
  was talking.

  The crisp bell banging sounded.

  Then came the sound of rapid footsteps.

  "They are here." Zhongshan Miyue smiled sweetly: "Master Peacock has only recently returned to our Fusang country."

  I see.

  at the end of the corridor.

  A monk in a white robe came with a staff in hand, with a hard face and an indifferent expression.

  Just got to the door.

  Then he saw Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong, and he was slightly taken aback: "Is it you?"

  "Kimura Takuya! Long time no see!" Jin Zhengzhong greeted.

  Hear this title.

  Peacock's face darkened.

  "So you know each other?" Nakayama Miyuki was a little surprised.

  "When the poor monk was ordered by his master to guard the castle master, he had met with a few."

  Peacock folded his hands and bowed.

  "Monk, when you were in the hotel, you were always against us, and now you want to steal my business?" Ma Xiaoling looked at the peacock, a little dissatisfied.

  "You guys talk, I still need to escort a prisoner here. I'm leaving first, sorry."

  Nakayama Miyuki bowed to several people, turned and left.


Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 1: Chasing in the Dark! 【10/[-]】

  "Kimura Takuya, let me tell you, hurry away if you are interested, don't grab business with my master!" Jin Zhengzhong looked at the peacock and said.

  Peacock shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm just here to get rid of this Specter, and I won't compete with the two of you for business."

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at Peacock.

  He looked at the dead body again.

  "This female ghost didn't show up yesterday, and it will definitely come out today to harm people again."

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at the time.

  "Just in time to go to the hot springs first."

  "are you going?"

  She looked at Jiang Gu and asked.

  Jiang Gu shook his head.

  "I'm going outside for a walk."

  He said, walking towards the garden of the hot spring hotel.

  There is a garden in the spa hotel.

  In the garden...

  It is a cherry blossom forest.


  Now is the cold winter season, and the cherry blossoms have already fallen.

  into the garden.

  Because of the murder in the hot spring hotel, almost all the tourists in the hot spring hotel left here.

  The whole huge garden.

  It seemed a little quiet.

  Jiang Gu walked into the depths of the garden step by step, the withered cherry trees looked a little deserted.

  The trail is a bluestone road.

  It looks very retro.

  Jiang Gu went deep.

  There are cherry trees all around here, but the cherry tree in the deepest center is different from other cherry trees.

  This cherry tree...

  It looks like the largest in the whole garden!

  In front of this cherry tree, there is a long stone chair.

  Jiang Gu came here.

  Then sat down.

  He quietly looked at the emptiness around him, the gentle smile gradually dissipated, leaving only a dull, unreadable emotion.



  Moonlight hangs high.

  The garden was silent.

  In a dark garden.

  Jiang Gu is still sitting here.

  He didn't move.

  It seems to be petrified.





  A slight noise sounded.

  in the dark.

  Jiang Gu moved slightly like his deadly dull eyes.

  He will look.

  Looking out of the garden.

  There was a burst of rapid footsteps and numerous gunshots.

  "Help け て く だ さ い                                  

  A weak voice rang not far away.

  Under Jiang Gu's deep eyes.

  A woman in casual clothes... came here step by step.

  her body...

  Seems to have been hit hard.


  A strange color appeared in Jiang Gu's eyes.

  Strong bloody smell.

  Instantly filled his body everywhere.

  "Sir, help me..."

  When the woman saw Jiang Gu sitting under the garden, she seemed to see hope. She, who had been walking step by step, actually flew up...


  The woman fell five meters away from Jiang Gu.

  Under the moonlight.

  It is a clear and beautiful cheek.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It turned out to be the Zhongshan Meixue that Jiang Gu saw today.


  Zhongshan Miyuki sees Jiang Gu.

  It seems a little familiar.

  But she didn't say hello to Jiang Gu today, but left in a hurry.

  "You run away..."

  "They are going to burn down the hot spring hotel..."

  "You take the news out... let everyone leave."

  Nakayama Miyuki's clothes were all covered with blood.

  She was pale.

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