The eternal kingdom gradually began to descend.

  Although fate has integrated the three books of heaven, earth and man, he is not familiar with this power control! Now under the control of the increasingly familiar, the eternal kingdom is gradually unable to resist the slow downfall.

  Seeing this scene, Mao You and the others started to bleed from the corners of their mouths. The red snow storm continued to devour everyone's vitality. Only Ma Linger and Ren Wang sat there cross-legged, resisting the red snow storm and trying to destroy the red snow storm. To be expelled from the body! "Once the eternal kingdom comes"

  "There will no longer be any hope in this world. Fate will destroy everything, destroy imperfect human beings. At that time, all human beings in the world will be destroyed."

  "Wandering in the eternal kingdom of the vast universe, once it is under control"

  Ksitigarbha King fell to the ground, looking at the fate in the sky, his eyes were full of helplessness.

  "No more... no one can escape the control of fate. The fate of the world will no longer be controlled by oneself, and everything will be under the trick of fate."

  Everyone knows it in their hearts.

  Those who deal with fate are the remnants of human beings from the last epoch.

  The Pangu people are one lineage.

  And those people in the eternal kingdom are also in the same vein.

  Once the eternal kingdom is discovered.

  Fate must destroy everything.

  Not only the people of the eternal kingdom will be beheaded, but those corpses floating in the vast universe will also be annihilated by fate.

  All who deal with fate.

  will cease to exist.

  The world will be played by fate, in the palm of your hand.

  Watch the eternal kingdom gradually come.

  Everyone is desperate! Just.

  Suddenly when people are desperate.

  The everlasting kingdom that comes.

  It was out of the control of fate again! It poured into the crack! A vast and unfamiliar force.

  Emergence between heaven and earth! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 399 The devastated world, the blood-red doomsday

  Destiny's face gradually twisted.

  Because he discovered that the power was beyond the power that he now condensed with the three books! This scene.

  Not only was fate a little stunned, but everyone below was a little stunned.

  Destiny didn't merge the power of the three books of heaven, earth and man at the beginning, or it just started to merge, and it was not under control, so it couldn't let the eternal kingdom come.

  But over time.

  Destiny has gradually controlled the power of the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Human!

  It is the three most mysterious books in the universe, and it is also the most mysterious and powerful three forces in the universe, even if only a few fusions.

  It is also enough to destroy everything! Plus the power fusion of the Lady of Yaochi itself.


  There are still people who can deal with him! Just under everyone's astonished eyes! The eternal kingdom actually left the sky slowly again.

  and at the same time.

  The cracks are slowly disappearing.

  "It's you"

  Fate suddenly understood something, and his angry eyes instantly turned into horror.

  "It's you!"

  He shook his head.

  "No way, you shouldn't exist, you"

  "You shouldn't exist."

  Fate opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something.

  But immediately.

  He immediately shouted in a cold voice: "If that's the case, then I'll play enough with you!"

  Om! The endless red blood mist enveloped him! The moment it enveloped.

  The blood mist that filled the sky directly rushed up to the sky! Then it disappeared directly into the eyes of everyone! It was just that the petals of the sky were constantly fluttering with a storm of red snow.

  It is still raging in this land! "Fate is in the game."

  King Ksitigarbha coughed twice, blood gushing from the corners of his mouth.

  "Fate wants to completely integrate the power of the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Humanity and the Mother of Yaochi, and let the eternal kingdom come"

  "Once it's integrated"

  Ksitigarbha King slowly closed his eyes and smiled bitterly.

  "I hope that person can resist."


  He opened his eyes again and looked at the falling petals.

  He reached out to catch a petal, and after a few seconds, the petal slowly poured into his body.

  "It's time to leave."

  Mao You, Wanyan is not broken, Arrow, Kuang Tianya and the others all turned dark when they heard it.



  King Ksitigarbha turned his head to look at the crowd.

  He said to the crowd cautiously: "Our hope still exists."

  "The hope of this catastrophe is not in the past, not in the present, but"

  "in the future."

  he said.

  Slowly fell to the ground.

  He is the owner of the Book of the Earth.

  The power in the body almost comes from the Book of the Earth.

  Today, he can no longer resist the snow storm.


  Mao You muttered to himself.


  Malinger seemed to be thinking.

  "Are we going to die"

  Wanyan Bupo looked towards Kuang Tianya.

  Kuang Tianya bit his lip lightly.

  She didn't want to say which answer.

  But in the future.

  this world.

  There is no news from them anymore.

  When everyone saw Kuang Tianya's expression, they knew the outcome of everyone.

  "Then what hope is there for everyone to die."

  Wan Yan Bu Po gave a wry smile.

  The future described by Kuang Tianya.

  There are only two people left in the world.

  One Ma Xiaoling and one zombie Wang Jianggu.

  in this hopeless world.

  Even the zombie king Jianggu died.

  The world fell into darkness.

  It is completely impossible for Ma Xiaoling to deal with fate.

  And that...the so-called hope.

  Even if it comes to the world, "maybe there is no hope in itself."

  Mao You shook his head.

  Her body fell slowly.

  unbroken, arrow

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  His head, facing Tianya, also gradually fell to the ground.

  The red snow storm devours the life force in the body, even Wanyan Bupo and Kuang Tianya Zombies cannot avoid it. This kind of life force devouring force can devour everything, making everyone feel that the life force in the body is getting weaker and weaker at the same time. Getting weaker! This petal.

  Still flying in the sky.

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