That breath.

  It seems to be wrapping herself tightly! Is it going to die? Ma Xiaoling felt a sadness.

  She looked aside with all her might.

  There is an ethereal darkness.

  her body.

  Already under that hole! The center of Kunlun.

  Has been crushed down by the eternal kingdom! Reduced to the abyss! And she.

  is in the abyss.

  Her eyes looked at the abyss, full of reluctance and unwillingness.

  she knows.

  There are not many people in this world anymore.

  And once you die.

  Then Jiang Gu will be alone.

  That kind of...death-like feeling, there is only one person left in the whole world, and it is hard for her to imagine how Jiang Gu will spend it.

  She didn't want Jiang Gu to spend such lonely years alone.

  Just when she was desperate.


  The white fog surging in the sky! At that surging moment! When Ma Xiaoling was in despair, she saw a figure looming in the abyss, as if walking from the darkness, or walking out of the white fog.

  This scene.

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  She seems to have seen it too many times.

  But every time she sees it, she still feels that mystery, that shock, and still can't be erased.

  even though.

  She knew the person's identity and name.

  But the horror and mystery still lingered in her heart, just like the first time she met Jiang Gu.

  in that old town.

  under that crisis.

  A figure came out of the white fog, like a savior, like a demon, like an existence that annihilates everything, it seems that at this moment, he is a god, a god that no one in the world can stop! Now.

  He appeared again.

  Om! With the appearance of that figure, all time seemed to stand still in an instant! And the eternal kingdom also stood still! The huge eternal kingdom has broken through the sky! Just a little bit, it will come to this world completely! Ma Xiaoling's cracked body, at this moment, under the appearance of the figure, it seems that all the pain has disappeared.


  A gentle palm gently picked her up.

  A warm feeling covered Ma Xiaoling's whole body, and in that darkness, she seemed to have a huge sense of security.

  Ma Xiaoling gave a shock.

  at this moment.

  She seemed to recall the original scene.

  When she and Uncle Qiu were looking for the records of the Ma family, the sky and the earth collapsed, the mountains collapsed, and the white mist filled the sky. Both she and Uncle Qiu were seriously injured and thought they would die there.

  But under that cloudy sky.

  She saw a figure walk out slowly.

  at the last moment of consciousness.

  The figure walked beside her.

  That memory should have been lost.

  But now.

  The image in front of him was once again connected to that memory.

  In her memory, she seemed to have seen the figure walking out of the white mist, and gently hugged her.

  There are records of the Ma family buried there, as well as the zombie king that exists in the records of the Ma family.


  It's so wonderful.

  Everything seems to start there.

  "Good, I thought I was going to die."

  Ma Xiaoling smiled, with a few traces of blood on the corner of her mouth.

  "You'll be fine."

  Jiang Gu gently stroked the hair between Ma Xiaoling's eyebrows.

  He looked at the eternal kingdom spaceship that covered the sky above, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  This eternal kingdom does not seem to be the same as the eternal kingdom he thought.

  The previous eternal kingdom is far less than one millionth of the current eternal kingdom, 0,%.

  The eternal kingdom that has appeared now is almost like a planet! It covers the sky and collapses the sky! Its vastness is like a star-like existence in that universe.

  Boom - just when he was holding Ma Xiaoling! Suddenly! The petals of the sky attacked again! Rising from the endless abyss! Falling from the sky where the eternal kingdom was crushed! Down, up! Up and down! A terrifying and mighty aura emerged! A figure in a red shirt appeared among the petals in the sky.

  "It's you"

  "It was you who prevented the coming of the eternal kingdom."

  "No, it's you two!"

  The beautiful but distorted face of the Lady of Yaochi, looking at Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling coldly! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 403 The universe is destroyed!The power to destroy everything!

  It sensed the breath of the eternal heart lock from Ma Xiaoling.

  From Jiang Gu's body, it sensed the mysterious aura and power that stopped him! "I didn't even think of it!"

  "I didn't even think of it!"

  Destiny laughed, his face twisted! "You, the person who should have died two thousand years ago, the person who should have died turned out to be my biggest obstacle!"

  "If I knew earlier, I would not let go of this situation to intensify the hatred of Our Lady of Yaochi. I didn't expect it would lead to such a big disaster!"

  "Two thousand years ago"

  "You changed everything, but nothing changed the result!"

  "Now I can tell you again, even if you change everything, you still won't change the result!"

  Destiny's breath is unprecedentedly terrifying! Her face is distorted and full of resentment! I never thought that the game that was buried two thousand years ago turned out to be her biggest obstacle! The game it set for the Ma family, because it knew Ma Xiaoling Once infected by the blood of zombies, the power that erupts can deal with the Mother of Yaochi! So this game, it is designed for the Mother of Yaochi and also for the Ma family! But it never thought of it.

  A thousand calculations, but one wrong step.

  It resurrects an unprecedented horror! A true Zombie King, even the Zombie King who already knows his identity! "Shh."

  Jiang Gu gently put Ma Xiaoling behind him.


  Step forward! The terrifying and mighty power is accompanied by the white fog, rising like stars! In the white fog in the sky, countless cracks grow, and the black cracks are intertwined with the white fog, forming a very terrifying magnetic field! "Roar."

  A low growl.

  Jiang Gu's eyes turned into deep blood in an instant, and his eyes were dead silent as he stared lightly ahead.

  Two fangs emerged from the corners of his mouth.

  The mighty cosmic power that seemed to be able to destroy all the stars emerged from Jiang Gu.

  The breath of reincarnation entangled Jiang Gu.

  So strong.

  Whether it is Ma Xiaoling.

  or fate.

  They all feel that Jiang Gu can easily destroy the stars! Such a powerful force has long since broken free from the rules of this world! Boom - without any hesitation! Jiang Gu's figure surged in the white fog that filled the sky, like a dazzling star in the star river that filled the sky, rushing forward with the most powerful and terrifying power! Destiny's blood-red eyes stared at Jiang Gu.

  Three books with a strange atmosphere slowly emerged and rotated around it.

  With the rotation of the three books, an inexplicable aura drew the power of the universe, and it came in a mighty way! Boom—fate five fingers condensed! A fist blow! The light emitted is like a star shattered! The light is scattered! The heaven and the earth are agitated! The Jianggu surging in the white fog in the sky.

  The five fingers are gradually condensed.

  Hazy, like the strangest light in the universe, the light gradually condensed into a reincarnation, and wrapped around Jiang Gu's deep blood-colored eyes. The five-star 55 light fluctuated faintly in the deepest part of the eye, and gradually condensed into a hazy light. , contains the color and power of the five-star Boom - the five fingers are condensed! It is like a punch that can destroy the power of the stars in Jianggu's fist! Boom!!! There is a bloody fog on one side! The world seems to be covered by these two colors! Two colors.

  A punch with the mightiest power in the universe.

  It seems to be able to shatter the whole world! It can even shatter the whole universe! Ma Xiaoling watched this scene.

  Her whole body was covered with white fog.

  in the white fog.

  She opened her purple and ice-blue pupils and stared silently into the distance.


  She could only see that her pupils seemed to be covered by these two colors.


  She could vaguely see that the two people collided in an instant! The instant of collision! An extreme white light emerged again! The white light penetrated the whole world! It penetrated the whole time!

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