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  Covered by white light! Ma Xiaoling is in this moment covered by white light.

  It seemed to hear the sound of the whole world shattering.

  Even the sound of the entire vast universe shattering.

  It seems at this moment.

  The planet is shattered.

  And the universe was destroyed.

  Such terrifying power is enough to destroy a planet in an instant! I don't know how many seconds this white fog lasted.

  But Ma Xiaoling seemed to have experienced the feeling of the whole world being broken and the whole universe being broken in these few seconds.

  The white light gradually dissipated.

  The intense white light made her unable to open her eyes.

  After waiting for the white light to dissipate, she felt a little hazy in front of her eyes.

  in the haze.

  She saw a figure in the white fog slowly walking towards her.

  The figure staggered a little, but not in a hurry, walking towards her step by step.

  "it's over"

  "it's over"

  Ma Xiaoling stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

  She doesn't know if it's over or not.

  She couldn't watch the scene just now, and she couldn't participate in the battle at all. Just a wave of aftermath was enough to smash her to pieces! The two groups of power broke out.

  Definitely not something she can resist.

  It is not something this world can resist.

  But in this world, it was as if nothing had happened. In that scene, what Ma Xiaoling felt was just the aftermath, which was enough to break the world apart.

  But why hasn't there been any change yet, it seems like a slight change has occurred.

  What she saw in the extreme white light just now seemed to be the collapse of the entire world, and even the collapse of the entire universe.

  This white light, she remembered, seemed to have appeared during the third calamity.


  She hesitated for a while and asked softly.

  She didn't know who the figure in the white mist was.

  The current rules of power are completely shattered, all the breath, all the power, seems to be non-existent, she can't see the figure in the white mist clearly.

  The figure seemed to be filled with red, and it seemed to be filled with white.

  After her voice fell.


  The power rules between heaven and earth emerged in an instant! The violent air waves were like broken stars! In an instant, they stirred up in this area! Bang! Ma Xiaoling hasn't reacted yet!

  Ma Xiaoling's body was bombarded by the violent power, and all the power in her body dissipated in an instant, and the blood rolled! The power in the body was even more turbulent, and it began to surge violently in the body, causing Ma Xiaoling to suffer heavy damage in an instant! Suppressed, almost cracked, if Jiang Gu did not appear, she might have disintegrated directly.

  Now that this strange power has caused her internal strength rules to be chaotic, she suffered a heavy blow in an instant! The battle between Jiang Gu and fate.

  Caused some force in the universe to start repairing the outbreak of this great war.

  But even if the power of the universe is repaired, there will still be an aftermath.

  After the power of the universe disappeared, this aftermath appeared! Ma Xiaoling was swayed by this aftermath, her body was severely injured, and she fell directly to the ground.

  After it fell to the ground.

  The figure that came from a distance, gently picked her up, and then jumped towards the abyss! Left here! Not long after the two left.

  The white fog gradually dissipated.

  in the abyss.

  A blood-red figure staggered out.

  "I merge the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man! Immortal and immortal, how can you kill me"

  "The eternal kingdom must come, no one can stop it!"

  It looked at the place where Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu left, then sat down and began to repair the heavily injured body.

  "Those dusty people should wake up too."

Chapter 404 The Dying Jiang Gu!The emergence of prehistoric humans!

  The advent of the eternal kingdom is the ultimate goal of destiny's plan! Under his plan, when the eternal kingdom comes, the remaining Pangu tribe and the remaining perfect humans in the eternal kingdom will rebel, and he will control the endless years. will also come in handy! As his voice falls.

  Endless petals spring from that abyss.

  After a few seconds, the gushing petals suddenly spread out, and a crack appeared in the center of the petal! In this crack, one after another figure walked out of the crack.

  Those are all human beings who were controlled by fate countless years ago.

  The existence of destiny has existed for an unknown number of epochs.

  The Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man have existed since the beginning of the universe.

  Birth Spirit begins, and it begins this plan.

  After the endless years have been exhausted, after one long era after another, the human beings and creatures he controlled have already reached a terrifying number.

  Countless human beings of all kinds came out of the crack where the petals were born.

  These human beings behave strangely, some are like creatures that exist in this world, some are strange in appearance, and some are very strange in body.

  An existence that looks like a monkey, with a body of dozens of meters high, standing above the sky.

  A strange looking like a fish and a monkey, with a huge body, more than ten meters high, with a pair of fish eyes looking under the sky.

  An existence that looks like a monster has countless petals.

  Countless prehistoric humans have come out.


  At a glance, it is endless! The entire sky is almost filled with these prehistoric human beings! The number is probably not lower than the number of human beings when the world was not destroyed! These are the human beings that existed in countless previous epochs! With a terrifying breath.

  "find him."

  In that abyss, fate ordered softly, but his eyes were full of hatred.

  Endless years finally waited for the arrival of the eternal kingdom, but it was destroyed by the situation that was buried two thousand years ago.

  The dense, mighty prehistoric human beings traced the breath of Jiang Gu.

  ——————"Uncle Jiang Gu!"

  Kuang Tianya is not far from Kunlun.

  In the distance, I saw a figure hugging a woman in a black shirt and walking out.

  "You, why are you seriously injured?"

  When Kuang Tianya saw Jiang Gu's injury, he was full of worry and concern.

  Especially after the power rules are restored.

  She has felt it.

  Uncle Jiang Gu's breath has already disappeared, and it seems that it will be completely cut off in the next second.

  Dying! Dying! Kuang Tianya has no idea what happened.

  In her eyes, Uncle Jiang Gu is the strongest person in the world! Who else can hurt him "send her here."

  Jiang Gu's breath was on the verge of death, but his voice was still unhurried.

  He gave Ma Xiaoling in his arms to Kuang Tianya.


  He took out a cracked stone.

  This is the Pangu Guangyu used by Ma Xiaoling.

  I don't know why, this Pangu Guangyu was originally supposed to be an ordinary stone, but after today, the power of this Pangu Guangyu suddenly recovered.

  It is very likely that the source of Pan Yu's power is from the ancient clan.

  In the Eternal Kingdom, there are the Pangu clan that survived from the previous era.

  "Uncle Jianggu"

  It was a bit unacceptable for a while because of the ancient world.

  She lived with Uncle Jiang Gu for about ten years.

  For ten years, the three of them accompany each other.

  at this moment.

  She suddenly knew the parting and goodbye mentioned in the book.

  This go.

  Maybe forever.

  "Uncle Jiang Gu, don't go."

  Kuang Tianya looked at Jiang Gu, his eyes were misty, and tears were about to flow.

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