Elegant and elegant, dressed in black.

  The only difference is .

  Those eyes were full of stars.

  It is as if it has gone through countless years, condensed into the Dead Sea, without waves.


  When Ma Linger saw this scene, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

  Jiang Gu gently lowered and picked her up.

  Ma Linger stared blankly at Jiang Gu, tears already pouring out.

  at this moment.

  As if there were no words left.

  A ray of sadness.

  A trace of grief from two thousand years ago.

  The spiritual wisdom that was born, the residual thoughts turned into thoughts of a person.


  when she was about to leave.

  He actually appeared.

  Ma Linger slowly closed her eyes, and the residual thoughts slowly dissipated.

  Her head rested on Jiang Gu's chest, as if she was asleep.

  Jiang Gu hugged Ma Linger, his hands trembling a little.

  Even after two thousand years.

  That heart seems to be still a little hot.

  Only that person seems to have left.

  The wind blows.

  Some white mist was blown away.

  Jiang Gu looked at the white fog in front of him and closed his eyes.



  A voice emerged.

  The familiar breath came back again.

  But it's different from Malinger.

  The voice was a little flustered and complicated.

  Jiang Gu looked down at the woman in his arms.

  Ma Xiaoling.

  came back.


  Ma Xiaoling saw Jiang Gu, and there was a hint of distress in her eyes.

  "You suffer."

  Scenes from two thousand years ago appeared in Ma Xiaoling's mind.

  Facing the identity of Jianggu's second zombie king, it is not surrender, but a heartfelt heartache.

  Two thousand years ago, he was already a corpse, betrayed, fled for countless days, and was finally killed.

  A corpse, standing on a mountain peak.

  He died a full year.

  "came back"

  Jiang Gu looked at Ma Xiaoling in his arms, his eyes were a little red, but it disappeared soon.

  "came back."

  "I will protect you from now on."

  Ma Xiaoling smiled slightly and didn't care that she was held in Jiang Gu's arms.


  "what happened here"

  She looked at the white mist all over her body.

  She wanted to recall that memory.

  But it's blank.

  In this, what happened.

  Why is there a deep reluctance in her heart to say goodbye to? She doesn't know.

  She didn't even know that Ma Linger's remnant soul was in her body, and it didn't disappear until this moment.

  "The world is dead."

  ————————— [Ma Linger will not disappear, everyone can rest assured] Please download Fei Lu’s novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 401 The Eternal Kingdom... Comes!

  Time passed again.

  Ma Xiaoling gradually couldn't accept it, and finally she could only accept it.

  The world perishes.

  All living beings die.

  Including those friends, Wang Zhenzhen, Uncle Qiu, Mao You, and Kim Jong-jung, countless people have died.

  The world is nothing but desolation.

  The only thing to be happy about.

  It was Jiang Gu beside her.

  And a Kuang Tianya who has not grown up.


  Come to the nineteenth year.

  Kuang Tianya gradually grew up.

  Jiang Gu, Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianya left Kunlun Mountain, and the power on Kunlun Mountain gradually swallowed the power of Kuang Tianya.

  The two brought Kuang Tianya to the vicinity of Kunlun Mountain.

  The appearance of Kuang Tianya is very strange.

  She said that she was in a place full of ruins, where she and her parents had been living, and suddenly one day, she appeared here.

  And the parents are missing.

  Fortunately, Ma Linger took her in.

  Ma Xiaoling also knew the existence of Ma Linger's remnant soul.

  It's just that she knows why the remnant exists.

  "We still have a chance"

  Ma Xiaoling heard Jiang Gu's words.

  The two sat on the top of the mountain.

  In front of you are the ruins of the city.


  Jiang Gu nodded.

  Among the ruins, he lived with Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianya for a long time.

  It's just that he didn't wait for the person Tiandao said.

  "Wait for someone who are we waiting for"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the sky.

  "What about fate?"

  None of these questions have answers.

  Jiang Gu didn't know how to answer.

  He gently touched Ma Xiaoling's head.

  "Maybe the change is coming soon."

  He didn't know if the future would be the same as what he knew.


  It was when Kuang Tianya left.

  It is also a time when the world is ready to die.

  In the original ending, Kuang Tianyou was going to die, and Kuang Tianya left here with Pangu Guangyu.


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