"A coming-of-age gift for you."

  Jiang Gu smiled and handed the stone to Kuang Tianya.

  "This is where you're going, here"

  He looked behind him.

  The petals scattered all over the sky.

  Prehistoric man stepped out of that petal.

  Even Jiang Gu and Kuang Tianya were almost all prehistoric humans.

  It is no longer suitable to live here.

  Fate will never let Kuang Tianya go.

  In any case, Kuang Tianya's destiny is to return to those [-] years ago, to [-].

  As for the ray of life that the Dao said that day.

  Jiang Gu has been unable to investigate further.

  "Let's go."

  "You'll see me again."

  Jiang Gu patted Kuang Tianya's head.

  He closed his eyes.

  A white fog wafted out of the sky.

  in the white fog.

  He turned around slowly and walked into the distance step by step.

  His breath was getting weaker and weaker.

  Kuang Tianya wanted to move.

  But found that he couldn't find it.

  In her mind, there was only a map left by Jiang Gu.

  This is where she is going.

  It is also the place where she wants to send Ma Xiaoling.

  She stood there, quietly watching the figure gradually walk away, for a while, her sadness could no longer be concealed, and tears kept pouring out of her.

  Don't this.

  It is forever.

  "Uncle Jianggu"

  Choking voices echoed in the white fog, but there was only silence.

  ————————Under the white mist.

  The prehistoric humans who walked out of the petals were silently annihilated.

  Jiang Gu staggered and walked out.

  His pace became more and more erratic.

  him now.

  Really dying.

  If it weren't for his strong will, I'm afraid he would have already fallen.

  That hit.

  It caused the source power of the entire universe to be repaired, and the power of that punch can be seen.

  He collided with fate.

  The center of the violent violence of these two groups is the two.

  The strength that the two of them endured is simply not what the body can bear! "It's a pity."

  He sighed slightly.

  Just a smidge.

  As long as it is a little stronger, the collision force is stronger, and fate will be annihilated! If his strength is a little stronger, he can completely destroy this fate.


  Just that little bit.

  It's also because of that power.

  His body couldn't take it either.

  him now.

  It's just a flashback.

  He walked in the white fog, his pace a little unsteady.

  I don't know how long I've been gone.

  He stopped suddenly.

  From his arms, he took out a primitive stone with blue light.

  This is what he got from Ma Xiaoling.

  The power here.

  The power is very similar to that of Pangu Guangyu.

  But the difference is.

  The power of Pangu Guangyu is not even one-millionth of this.

  The energy contained in it is enormous.

  What is this? Jiang Gu looked at the stone in front of him, and his pupils gradually condensed slightly.


  His scattered eyes instantly condensed into blood-colored pupils! The blue light on the stone.

  It was constantly pouring into his body! With the influx of blue light! He suddenly saw the deepest part of his body.

  a crack.

  Slowly emerge! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 405 The explanation of everything!Last epoch! 【Important chapter! 】

  The blue light of the stone kept pouring in.

  Jiang Gu felt the majestic and vast power pouring into his body! But after entering his body, it disappeared without a trace! Only the crack exists in Jiang Gu's body.

  He stood in the white fog, unable to move at all! I don't know how long it took.

  The power contained in the strange blue light of the stone actually poured into Jiang Gu's body! At the same time.

  That crack.

  It was like opening a big mouth of blood, and it actually swallowed Jiang Gu directly from the inside out! Jiang Gu's figure disappeared in an instant.

  The stone in his hand fell directly to the ground.


  Only the white fog remained.


  Fate suddenly opened his eyes.

  He just felt a terrifying force.

  This terrifying power seems to have exceeded his knowledge of power.

  "what happened"

  He always felt a little uneasy.

  He looked up at the eternal kingdom.

  this eternal kingdom.

  After he fought Jiang Gu, the eternal kingdom seemed to stop there.

  "The way to create a perfect human being, I must get it."

  Fate glanced coldly at the eternal kingdom, then closed his eyes again and sat cross-legged.

  ——————The endless darkness swept over.

  Jiang Gu shuttled through the dark turbulent current.

  The wounds in his body are still getting worse.

  "The Power of Reincarnation"

  He felt the power of reincarnation in this darkness, and also felt the power from reincarnation, not only the power of reincarnation, but also some mysterious powers involved.

  these forces.

  It seems to come from the origin of the universe.

  Therein lies the power of time rules.

  This time rule is different from the time rule in the big world where human beings live, where the time rule is formulated.

  And here are the time rules.

  is from the universe.

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