It's like a sea of ​​blooming flowers that dyes the whole world a blood-red color, and it's like a sunset, and the last twilight of the setting sun reflects on this land.

  I don't know how long the petal rain has lasted.

  Just like a rain, another rain, dyed the whole earth with a layer of blood.

  ————————Ma Linger opened her eyes again.

  A wreckage was found in front of him.

  I don't know how long the petal rain stopped, but this piece of land has no breath.

  Malinger slowly got up.


  A weak voice sounded.

  She turned her head.

  Then I saw the king standing up weakly from the ground.

  The king looked at the sky with despair in his eyes.

  After a while, he suddenly cried and laughed: "We still failed after all."

  "Even if we bet on this world and the entire Pangu clan, we still lose."

  "Once the eternal kingdom comes, no one can leave the control of fate."

  He shook his head.


  He walked into the devastated land covered with red petals.

  His figure staggered, staggered, and was weak.

  The devastated earth is a wreckage.

  His figure gradually disappeared.

  Ma Linger looked left and right:.

  this moment.

  The sense of loneliness made her remnants shudder.

  She looked forward.

  There were a few wrecks ahead, and there was an air she was familiar with.

  "Are they all dead?"

  Malinger muttered to herself.

  She walked forward, her body a little weak.

  She did everything she could to drive out the red snow storm that poured into her body.

  It's just that she didn't know how much time it took.

  It's just that these people have been dead for months.

  She looked at the devastated ground before her.

  Suddenly I remembered a scene from two thousand years ago.

  That mum seems to be starting to unfold.

  She chased the boy away.

  It's just that all she saw was a corpse.

  that moment.

  The world is like devastated ruins.

  Her sky turned black.

  Now this scene seems to be happening again.


  She said, turning into a cloud of blue smoke.

  A puff of smoke.

  Floating on this devastated land.

  She walked out of the giant mountain ruins.

  The peaks around the giant mountains have turned into dry mountains, the trees on the mountains have dried up, the flowers and plants are gone, the rivers are dry, there are the remains of flowers and birds on the ground, and blood-colored petals are sprinkled on the ground.

  Qingyan left the giant mountain ruins.

  At a glance, he saw the outside of the mountain.

  The towering tall buildings.

  It's just that those high-rise buildings are now crumbling, and the blood is filled with blood, like a ruin, and newspapers, wine bottles, and various sundries are floating on the ground.

  A ruin.

  above the ruins.

  It's a piece of debris.

  densely packed.

  like a purgatory.

  The blue smoke passed by and flew to the distant sky.

  Flying thousands of miles, but did not find a breath of life.

  The blue smoke stopped in that dry crack.


  It used to be the ocean.

  She looked up at the giant mountain in front of her, and there were a few fluctuations in those eyes.


  She muttered to herself.

  She walked into this place two thousand years ago.

  Two thousand years later, she came here again.


  Everything has been changed.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 400 Ma Linger and the Eternal Heart Lock!

  She sits cross-legged on Mount Kunlun.

  A devastated world.

  There is only a hint of anger here.

  Angry here.

  From Kunlun.

  There is a place filled with white fog, a place known as the forbidden land of death, no matter what creatures dare to go here.

  She walked into the white fog in the sky, this dead place, she had already walked once.

  She sat on the Kunlun Mountain and sat cross-legged quietly.

  She wants to repair herself and find the traces of fate.

  Or take another look at someone.

  "Are you still alive"

  The green blouse fluttered, and the gauze fluttered in the mist, wiping through the white mist, her beautiful eyes looked ahead, and it seemed that she could see that person through the endless white mist.

  She doesn't know the future ending.

  She is just a remnant of a soul.

  But she still had regrets.

  It's just that the residual thoughts gradually changed under this apocalypse, and the spiritual wisdom that belonged to Ma Linger gradually covered some.

  She sat quietly.

  Waiting for someone to come back.

  Just like two thousand years.

  —————— The depths of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

  Jiang Gupan sat in the dark place of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

  The power within him kept pulling.

  The power of the Heavenly Dao kept pouring in.

  Jiang Gu didn't know how long it had passed.

  He stayed in this sea of ​​reincarnation, constantly enhancing the power and destiny in his body.

  The eternal kingdom is gradually leaving.

  The eternal heart lock cannot exert its power.

  But the power of fate is gradually increasing, and he must use the power of the sea of ​​reincarnation to play a game with that fate, so that the eternal kingdom cannot come.


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