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  It is finally coming! Destiny laughs wildly, full of joy! The coming of the eternal kingdom.

  The Lady of Yaochi also belongs to it! And the three books of heaven, earth, and people are about to merge! From now on.

  He will create a real perfect world! A perfect world under his control! Those perfect human beings who are even more perfect than the Pangu people will be controlled by him! No one can rely on the control of fate! "How many years "

  "The annihilation of civilizations, you imperfect humans, how dare you defy me like this"

  "But it doesn't matter anymore"

  "You will perish together with this Pangu clan!"

  Destiny seems to be showing it off! He made it.

  He has spent endless years! Even that time does not exist for him at all! But he has gone through untold hardships now.

  He's finally going to make it! "Hmm"


  He looked condensed.

  Because at this moment, the eternal kingdom stopped directly in that crack.

  Under the unbelievable gaze of fate.

  The eternal kingdom is actually here: slowly retreat! See this scene.

  Not only fate, but also Our Lady of Yaochi and others, all looked astonished.

  Even under that red snow storm, everyone was stunned! What's going on! Isn't the eternal kingdom coming? Looking at the scene, the eternal kingdom seems to be retreating! The discovery of this scene made everyone Shocked! "What's going on"

  "what is the problem"

  "Who! Who!"

  The beautiful eyes of 'Mother of the Yaochi' are wide open, full of anger! She looked left and right: glared in anger! But.

  Left and right: There is no answer! No one can tell her the answer, and no one can tell everyone the answer.

  "The kingdom of eternity has returned"

  Mao You looked at this scene inexplicably.

  It seems that the pain in the body has been reduced a lot.

  "what is the problem"

  The king looked at the sky in confusion.

  His eyes were also full of confusion.

  Since knowing that fate is combined with the three books of heaven, earth and man, plus the perfect body of the Lady of Yaochi, there is no one in the world who can deal with fate! And once the eternal kingdom comes.


  Destiny will succeed! Those who exist in the eternal kingdom will also perish! This is why the Pangu people must deal with fate! "Could it be him?"

  "Founder of the Eternal Kingdom"

  The king seemed to think of something.

  But he felt unbelievable.

  What kind of terrifying existence is the founder of this eternal kingdom that can resist the call of fate! The power of fate is pouring in again! The eternal kingdom seems to be loose a little bit, and it is coming towards the crack! But in the next second.

  It retreated a little! "Impossible!"

  Destiny couldn't bear it! She sat directly on the top of the sky! The seal of both hands! After the seal of his hands! The Eternal Heart Lock was placed in front of her! "Eternal Kingdom"

  "It must come!"

  The sky is full of red petals.

  Surround her directly! She sits cross-legged in the middle, all the power condensed into a beam of red light.

  This red light distorts the space and slowly pours into the eternal heart lock! The eternal kingdom above seems to be coming again! Om! Just in the next second! The eternal kingdom has returned to the crack again! And.

  The crack is still there: slowly disappearing! Eternal Realm.

  Leaving! ———————— [Cough, cough, and more cuts recently, but now it’s nearing the end, some unsolved mysteries will all be solved, everyone can rest assured!] [It has been updated before. It's very fast, but because it's too liver, it's a little weak in the follow-up, plus the dog has a small, four or five, and I always have to get up to see how it's doing, and I haven't rested for a whole six months.

  】【Fortunately, the dog's small size has been improved, and now the author will update this book as soon as possible, everyone can rest assured!】【Still thank you for your support all the way!

Chapter 398 Tiandao: I will help you.

  "how is this possible"

  Destiny looked at the eternal kingdom that was gradually leaving, and his expression was a little grim! For the advent of the eternal kingdom, he waited for an era! The waiting of this era is hundreds of millions of years.

  The eternal kingdom has finally come, but now it has to leave! How could fate allow the eternal kingdom to leave! It used all its strength to condense into a large red light, filled the sky, and slammed into the crack in an instant! To get this eternal kingdom! Om! Then, the palm of his hand holding the eternal heart lock gradually twisted, and a mass of power condensed the three books of heaven, earth and man! The power has made a terrifying crack appear in the whole sky! Fate is the center! The whole sky is full of cracks, filling the whole world! In that crack, countless creatures have seen the galaxy outside the universe! The power of fate is destroying the whole world! Below The people who saw this scene looked a little helpless.

  Destiny has merged the power of the three books of heaven, earth and man, and at this moment, no one can deal with it! In that vast crack.

  The huge corner of the eternal kingdom reappeared.

  Destiny saw this, his expression gradually distorted, and the power in his hands condensed again! Boom - the crack in the sky is cracked again! In that cracked crack.

  The Feichuang corner of the vast sky disk poured into view.

  The red snow storm is constantly falling and eroding all living beings! It even includes the underworld! There is an aura of despair between heaven and earth.

  As long as the red snow storm is contaminated, the vitality in the body will gradually disappear. People with better physique can resist a little, but at this moment, they have all fallen to the ground, and they are all suffering from the torment of the red snow storm. moaning.

  The vast spaceships poured in.

  The breath of the universe is surging.

  The whole universe.

  It seemed to be obscured by the darkness.

  "It's the same scene four years ago"

  Mao You looked at this scene, her eyes were a little dull, she never thought that four years later, she would see this scene again.

  four years ago.

  She subdues vampires in your west.

  After returning to the country, Uncle Qiu told her that it was the third calamity.

  Just didn't think of it.

  The fourth calamity will be four years later! The second calamity, the third calamity, and the fourth calamity, in five or six years, everyone in this country has experienced this catastrophe! eroded her.

  Her eyes looked sadly left and right.

  "He won't come."


  Malinger muttered to herself.

  Only the voice fell.

  She frowned again.

  It seems that the words just now did not come from her mouth.

  "Little Ling"

  After Mao You heard that sentence, she looked at Ma Linger with joy, but Ma Linger's next sentence made her eyes helplessly dim.

  Om! Destiny sits on top.

  The eternal kingdom is gradually emerging.

  After the emergence, this eternal kingdom did not come immediately, but stayed on the crack, neither up nor down "Who is it!"

  "Who is destroying my good deeds!"

  Destiny looked at the whole body angrily! However, no one answered it! Everyone below heard this scene and was slightly taken aback.

  Destiny seems to be saying that someone is preventing the eternal kingdom from coming, and that person, who can stop destiny, even the King of Humans and King Ksitigarbha can't stop destiny! These are the two most powerful characters in the world, but they are still unable to deal with it. Destiny! Especially this destiny also combines the three books of heaven, earth and man!

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  On the most perfect goddess created by Pangu! Four forces have made fate the supreme existence! No one in the world can match! But now.

  Someone actually stopped the people below Destiny. Although they were in great pain under the torment of the red snow storm, they were still shocked when they heard Destiny's words. At the same time, they were deeply curious.

  The deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

  Jiang Gu felt the surging force of traction in his body! Only in the next moment! The breath of destiny skyrocketed! Under this skyrocketing! Even Jiang Gu, who had recovered a certain strength, felt something was wrong! His pulling force for the eternal kingdom in constant decline.

  This decay made him gradually lose control of the eternal kingdom.


  Jiang Gu murmured to himself.

  The power of reincarnation directly restored him to [-]%! The power of recovery.

  Totally not enough to resist fate.

  Unless Jiang Gu slowly closed his eyes.

  The hostility that appeared in the memories of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation kept flooding into my heart.

  The dark power that originally existed in the body was constantly surging at this moment.

  Om! Under the guidance of Jiang Gu.

  The dark power in that body quickly covered his body! "I'm here to help you."

  A low voice sounded.

  Heaven again.

  Jiang Gu did not speak! Instead, he continued to use the power in his body to gradually regain his control! At the same time.

  A force he was familiar with suddenly appeared.

  ———————— Above the giant mountain ruins.

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