early spring.

  in his mind.

  These two words emerged.

  It seems...

  In this future with a chaotic timeline, there are still some things that appear on the correct timeline.

  For example, Ping Ma Aping.

  such as……

  early spring.

  Enter the spa hotel.

  Everyone booked four rooms.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu are in one room, while Kuang Tianyou, Jin Zhengzhong and Huang Zi are in one room.


  Jiang Gu stood on the balcony of the room.

  He stared into the darkness with a gentle expression, but there was a flicker of light in those pitch-black eyes.

  He woke up for the last time.

  It was twenty years ago.

  He came to Fusang Country, where he met a beautiful woman who loved to laugh.


  He left.

  The woman has not been heard from since.

  But Jiang Gu clearly remembered the woman's name.

  early spring.

  bang bang.

  Someone knocked on the door outside.

  "Come in."

  Jiang Gu said.

  The door opens.

  Ma Xiaoling walked in from outside wearing a short skirt.

  "Do you like not turning on the lights?" Ma Xiaoling saw that the room was completely dark, and looked at Jiang Gu standing under the moonlight.

  "Light makes people feel alive, and darkness makes people kind." An inexplicable smile appeared on Jiang Gu's handsome cheeks.

  "You're also a strange person. You always talk about being alive, what's dark..." Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes.

  She no longer doubted Jiang Gu.


  After seeing Jiang Gu eating breakfast and crafting.

  This world is either monsters, ghosts, or zombies...

  Just relying on Jiang Gu's ability to draw talismans made Ma Xiaoling feel that she thought too much.

  "I just went to ask the person in charge of the hotel."

  "The person in charge said someone had seen this ghost, a waitress."

  Ma Xiaoling walked to Jiang Gu's side, put her hands on the railing, paused and continued:

  "The waitress said she saw a female ghost in a white kimono floating around."

  "This female ghost is related to a story twenty years ago."

  Jiang Gu's eyes became deeper and deeper under the dark night: "Story?"

  Ma Xiaoling nodded: "Twenty years ago, when this hot spring was not rebuilt, a woman named Chuchun worked here."

  "She came here to wait for a man."


  "She didn't wait."

  "I heard that the man was from China, so she took leave... and went to China."

  "When she comes back..."

  "Everyone who saw her said that her eyes were dead and desolate."

  "at last……"

  "One day, she put on a kimono woven for four years and committed suicide here."

  "From now on."

  "This hotel keeps killing people."

  "It's just these few months...very frequent."

  Jiang Gu silently looked at the dark night.

  "I didn't see you smiling for the first time. Are you angry with the man in this story?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Jiang Gu's expression was dull.

  No one could see his emotions.

  Especially those eyes.

  Under the dark night...

  more and more profound.

  "I lied to other girls, and I'm not responsible for them! If I meet him, I will beat him until he can't take care of himself for the rest of his life."

  Ma Xiaoling said fiercely.

  "is it?"

  Jiang Gu's gentle smile appeared again.


  "Love is not wishful thinking, but mutual affection."

  "The tragedy of love often stems from this. No matter how beautiful, gentle, and charming you are, he will never feel anything."

  Jiang Gu looked a little thoughtful.

  "Then why do you think that such a beautiful, gentle and charming woman is standing in front of that man, why isn't that man moved?" Ma Xiaoling asked inexplicably.

  "Maybe, that man is not human?"

  "But zombies that have lived for thousands of years?"

  Jiang Gu laughed.

  thousands of years.

  Human emotions will gradually hide in the depths.

  Humanity and animal nature are constantly in balance.

  Time is the longest loneliness.

  Ma Xiaoling was speechless.


  Zombies for thousands of years...

  If there is no obsession with zombies...

  I am afraid that animal nature has long been greater than human nature, right?

  for an ordinary girl.

  Not really interested.

  "If that man is a thousand-year-old zombie, I can just conquer him!" Ma Xiaoling snorted softly.

  She Ma Xiaoling is not a person who will admit defeat!

  "Why do I feel like you understand that man's mood very well?" Ma Xiaoling stared at Jiang Gu.

  "It's impossible to experience all the different states of the world, but you can think about it, think it is the greatest power of human beings, and want to make people feel..."

  "Those emotions you can't feel."

  "There is a saying called empathy, and it should be easy to explain my words."

  Jiang Gu's expression was still gentle.

  Sharp-edged cheeks, deep eyes, a faint and gentle smile hanging from the corners of his mouth...

  Ma Xiaoling didn't know why.

  Looking at Jiang Gu, the more she looked at her, the more she wanted to understand the person in front of her.

  On Jiang Gu.

  Like a layer of fog wrapped around it.

  That gentle smile.

  deep eyes...

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