It's like there are endless stories hidden.

  "It's weird."

  Ma Xiaoling muttered again.


  [Don't worry~ The protagonist will not let anyone down~ Everyone can watch it with confidence`]

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Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter [-] Peacock and Nakayama Miyuki!

  "You seem curious about me."

  Jiang Gu felt Ma Xiaoling's beautiful gaze.

  "I didn't..." Ma Xiaoling said subconsciously, but then added: "Yes... a little bit."

  "Love often begins with curiosity." Jiang Gu chuckled softly.

  "Then you are wrong."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the night sky.

  "Our Ma family will not shed a single tear for a man. As long as we shed tears... all our mana will be lost."

  "This is the curse of our horse family."

  "If you want to lift the curse, you must kill the generals and... the second zombie king."

  Jiang Gu heard the words and stared at the night sky.

  The two looked at the night sky together.

  for a while...

  All were silent.

  "The second zombie king..." Jiang Gu muttered to himself.

  "Yes, in addition to the generals, there is also a zombie king in this world."

  "It's just a pity..."

  "We don't even know his name or face."

  "For thousands of years, he seems to exist only in legends."

  "Even Qiu Shu can't find it."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  The second zombie king.

  It's just so mysterious!

  The generals at least knew his name and where he slept.

  But the second zombie king...

  It's like there are only human legends, and maybe even the existence made up by the world...

  If Ma Xiaoling read the lost records of the Ma family.

  I am afraid……

  She wouldn't believe it either.

  "do you know."

  "The world is full of wonder and coincidence."

  Jiang Gu glanced at the moonlight.

  "Today's moon is quite round."

  The night wind blows by.

  He brushed Jiang Gu's hair and messed up Ma Xiaoling's hair.


  The next day.

  Early in the morning.

  There were a lot of police here.

  These police officers are investigating recent deaths.

  Ma Xiaoling brought Jin Zhengzhong to Jiang Gu early in the morning, and went with him to investigate the place and method of the female ghost.

  The two came to a room.

  This is the latest deceased to die.

  Just walked into the room.

  Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling saw a white bone.

  Ma Xiaoling walked through the blockade.

  Looking at the bones, she squatted down slightly, with her two fingers pointed forward.

  "In just one day of internalizing the bones, this female ghost walks... It's unexpected."

  Ma Xiaoling looked a little dignified.

  "The flesh and blood are lost, the yang energy is lost... Even the seven souls and six souls no longer exist,"

  "This female ghost actually devoured even the ghost!"

  Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly.

  kill people...

  Ghosts to come...

  all killed.

  Such a cruel method.

  Really let Ma Xiaoling

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Moving content.

  Although the people of these black organizations are not good people, what the female ghosts do is even more ruthless.

  Can imagine...

  How much this ghost hates men!

  "This female ghost... may have to cultivate into an Asura, she doesn't want to be reincarnated at all."

  "Master, is it so powerful?" Jin Zhengzhong was a little stunned when he heard it.

  Jiang Gu stood at the door.

  Look at the bones on the ground.This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  He looked around.

  "すみません, お Demon します. (Sorry, excuse me)."


  A female voice sounded.

  It's Japanese.

  Behind Jiang Gu.

  A Fuso country policewoman in plain clothes walked in.

  "Hello, I'm Zhongshan Mixue, I'm in charge of the case here."

  Kim Jong-jung's eyes straightened when he saw Zhongshan Miyuki.

  With long hair, clear cheeks, and a pair of eyes that are very moving, they look fresh and lovely.

  "The case here... It's very strange. Our Fusang police have invited Peacock, an eminent monk in Ligaoye. I hope you can cooperate."

  Zhongshan Miyuki said to Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong.

  "Peacock?" Jin Zhengzhong was taken aback, "Isn't that the monk who pretended to be Kimura Takuya?"

  Eagle Country Town.

  Ma Xiaoling and others have also encountered peacocks.

  At that time, Peacock opened the hotel, and his attitude was very indifferent.

  There is very little interaction after that.

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