blood of zombies, she can still feel the breath of Ma Xiaoling and some of her suppressed and released character in Ma Xiaoling.

  But on this woman.

  She could not feel the breath of Ma Xiaoling's body.

  Not only does there not have any breath of Ma Xiaoling, but at this moment Ma Xiaoling makes people feel a sincere strangeness, that strangeness does not come from her every move, but from the ancient atmosphere in her.

  That kind of...ancient atmosphere, like a person returning from an ancient time, makes people feel extremely unfamiliar! "Who are you?"

  Mao You looked at 'Ma Xiaoling'.

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at her lightly.

  Then step by step.

  The whole person's body disappeared in an instant! "Tao"

  Mao You's body trembled.

  Disappearing out of thin air is something that can only be done by cultivators who have comprehended the Dao.

  Although Ma Xiaoling has entered the Dao, her strength still cannot reach this level.

  Why "Let's catch up."

  Don't allow Mao You to think about it, Ma Xiaoling's current state is very unstable. If Ma Xiaoling leaves everyone's attention, it will be impossible to wake up Ma Xiaoling in the future! Mao You, Arrow, Kuang Tianya, Ma Xiaoling and former staff are about to chase past.


  An invisible force rushed here in an instant, blocking the exit of the bar:.

  A figure appeared at the door of the bar.

  This figure presented a phantom, with a hazy white light all over his body.

  "Please uncle"

  Seeing this figure, Mao You looked slightly stunned.

  You know, Uncle Qiu has disappeared for a long time.

  "This is an afterimage left by me, I have gone to that unknown place to find the truth"

  "This catastrophe is unavoidable, and the world will usher in an unprecedented war, a catastrophe of destruction."

  Uncle Qiu's voice was heavy and full of unease.

  Under the hazy white light, he quietly looked at Mao You and the others.

  "The source of everything will be opened today."

  "I went to look for a silver lining, to discover the truth of it all."

  "This time, it may be a farewell."

  "The invisible hand will shroud this world, and the only chance of life I know is in the future."

  The uncle's voice gradually disappeared.

  It seems to be saying goodbye to Mao You and others.

  Mao You and the others sank inwardly.

  This is a farewell like a last word, which makes Mao You and others feel a little bad.

  "Could it be Uncle Qiu, already know what's going to happen next?"

  Mao You looked at Uncle Qiu, who was gradually disappearing in front of him, puzzled.

  Even they knew the future ending from Kuang Tianya's mouth.

  So how did Uncle Qiu know about the "Ksitigarbha records"?

  Mao You seemed to have thought of something.

  Everything about Uncle Qiu seems to be learned from the ground.

  Could it be that Uncle Qiu got the future ending from the records of Ksitigarbha King Ksitigarbha, and he had already predicted everything. Mao You felt a little confused in his head, and always felt that the fate in front of him seemed to have been arranged.

  "Come on, there's no time."

  Arrow said directly.

  Although what Uncle Qiu said makes people feel very heavy and even a little depressing, but the most important thing right now is of course the Mother of Yaochi and the people.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  King's War.

  "But are we really going to fail?"

  Mao You stood there, unable to move his footsteps.

  Kuang Tianya said.

  Now Uncle Qiu also said that this catastrophe will be a catastrophe for mankind, and human civilization will gradually disappear.

  "Even so what."

  Arrow said in a low voice.

  "Eight hundred years ago, in that battle we faced countless monster corpses, and the people around us were infected with monster corpses, but we persisted until the last moment, and hope appeared at the last moment."

  "Didn't later generations say that this battle failed?"

  "But General Jiang stood up, and now General Jiang is still there: our hope is still there:."

  Arrow mentions Jiang Gu, with unspeakable confidence in his eyes.

  No matter that eight hundred years ago... the era of war.

  Or the catastrophe in today's prosperous world.

  He always believed in Jiang Gu as always.

  "Yes, hope is still:."

  Mao You's heavy heart also seemed to have caught a glimmer of hope.

  Even if the end is doomed, it doesn't mean there is no hope.


  "Let's go!"

  ————————The center of the square.

  The Lady of Yaochi slowly closed her eyes, her expression was no longer gentle, but gradually turned cold.

  She looked at the sky coldly.

  Then! Bang! As soon as she stepped, her body surged up to the sky! The moment she surged up to the sky, endless red gauze and red cloth poured out of her clothes, covering one side of the sky. At the moment she surged to the sky, endless Wrapped in red gauze and red cloth.

  Our Lady of Jade Pond is dressed in red cedar, standing under the sky.

  far away.

  The amount of endless violence was a sensation! In an instant! A figure with golden rays of light, like a long golden river, slammed into the sky! The Virgin of Yaochi's clothes fluttered, standing under the sky, the figure of golden rays of light stood not far from the Virgin of Yaochi.

  He was wrapped in a white robe, his robe was hunting, and with a pair of blood-colored eyes, he stared coldly at Our Lady of Yaochi.

  The two stared at each other from a distance.

  The breath on his body became more and more terrifying.

  In the kilometer space around the two of them, everything was twisted! Wanyan Bupo was standing below.

  I was directly shocked back a few steps by this momentum! Looking at the scene in front of me.

  He suddenly realized that he was in trouble! The return of the King of Humans and the Lady of Yaochi failed.

  If the two of them can use this chance to repay their fate and resolve their previous grievances, then this battle will cease to exist.

  But if the repayment fails, then the grievance will deepen to the point of death.

  Now two people.

  There is no turning back.

  The entanglement of grievances and grievances before the endless years will break out completely! "You really want to be with me forever"

  The Lady of Yaochi asked with a trembling voice, which seemed to be the last question.

  "Long before endless years"

  "Aren't we just immortal?"

  The King of Humans looked at Our Lady of Yaochi coldly, without a trace of emotion.

  See this look.

  Our Lady of Yaochi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed! "Hahahaha!"

  "Good, good!"

  "Never die, never die."

  Om! Her eyes instantly turned into extreme icy coldness, and in the icy coldness was extreme despair.

  The blood in her eyes appeared! Bang! Her figure slammed in front of me in an instant! The violent power surged, like a galaxy rushing!

  "Our Lady of Yaochi"

  "The most perfect god since Pangu created the clan, now you belong to me."

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