It is because there is power here to deal with fate.

  "I do not know"

  The king shook his head.

  He was also eroded by this power, and his body and power continued to disappear.

  I don't know that there was a sense of despair in the hearts of everyone.


  Malinger at the moment.

  It seems to sense something.

  Then Ma Xiaoling's consciousness emerged again.

  But it just appeared and disappeared in an instant! An unprecedented rain of red petals.

  fell on this earth.

  Merlin Miyo.

  Gradually fell to the ground.

  also fell.

  the body of every living being.

  An unprecedented death plague begins to break out——————The Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu seemed to feel something.

  He opened his eyes.

  He looked at the darkness around him.

  He wants to get out of here.

  But an invisible force blocked him.

  And the power of reincarnation in his body.

  Just a little bit more.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 396 The Eternal Kingdom... Has Come?

  There is still a little, the power of reincarnation will be able to complete a grand slam! His power recovery will also recover to a certain extent! "Hmm"

  He looked to the left and right and seemed to sense something, but he didn't seem to sense anything.

  Behind the door of this sea of ​​reincarnation.

  Everything seems to be cut off.

  in the dark.

  He seemed to sense something again.

  "You haven't left yet"

  He sensed that the breath of Heavenly Dao emerged again.

  He has appeared before.

  But it is looming in the darkness of reincarnation.

  It doesn't seem to exist, and it seems to have always existed.

  "I've always existed."

  "Fate has begun to reincarnate, and a chance of life may be in this vast world."

  "The game I laid out may have happened today, maybe it will not work, maybe, I have to wait for the next reincarnation."

  The voice was indistinct.

  Jiang Gu did not speak.

  It seems that the way of heaven is always there: reincarnation.

  as he said.

  He has always been: looking for a silver lining before this failure, and reincarnating in that silver lining until he succeeds.

  Maybe he reincarnated once.

  Maybe reincarnated countless times.

  These are all unknown.


  "How do I get out of here"

  Jiang Gu asked.

  "Need a lifeline."

  Heaven answered.

  "One Line of Life"

  Jiang Gu seemed to understand something.

  In this cycle of heaven.

  Can't seem to spoil this.

  "Perhaps, you will be interested in hearing my story."


  "Now is not the time."

  The voice of Heaven is a little elusive.

  Seems to be waiting for something.

  Again, it seemed that he didn't make any waves.

  "What I'm going to tell you is."

  "Fate cannot open the eternal kingdom."

  "He opens the kingdom of eternity, and there will never be a chance of life."

  "At that time, the whole world will be turned into creativity, and fate will also create a truly perfect country that belongs to him."

  Heaven's voice was gentle.

  It seems to be talking about this trivial thing in general.

  "Stop Destiny"

  "I'm here, how to stop fate"

  Jiang Gu was puzzled.

  "You will understand."

  Tiandao said again.


  There is no more sound.

  This dark sea of ​​reincarnation has returned to silence.

  ————————In front of the giant mountain ruins.

  The red snow storm swept across the sky.

  The whole world seems to have turned into a sea of ​​flowers! But this sea of ​​flowers brings pain to the world! The red petals fall, filling the whole world with a strange atmosphere! Whether it is the East or the West! Almost all over the world! Even those secretive ones The corners can't be excluded! The petals fall.

  It is like the most beautiful sea of ​​flowers in the world.

  The three realms and six realms of all sentient beings walked out slowly, looking up at the sea of ​​flowers in the sky.

  Every creature seems to be stunned:.

  It was just in the next second that a heart-piercing pain seemed to tear everyone's body up! In an instant, all living beings turned into terror and pain! The six realms of the three realms directly covered their heads and cried in pain! Infected! "No no"

  on that street.

  Those pedestrians covered their heads in pain and kept wailing! The intense pain seemed to tear everything apart! The vitality in their bodies was constantly attenuating.

  ——————“Yes, yes, the plague”

  inside a mountain.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Those demons were also stained by the red petals! "My Shou Yuan, my Shou Yuan!"

  Some monsters said in horror! Those red petals made these monsters also contaminated! Under this pain, they also found that the remaining thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of life yuan were constantly decreasing.


  The office of the deputy Jizo King.

  Meteor is sitting here.


  A god of death knocked on the door.

  "It's not good! The red petals of the proxy Jizo have penetrated the two worlds of Yin and Yang, and are coming towards the underworld!"

  "As soon as the ghosts of our underworld are stained with these red petals, the ghost's body will become weaker and weaker, and it will soon disappear!"

  Death's report.

  Let Meteor's expression change.

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