"Think about everything you have experienced over the years, but you have waited endlessly for this result, are you willing?"

  Our Lady of Yaochi coughed.

  She clutched her chest.

  With the words of fate, her eyes gradually fell into confusion.


  "I accept"

  she muttered to herself.

  ————————In front of the giant mountain ruins.

  Ma Linger, Mao You, Wanyan Bupo, Kuang Tianya, Arrowhead all came here.

  Others were at the bar.

  With the outbreak of that war.

  The whole Hong Kong was plunged into small-scale chaos again.

  The King of Humans and King Jizo stood in front of the giant mountain ruins.

  This is a wasteland, there is no life.

  "What is the truth of the two thousand years you said?"

  Ma Linger looked at the human king lightly.

  The memory of two thousand years ago is still deep! Although she is a remnant of the soul.

  But she knew what she was going to do! Killing Our Lady of Yaochi is her belief! "You should not remember what happened later, you are just a remnant soul, a remnant soul in memory, a remnant soul obsessed with ."

  The king looked at Ma Linger and said in a deep voice, "I need Ma Xiaoling to come back."

  "She's not coming back."

  Malinger's answer is simple.

  "Give me the truth from two thousand years ago, or else"

  The long sword in her hand shook! The resentment in her heart was greater than her reason.

  "What the hell is going on, why are you preventing us from chasing the Virgin?"

  Mao You came out and asked.

  Kuang Tianya, Wanyan Bupo and Arrow all looked at the King of Humans.

  what the king did.

  Very strange.

  It was clearly intended to cause the death of Our Lady of Yaochi.

  However, it prevents everyone from chasing the Lady of Yaochi! "Everything"

  "It starts with a plan."

  The king looked at the crowd and slowly talked about the reason.

  "The truth two thousand years ago is related to this plan."

  his words.

  Surprise everyone! "Plan"

  Everyone's eyes were puzzled, even Ma Linger.

  "one session"

  "The plan that implicates the fault of civilization, the plan formed at the beginning of chaos in those endless years."

  "This plan"

  "It's called the Capture Fate Project."

  The King named the plan.

  Capture destiny.

  "Capturing fate do you mean."

  Wan Yan Bu Po seemed to understand something.

  "Fate is a very evil object. He exists invisible and controls the Book of Heaven. In order to achieve his goals, he creates an eternal kingdom in his heart, constantly destroying the world, and constantly creating the world."

  "Therefore, it has caused the interruption of civilization deduction, the fault of civilization, and the annihilation of countless creatures."

  "He wants to control the world, but these people are not perfect enough, so"

  The king shook his head.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "These imperfect humans, he will destroy."

  "And the last era, the last civilization, fate created the most perfect people."

  "It's just that these people were unwilling to be controlled by fate, so they began to rebel against fate, and in the end they lost both."

  "In the entire civilization, countless corpses float up and down, and there are only less than [-] people left with hundreds of trillions of people."

  "these people"

  The King's words are getting heavier and heavier.

  He looked at the sky, his blood-colored pupils were heavy.

  "Some of these people are Pangu people."

  Everyone was horrified! The Pangu people are naturally the race of creator Wang Fuxi and Our Lady of Yaochi! But no one would have thought that the Pangu people would have such a history!

  Malinger found something wrong.

  "Another part."

  "The other part entered the Eternal Realm, a place created by a mysterious man."

  "Trillions of billions of corpses were buried in the eternal kingdom, and the remaining part of the people entered the eternal kingdom with the creation method of perfect human beings."

  "Since then, they have wandered in this vast universe, looking for a place with no tears, no pain, and no destiny."

  The King of People walked back and forth and continued to speak.

  "And the rest of the Pangu tribe stayed behind to deal with their fate, so the capture plan began."

  "My Lady of Yaochi and I are both important parts of the plan and the most important pieces, especially the Lady of Yaochi. She is the most perfect goddess created by the Pangu people in the best way."

  "But in the Mother of Yaochi, there is actually a cage, a cage that can trap fate. Once fate and Mother of Yaochi are combined, then"

  "Our Lady of Yaochi will destroy herself and die with her destiny."

  The words of the king.

  Made everyone feel heavy! These words.

  Completely broke everyone's world view! All this turned out to be a plan "then we belong to imperfect people"

  Mao You grabbed a little.

  The King of Humans did not answer her, but gave her a deep look and continued: "Originally, this plan should have been successful millions of years ago."

  "However, we are truly enemies because of our uncontrollable love."

  "at last"

  "It was that person who shot, and the power of one blow defeated both me and the Virgin."

  "So I fell into a deep sleep, and Our Lady of Yaochi was imprisoned in the Holy Land of Pangu."

  "Until, time has come to now."

  The king's words made everyone even more shocked! Especially the person he said.

  In the end, who was the power of one blow to defeat the Mother of Yaochi and the King of Humans. Everyone knew the horror of the Mother of Yaochi and the King of Humans.

  What kind of terrifying existence is "then what do these things have to do with the truth two thousand years ago?"

  Ma Linger asked coldly.

  The king said so much.

  It didn't say anything at all.

  The answer she wanted to know was not answered at all.

  "Two thousand years ago, that person was fate."

  "He wants Our Lady of Yaochi to become one with him, so he does everything he can to make Our Lady of Yaochi despair, so as to achieve his goal."

  "And your Ma family is also a pawn used by fate to deal with the Pangu people."

  "So, fate also controls your Ma family."

  The king said in a deep voice.

  "The tragedy two thousand years ago, that dark upheaval."

  "It was planned by fate."

  A word.

  Directly let Ma Linger lose his mind.

  The truth two thousand years ago turned out to be like this! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 394 The plan to capture fate succeeded?

  The truth [-] years ago turned out to be a deception "So what about the real truth?"

  Ma Ling'er looked a little pale.

  "We don't know."

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