Two thousand years ago, he had already killed him.

  "Aunt Ling'er, where are you going?"

  Kuang Tianya's eyes glistened with mist, "Aunt Ling'er, don't leave me, I don't want to be alone."

  "Go somewhere I should be."

  "Someone will accompany you."

  Ma Linger turned around and gently stroked Kuang Tianya's head.

  Om! Just when she just touched the head of Kuang Tianya.


  A wisp of breath, breaking through the white fog in the sky, gushes out from the deepest part of Kunlun Mountains! Feel that wisp of breath.

  Ma Linger's gentle eyes turned sharp in an instant.

  That is the breath of heaven. The breath of heaven is pulling up! Going directly to the sky! The breath pours into the sky, and pictures emerge.

  in that screen.

  The Virgin of Yaochi, possessed by fate, sits cross-legged in the clouds and mists in the sky.

  She holds the eternal heart lock in her hand, and the power in her body keeps pouring in! "There is only one chance."

  "Broken the Eternal Heart Lock"

  Heaven's voice was intermittent.

  Ma Linger seemed to understand something, her hand trembled slightly! Om! A long sword.

  emerge in hand.

  She pointed to the sky.

  The mighty force of terror suddenly swept away! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 401 A tear of Ma Linger's remorse.

  This finger.

  In an instant, a terrifying and mighty force suddenly swept across the sky! A place of nothingness.

  Fate is sitting here.

  It has played with that mysterious power for a long time.

  Only recently it has discovered that the mysterious power is getting stronger and stronger.

  The Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Humanity that it merged are not as powerful as the mysterious power! This makes it very uneasy! Once the mysterious power has the upper hand, then the eternal kingdom, I am afraid that it may not come for millions of years! Om! Suddenly! He seems to be Sensing something.

  "There is power to break through the five barriers"

  It sets up a barrier, hidden between heaven and earth.

  It's just this force that seems to be breaking the barrier.


  He shook his head.

  This power can at most open a crack.

  This fissure could not affect him at all.

  Just when he thought so.

  Suddenly, the eternal heart lock in its palm suddenly cracked a crack! This crack appeared, and instantly let fate feel it! "What's going on!"

  Its eyes are horrified! Just.

  under its gaze.

  That Eternal Heart Lock is actually in: keep cracking! Eternal Mark Heart Lock! It is actually in: Self Destruction! At the same time.

  on the Kunlun Mountains.

  Ma Linger's remnant soul gradually weakens! "Aunt Linger!"


  "do not go!"

  Kuang Tianya firmly grasped the corner of Ma Linger's blue shirt: "The power that erupted from Ma Linger at the moment made her unable to get close! This is the power of destruction! At this moment, Ma Linger's eyes turned purple and Ice blue intertwined pupils! The bloodline power of the three zombies, Ma Xiaoling's cultivation base and her Tao, the five powers exploded to the extreme! Below this extreme.

  It's the remnant soul that can't hold it! Her remnant soul is constantly splitting! Ma Xiaoling's soul is gradually recovering.

  Malinger looked at the picture.

  "Three Forces!"

  Destiny's eyes are horrified.

  A stream from Eternal Heart Lock.

  From that mysterious power.

  One came from Kunlun! Under these three forces! Clap! In that picture, the eternal heart lock burst directly! A terrifying force suddenly hit that fate to the point of spitting blood! Bang! The picture spread directly.

  And the long sword in Ma Linger's hand also fell directly to the ground.

  Only the last trace of her soul remained.

  Ma Linger fell to the ground, and Kuang Tianya hurried forward to support her.


  Ma Linger fell to the ground, feeling that she was gradually, but smiled helplessly.

  "Aunt Linger, don't go around the world crying loudly, and keep holding Ma Linger's hand.

  "Someone will come to accompany you, stop crying, darling."

  Ma Linger gently wiped Kuang Tianya's tears.

  "Do Aunt Ling'er a favor"

  She said softly to Kuang Tianya.


  Kuang Tianya burst into tears and said in a choked voice, "Okay."

  "If you see someone named Jiang, tell him, I can't wait for him."

  "If you can't wait, help me build two graves, next to each other, with my name on them, and"

  Ma Linger's pupils gradually collapsed.

  "Jiang Jin."

  She said that name.

  Two graves, one with her name and one with his name.

  It's the fulfillment of his promise to him.

  The only regret is that she can no longer see the boy with her own eyes.

  Her breath gradually disappeared.

  There is silence between heaven and earth.

  Only Kuang Tianya's cries remained.


  She slowly closed her eyes.


  He also left.

  After seeing this devastated land, she suddenly understood that everything two thousand years ago was just the beginning, if, if only she could understand earlier.


  she can know that everything

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  is a conspiracy.

  She would not go to Xianyang City with a sword.

  Then two thousand years later, he may still be:.

  She doesn't know the ending.

  Her remnant soul is the remnant that stayed in that great hall.

  A remnant of two thousand years ago has now given birth to Lingzhi.

  It's a pity that the sad thoughts in Ma Linger's heart can never be dissipated.

  hum all of a sudden.

  The white fog in the sky, surging wildly! In the white fog in the sky.

  A breath emerged.

  Ma Linger's eyes that were about to close suddenly froze.

  She looked at the white mist in the middle of the Kunlun Mountains.

  in that white fog.

  A figure slowly walked out.

  Just one step.

  The figure suddenly appeared in front of Ma Linger.

  Ma Linger saw the appearance of that figure.

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