Chapter 391 Our Lady of Yaochi!Red snow storm!All parties gather!

  "Our Lady of Yaochi!"

  The dark sky is far away.

  A figure turned into a purple light from that distance! She was standing in the air! She was standing not far from the Mother of Yaochi! The Mother of Yaochi looked at the distance with puzzled eyes.


  She saw Ma Xiaoling.

  A pair of pupils intertwined with purple and ice blue are looking at her coldly! "You are not Ma Xiaoling."

  Our Lady of Yaochi saw Ma Xiaoling at a glance.


  "It's Malinger."

  Malinger said coldly.

  She was wearing a black tights and a black robe, and her beautiful cheeks were indifferent.

  For her, Our Lady of Yaochi is the culprit! "You want to kill me"

  Our Lady of Yaochi smiled.

  "You made me lose someone very important."

  Malinger said coldly.

  "Hahaha! It's okay! It's okay!"

  The Mother of Yaochi laughed and said, "I was born to spread the plague! Look at the structure of the world's reincarnation! There are countless creatures under my hands!"

  "Why should I care if I made you lose everything!"

  Om! The extreme coldness in her eyes became stronger and stronger! The terrifying aura made the sequoias all over her float constantly! Bang! King Fuxi didn't have any hesitation! The power of the mighty play seems to be able to break the sky! Countless laws of power are intertwined! The vast power seems to destroy everything! Om! The hand of the Lady of Yaochi is raised! Countless sprinkles all over her! The moment of the sprinkle! It suddenly condensed! Then it directly slammed into Fuxi, the king of the people! Chong! It looks like a long sword is unsheathed! A cold sword is drawn from a distance! At the same time, the figure of Ma Linger emerges! The ripples of the sword! The sword body exudes sword energy! It smashes one side of the sky! The two sides attack! The Lady of Yaochi snorted coldly! She raised her body, and the endless red cloth flew away! "Break five,!"

  The spears formed by countless cherry blossoms slammed straight forward! Going towards Ma Linger! Bang! The terrifying power of the three sides shook! The whole sky shook violently! In an instant, it spread thousands of miles away! The King of Humans slammed the punch! The two sides collided! The cherry blossoms dissipated in an instant! The Lady of Yaochi took a step back! The King of Humans took three steps back! The formed spear collided! The long sword in Ma Linger’s hand directly broke the cherry blossom spear! But the power dissipated a lot! !Boom - a violent bombardment! In an instant! Ma Linger stepped back a few steps! Three parties.

  All hurt! In this silence.

  The long sword in Ma Linger's hand shook again! She was about to shoot! "The Lady of Yaochi, the King of Humans, Ma Linger."


  A gentle voice came.

  With the sound came.

  The golden light in the distance filled the air, reflecting a side of the sky.

  In the golden light, a flat-headed man in a black suit walked slowly.

  He wears glasses and has an ordinary face, but he has a kind of compassion.

  Behind him, a golden light filled the sky.


  Our Lady of Yaochi looked at this man with cold eyes! This man is the King of Earth Store! "King of Earth Store, you came here for what you did!"

  "The grievances I've been waiting for today will never end!"

  The king said coldly! Ma Linger just glanced coldly at Ksitigarbha! "He came for the truce."

  "When the two fight, the world is bound to be destroyed."


  "You must stop."

  King Jizo said to the three of them.

  He had compassion on his face and endless pity in his eyes.

  "This world has already experienced countless disasters, the faults of countless civilizations, and darkness is always shrouded in

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  This land, this land, has been devastated."

  Of course he came to persuade him.

  It's just "No one can stop this war, and neither can you."

  Ksitigarbha said coldly.

  The Lady of Yaochi did not speak, the red light in her hands revealed blood, filling her hands! Obviously.

  Neither of them plans to stop the war! Among them.

  Including Malinger.

  The long sword in her hand shook again! The three of them were ready to fight again! "That's right, you can't go to war!"

  "Otherwise the world will be destroyed!"


  Wanyan Bupo also reacted, and his body jumped up, surging into the air! If this war starts, then the whole world will be destroyed! Even if he knows that the Mother of Yaochi and the King of Humans have failed, they will never die, but he doesn't want that ending. Happened! "Xiaoling!"

  far away.

  Mao You's voice sounded! I saw Mao You, Arrow, Old Ghost,.

  Tianya has already arrived.


  more and more confusion.

  However, they are divided into four quarters.

  The King of Humans, Our Lady of Yaochi, Ma Linger and King Ksitigarbha represented the Quartet.


  More and more depressing! The whole world.

  It seems to be silent! The moon hangs high in the sky! The moonlight reflects on everyone.


  Malinger suddenly didn't know why, and seemed to feel something.

  She looked at the moonlight with her beautiful eyes, but that... the feeling disappeared quickly! "Hmm!"

  She felt it.

  In her body, Ma Xiaoling seems to want to wake up! It's just that the will to wake up is very weak, and it dissipates almost in an instant! ————————At the same time.

  The deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation! In the endless loop of reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu seemed to sense something.

  His eyes looked into the darkness.

  But he didn't seem to sense anything.

  He can't seem to find true and false in this darkness of reincarnation.

  He walked in here with Malinger's footsteps.

  entered that door.

  He felt his real existence, but the memory reminded him that it was a memory constructed by Malinger.

  that door.

  Neither he nor Ma Xiaoling seemed to open it.

  He slowly stretched out his hand in the darkness.

  The power of reincarnation in the body has gradually become stronger to a certain point! His absorption.

  Getting ready for the end! That reincarnation memory.

  Two thousand years of his memory.

  Seems to be ready for the final scene.

  But he felt something was wrong.

  seems to be in memory.

  Something is missing.


  "Want to kill me"

  Our Lady of Yaochi looked at the situation around her, and she showed a sneer.

  "You all want to kill me."

  Ma Linger, the King of Humans is targeting her.

  King Ksitigarbha and the other party will also take action because they want to stop her from fighting the King of Humans.


  Endless red strange light surges! After the surge.

  The whole body of Our Lady of Yaochi.

  The endless red petals are flying all over the sky, just like a grand flower viewing ceremony.

  Endless red petals poured out, filling the entire sky in an instant! It filled millions of miles around! The strange plague power suddenly swept the Quartet! "Not good!"

  "It's the red snow storm of Our Lady of Yaochi!"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 392 The Ruins of the Giant Mountain!The place where Jiang Gu wakes up!

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