Kuang Tianya suddenly said.

  "If you succeed, how can this world be destroyed?"

  "If the world hadn't been destroyed, I'd disappear too, but I'm not disappearing now."

  "This is what Uncle Jiang Gu told me."

  She said to the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi.

  The King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi had a meal:.

  The crowd also reacted.

  If what Kuang Tianya said about the future is really what she said.

  Then the world should be destroyed.

  But now the whole world is still fine! But according to Kuang Tianya, this world was destroyed by the King of Humans and the Lady of Yaochi.

  According to Kuang Tianya's words, "there is still a war"

  Mao You seems to understand something! "Oh"

  The voice fell.

  The Virgin of Yaochi stared straight ahead, endless pain swept over her, she couldn't help covering her head.

  It's just that pain, from the inside out.

  Almost instantly.

  The breath of endless destiny emerges from her body! "No"

  Our Lady of Yaochi struggled desperately! "Hurry up!"

  "Fate is not completely locked up!"

  Our Lady of Yaochi shouted loudly! She doesn't need to say anything.

  The Fuxi bow has already appeared in the hands of the king.

  And there are endless spells in the hands of King Kizang! "Hahahahaha——"

  At the moment when everyone shot! The insolent laughter came out! Boom - a violent force blasted out directly, shaking towards the surroundings! Boom! Everyone was shaken! Everyone fell to the ground.

  Looking at the Mother of Yaochi, her whole person is completely different! Her aura became extremely strange, and those blood-colored pupils were full of aloof indifference.


  "It is invincible."

  "You have undermined my strength."

  A sneer appeared on the corner of the 'Mother of Yaochi' mouth.

  "The eternal kingdom is mine, this world should be destroyed, and you should not exist."

Chapter 395 The Book of Fate Fusion!An unprecedented storm of death!

  "The eternal kingdom is coming. I get the perfect human creation method, which will create a real eternal kingdom!"


  "Let me control the eternal kingdom!"

  Destiny laughed! The Lady of Yaochi, who he controls, is still still: struggling.

  But fate seems to possess endless power. He himself was born from the Book of Heaven, and the power in his body belongs to the Book of Heaven! And the three books of Heaven, Man, and Earth are the three most mysterious books in the vast universe.

  Our Lady of Yaochi controlled the Book of Earth, but did not comprehend the power of the Book of Earth.

  King Ksitigarbha mastered the book of people, but he was only looking for a glimmer of life, and he did not understand this power.

  only fate.

  It is a book in itself! "Not good"

  "Fate has now merged the Book of Heaven and Book of the Earth, and the power will reach unprecedented terror!"

  "In addition to the opening of the cage of Our Lady of Yaochi, the true power in her body will also be controlled by fate."

  The king looked at the fate in the distance and said in a deep voice.

  His Fuxi bow.

  is ready.


  The power of fate made his heart palpitate.

  "What the hell is a book from the sky, a book from people, a book from the ground?"

  Ma Linger asked coldly.

  The grievances two thousand years ago broke out at this moment! Fate dared to deceive her! "These are the three most mysterious books in the vast universe!"

  "Governing the birth and destruction of heaven and earth, the operation of heaven and earth is in these three books. You have already seen the power of one of them."

  "He is destiny, that is, in order to create a perfect eternal kingdom, his power can directly make a civilization disappear in a short period of time, and even fight to the death with our Pangu people."

  "Now that he has integrated the Book of the Earth, his power has reached unprecedented terror!"

  The king explained coldly! Om! Everyone shot at the same time! They attacked fate directly! But unfortunately.

  Combining the fate of the Book of the Earth and the Virgin of Yaochi, everyone with its strength is not an opponent at all! "Heh"

  Fate sneered.


  Endless petals are pouring out! These petals have a strange smell of plague, and everyone has not had time to react! They are directly contaminated by the strange smell of the petals! Only Ma Linger, the king of people, broke the petals in front of him with a Fuxi bow and a long sword! Wanyan is not broken, Mao You, Kuang Tianya, and arrows are all touched by this petal.

  It's just that after these petals touched everyone, they poured directly into everyone's bodies.

  The crowd didn't feel anything was wrong.


  "Let's have a civilization extinction."

  "You guys can't stop me at all!"

  Fate burst out laughing! Her body suddenly surged toward the sky! In an instant.

  I saw the ruins of the giant mountain above the sky.

  The red gauze poured out from the sky, like the most beautiful galaxy, gradually pouring towards the radius of a million miles, like a blood mist! The Virgin of Yaochi stood on the top of the ruins of the giant mountain.

  Quietly staring at the sky.

  Her beautiful cheeks were indifferent.


  Her hands and fingers moved.

  Countless petals under the horrified eyes of everyone.

  It fell in the red gauze that filled the sky! It was like a rain of petals.

  Landed on the whole earth! "Not good"

  The King of Humans was about to take Fuxi's bow! But he just moved! The petals rushed towards him quickly! Om! Om! Huh!! King Fuxi shot a few arrows directly! He ignored that his body was eroded by the petals, but directly faced him Our Lady of Yaochi shot three arrows straight! But after the three arrows touched the petals, the power continued to weaken.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Until, completely disappeared! "How is it possible!"

  The King of Man's expression changed greatly! This was his three strikes with all his strength! But he was so fragile under the petals of fate. He couldn't believe it! Om! Countless petals poured into his body! The petals burst out! Not far from him, Ma Linger's beautiful eyes froze! The long sword in her hand directly cut through the petals in front of her! Her body leaped towards the sky! Her goal is fate! "It's interesting."

  Destiny saw that Ma Linger broke the petals so easily, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes! This power is difficult for even the king to resist! However, Ma Linger is different! She is a fusion of three powers.

  One belongs to Ma Xiaoling, one belongs to the bloodline of zombies, and the other belongs to her own way! Even if it is a stray thought! But her strength is terrifying! "It's a pity"

  A wave of fate! The petals in the sky blocked Ma Linger in an instant! "Oh!"

  Ma Linger wanted to struggle, but she couldn't! Om! The figure of King Ksitigarbha suddenly appeared behind Destiny.

  The golden light fills the sky! The power of people and books surges out! "Oh"

  "just right"

  "Today I will combine three books into one!"

  The voice of fate fell.

  The King of Ren just felt that the petals all over his body directly blocked him! "Unfortunately, you only realized a little of the power of Renshu."

  "If you fully understand, you might have the power to fight with me!"

  He sneered, and the endless red light penetrated directly into the body of King Kizang! King Kizang saw this scene.

  He closed his eyes slightly.

  Then don't struggle.


  Destiny glanced at Jizo King, who was not struggling, and felt a little strange.

  The rest of Wanyan was not broken, Mao You, Arrow, Kuang Tianya and others couldn't even struggle! The petals fell like a heavy rain.

  Immediately blocked everyone.

  Om! Suddenly.

  Inside everyone, a terrifying pain seems to tear everyone's body to pieces! That is the plague power of the petals! Constantly eroding the power in everyone, including the body! This is the red snow storm used to exterminate the Pangu people! Today Blessed with books from the ground, books from the sky, and the power of destiny, this red snow storm has reached a kind of extreme terror! "King of Humans"

  "Where is the power you speak of?"

  Wanyan Bupa knelt down on the ground, feeling the severe pain in her body, but shouted loudly.

  This is a silver lining! The King of People wants everyone to meet here.

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