"Hurry up and stop her!"

  "Otherwise, once the red snow storm spreads, the whole world will be destroyed!"

  King Ksitigarbha said in a deep voice! Hearing these words! Everyone instantly aimed at Our Lady of Yaochi! "Bow!"

  Fuxi snorted coldly! A Fuxi bow appeared in his hand! Pull the bow! Fuxi arrows appeared! "I stop the king!"

  "Go and deal with Our Lady of Yaochi!"

  King Ksitigarbha saw this scene, and the golden light flooded the sky! He blocked the King of Humans in an instant! At the same time! Ma Linger, Kuang Tianya, Mao You, and Wanyan Bupo walked towards Our Lady of Yaochi in an instant! The long sword in Ma Linger's hand It glows with purple light, which contains the power of the Great Dao! A sword stabs at the chest of the Lady of Yaochi! There are spells all over Mao You, and these spells are glowing with golden light! The power of her almost distorted everything! Kuang Tianya roared! The purple eyes were blue and looked at the Mother of Yaochi! Her body disappeared in place! It appeared again.

  Appeared directly behind the Virgin of Yaochi! Four people 4! Directly attacked the Virgin of Yaochi at the same time! The red snow storm of the Virgin of Yaochi was interrupted. Seeing the offensive of the Four of Four, her eyes narrowed slightly! Bang! Buzz! Endless red petals! Shake Kuang Tianya away directly! But the moment when Kuang Tianya was shaken! Mao You's spell slammed forward! With Wanyan's unbreakable offensive and Ma Linger's sword! Three forces rushed forward at the same time! Red petals poured out from the palm of Our Lady of Yaochi, forming a huge flower wall in front! It exudes red light! Bang! The flower wall was broken in an instant! Ma Linger's power itself is not weak! It also surpasses the second-generation zombies of the blood of the generals! And Mao You has shown the ability to watch the house! Its power is not low! Seeing the fierce offensive of the three 4! The Virgin of Yaochi gritted her teeth! Countless red rays of light appeared in the palm of the hand again, and the petals in the rays of light exuded a strange charm, and the moment they poured out, they went directly towards Ma Xiaoling! Bang! The long sword pierced everything! But it was blocked by the strange red light petals Stop! There are a few surprises in Ma Linger's eyes! But at the same time.

  The unbroken palm directly hit the left shoulder of the Virgin of Yaochi! The body of the Virgin of Yaochi was shocked! I didn't have time to react! Mao You's spell hit her directly! Lived all over her body, quickly poured into her body! Destroyed her body! "Ah!"

  The Mother of Yaochi was in pain and shouted loudly! Bang! The surrounding red light burst out in an instant! It directly shook Ma Linger, Mao You, Kuang Tianya, and Wanyan Bupo away.

  The four of them were shaken back a few steps, and Fang stopped in the air.

  And far away.

  King Ksitigarbha directly blocked the arrow from Wang Xi! The golden light and the golden light clashed! The terrifying fluctuations swayed in the "cough cough"

  The Lady of Yaochi coughed twice, blood gushing from the corners of her mouth.


  She was injured.

  And it's still very serious! Looking at the situation present, the Mother of Yaochi's tone was extremely cold: "Since you guys want to join forces to deal with me"

  "Then don't blame me for being rude!"

  "Don't even think about the existence of this world!"

  Her tone was cold, and then it turned into a red light and escaped! In the distance.

  Destiny saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his body disappeared in an instant.

  the moment he disappeared.

  Ma Linger, Wanyan is not broken, Kuang Tianya, Mao You wanted to chase away! It was just suddenly.

  An invisible force directly blocked the pursuit of the four people 4! The four people 4 stopped, and their eyes were a little puzzled.

  This power comes from the king of men.

  And the King of Humans is fighting against King Ksitigarbha.

  How could he stop the four of them from chasing the Lady of Yaochi? You know, isn't he immortal with the Lady of Yaochi at the same time?

  In the heart of the four people, the words of the King of Humans emerged.

  "Don't chase."

  It's just that Ma Linger doesn't care so much, the long sword in his hand shakes! The purple light is intertwined with the blue light, and it blasts forward in an instant.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang's invisible power! Om! Kecha! A crack appeared in front of Ma Linger's eyes! Chong! Another sword! The invisible power of the King of Humans was directly broken open! "Ma Linger, if you want to know what happened two thousand years ago? The truth, then don't go after it."

  Human King Fuxi's voice sounded again, causing Ma Linger's body to stop:.

  The truth of [-] years ago! All of a sudden.

  The golden light fills the sky here.

  The power of Jizo King directly surrounded the whole place.

  Under Mao You, Kuang Tianya, Wanyan Bupo's surprised eyes.

  Just now: King Ksitigarbha and King Human who fought in the war spread their power and walked out without incident.

  The two walked in the air and slowly came to the front of the four of them.

  "what is the problem"

  Even though his face was not broken, Mao You felt that something was wrong.

  "What is the truth about the two thousand years you said?"

  Ma Linger swung his sword and aimed directly at the king.

  The King of Humans was not angry, but took a deep look at the crowd.

  "If you want to know the answer"

  "Then come to this place."

  As he spoke, he pointed at Jinmang in his hand.

  An address appears.

  Afterwards, his figure disappeared together with King Jizo.

  Everyone looked at it.

  This place turned out to be the name of a mountain.

  "What is this place"

  Mao You was puzzled.

  Ma Linger looked at this mountain name, and there were a few doubts in her eyes.


  "I feel so familiar"

  she feels.

  I seem to be very familiar with this mountain name.

  "This is where Aunt Xiaoling found the first paragraph of the record."

  Kuang Tianya said suddenly.

  "Aunt Xiaoling once took me there. At that time, the land was not full of ruins. I have been here."

  "She said this is where she found the first paragraph about the record."

  "And this is where Uncle Jiang Gu wakes up!"

  When everyone heard the words, they looked a little puzzled.


  The King of Humans offers to go to this place, this place.

  What's so special about "we"?

  "Let's go!"

  Although Mao You was very puzzled, only the King of Humans and King Ksitigarbha could explain this doubt clearly! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

  The surroundings were almost turned into ruins.

  The whole place was dead, without a trace of life, it seemed to be dead.

  No insects, no birds, no sound.

  It's like an abandoned place.

  In front of the giant mountain ruins.


  It was empty.

  in this empty place.


  The Ksitigarbha King and the Human King stood there quietly, as if waiting for someone.

  —————— And in a luxury villa.

  Our Lady of Jade Pond was sitting in the center of the villa, the blood from the corner of her mouth was not wiped away.


  "Why this is the result"

  "Endless years of hard work are in vain."

  "I destroyed the Pangu Holy Land and everything, but I got this result, hahaha!"

  She laughed wildly, laughter full of pain! Just then.

  A gentle voice sounded.

  "Maybe I can help you."

Chapter 393 The truth of everything!Catch fate's plan!


  Our Lady of Yaochi said coldly.

  "No need, I'm here to help you."

  "I have a book from the sky, and you have a book from the ground. If we are united, then there is nothing in this world that we can't do!"

  "Even if you want the king to change his mind, it's not impossible."

  The voice of fate is full of temptation.

  "Accept me, accept fate, as long as you accept fate, everything will be there."

  tempting voice.

  Constantly echoing in the ears of the Lady of Yaochi.

  "Think about what they did to you."

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