He stood up.

  "Turn on the underworld protection."

  "And let all the gods of death in the underworld go to the yin and yang realms. Once the protection of the underworld is broken, we will block the petals together!"

  Finish all this.

  He stood there quietly, looking forward in silence.

  He was clear.

  This red snow storm can't be resisted for a long time! But he can't do anything! Although he is the agent of Jizo, he has just taken over for a long time! Maybe only Qiu Shu will be able to do it.

  But where did Uncle Qiu go? Since Uncle Qiu left, Uncle Qiu's breath seems to have disappeared between heaven and earth. Even if you use the Sansheng Mirror to find the trace of Uncle Qiu, there is no breath left! ————— ——In front of the giant mountain ruins.

  Mao You, the King of Humans, the King of Ksitigarbha, Arrow, Wanyan was not broken, and Kuang Tianya all fell to the ground.

  The crowd did not resist.

  But the petals in the red snow storm directly blocked everyone! They couldn't move! The red snow storm continued to wreak havoc in everyone's body! In this case, everyone had nothing to do.

  An air of despair enveloped the land.

  Om! Destiny's body, up again! He came above that cloud.

  Red gauze all over the sky! "Eternal Kingdom"

  "I've got the key, I've got the thing that summons the eternal kingdom"

  "I don't believe it, you won't come!"

  Destiny said loudly! In her slender palm.

  The eternal heart lock emerges.

  She poured the power in her body directly into the eternal heart lock.

  The eternal heart lock directly emits a red light!————In the vast universe.

  Don't know where.

  Here is silence, darkness, and darkness in that darkness.

  A huge spaceship shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere slowly passed by here.

  This is a spaceship with no purpose.

  Constantly flying in this vast universe, looking for a lifeline.

  at this time.


  The mysterious and vast spaceship slowly stopped.

  It seems that someone in the dark is calling for its return.

  ———————— Giant Mountain Ruins.

  This is a ruin.

  Everyone looked at the fate standing on the sky in despair! With fate, they took out the eternal heart lock! The whole sky seems to be shaking wildly! Everyone can see it in the shaking.

  That vast and boundless sky, a crack is slowly cracking open! Immediately.

  A majestic and infinite breath emerged from the crack! It appeared along with that breath.

  There is also a wisp of loneliness emanating from the vast universe.

  at this moment.

  Heaven and earth were torn apart.

  Directly connected to the entire universe! Everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

  The majestic and vast aura mixed with the loneliness and darkness of the universe seemed as if the entire sky was about to collapse! It seemed like there was something terrifying.

  It is coming! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 397 The founder of the eternal kingdom?

  The sea of ​​reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu seemed to sense something, and his eyes instantly turned to the top of his body! "Eternal"


  He felt it.

  It seems that something is breaking open this world, and is crushing the entire sky! That kind of... oppression, even behind the door of the sea of ​​reincarnation, the most mysterious and taboo place in this world, can feel it.

  can not imagine.

  How does the outside world look like.

  It is fate that begins to call the eternal kingdom.

  How can I stop him Jiang Gu's expression is indifferent and indifferent in that darkness.

  where he is now.

  It's like a fantasy.

  But it's like a real place.

  most real.

  It was this place that trapped him.

  And according to what God said.

  He must come to this place, because there is a chance of life here.

  If he doesn't come.

  Then this chance of life will never appear.

  He didn't understand the meaning.

  It's just that he knows.

  Now the whole world has been reduced to a chess game, one game after another.

  And he.

  This game has to be mastered.

  Otherwise he can't stop it! There's a lot of things in it that are hard to explain.

  For example, who is Tiandao, why did he search for a chance of life, and why did he open the tomb of Pangu, leaving behind a CD-ROM and how he was resurrected two thousand years ago.

  It seems to be shrouded in a truth.

  But this is the truth.

  There is always a layer of fog.

  "Eternal kingdom."

  Jiang Gu murmured to himself.

  He knew the coming of the eternal kingdom.

  But how would he go out? If he didn't go out, it would be impossible to stop his fate.

  Just when he was thinking.


  He seemed to sense something.

  He looked shocked.

  For the first time in two thousand years he showed a touch of shock! In his shock.

  He felt the existence of the eternal kingdom! ———————— hum! The mysterious and vast spaceship showed a corner.

  It came down like crushing the entire sky! That trace of crack.

  Gradually expanding! Countless people have seen this scene.

  Under the virus torture of the red snow storm, every living being still looked up at everything that happened in the sky! Everyone felt incredible! Under this red snow storm.

  Under the sky's petals.

  Magnificent, mysterious, vast spaceship.

  Break through a layer of white fog and gradually come! "It can be changed!"

  "Everything can be changed!"

  "Eternal kingdom"

  "Today is coming!"

  Destiny laughs wildly! In front of the giant mountain ruins.

  Everyone in that painful torture will stare at the corner of the sky that is exposed by the crack.

  Is that mysterious, vast, eternal kingdom from the last civilized era coming?

  There are trillions of corpses out there.

  With the most perfect creation method of human beings! There.

  Possessing the most mysterious person in the world, the founder of the eternal kingdom! Whether it is said by the King of Humans, or by the Lady of Yaochi.

  The two are full of awe for this eternal kingdom! Even fear! That's right.

  Even the perfect goddesses and perfect human beings created by the Pangu tribe know almost nothing about this eternal kingdom.

  All the two knew was that this eternal kingdom had descended into a previous era at a time when civilization was about to perish.

  No one knows who the founder of the eternal kingdom is, and no one knows where the eternal kingdom came from. It is like a mysterious place that popped out of nowhere.

  People are afraid and want to explore! Now this eternal kingdom.

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