The origin of the universe! If he can comprehend the power of the origin of the universe, he may have a chance to repair his injuries! He closed his eyes in this endless darkness, feeling the existence of the origin power in his body.

  Time passed slowly.

  I don't know how long it took.

  I don't know how long he has been traveling in this dark place.

  It's like a river here.

  A river that never stops.

  In the darkness, the time power from the river made him very kind.

  ——————He shuttled through this long stream of darkness.

  Maybe 100 years later.


  Thousands of years.

  millions of years.

  endless years.

  He was used to this feeling of loneliness.

  Time doesn't seem to exist for him.

  He kept on shuttle, constantly over time.

  He is gradually comprehending the various forces of the origin of the universe, time, reincarnation, and countless laws are gradually formed in his body.

  He felt that he had escaped his destiny early! Although the injury in the body has not been repaired.

  But he was able to use the law of time to imprison the flow of life in his body.

  Once he can fully comprehend the time law of the origin of the universe, he will be able to turn back time and restore his body to the point where he was not injured! Om suddenly one day.

  The speed of the dark river's shuttle seemed to slow down.

  This feeling is very strange, he seemed to be surging fast before, but now the speed seems to be a little slower.

  He continued to shuttle, and the speed of the shuttle became slower and slower.

  to the end.

  He seems to be walking in this dark river.


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  on one day.

  He felt his body stop.

  The whole body was still in the darkness of nothingness.


  He felt the passage of time stopped.

  He stood still.

  There was a slight fluctuation.

  I saw a blue ray of light emerging from this long black river, and this ray of light originated from his body.

  Om! A strong wave! After the wave.

  He felt that his body was actually in: gradually merged into this dark river.

  Integration is slow.

  As he blended in, he gradually closed his eyes.

  After I don't know how long.

  He opened his eyes again.

  The dark river disappeared.


  It's a blue sky.

  ———————— This is still Blue Star.

  The only difference is that this is not the Blue Star that Jiang Gu is familiar with.

  Everything here is the original appearance of civilization.

  No buildings, no weapons, and no tools.

  He is where he fell.

  Saw a few wild men with ragged hair.

  These savages possess extremely terrifying powers.

  these forces.

  Jiang Gu felt it in a person.

  Pangu people.

  That's right.

  It is the Pangu! These savages are from the Pangu or Jianggu thought of the stone.

  The stone contains the power of Pangu Guangyu, and it is far more than tens of millions of times of Pangu Guangyu, and Pangu Guangyu has the power to travel time! That is to say, he may have traveled to the beginning of the civilization before the last era. He thought of this possible.

  A look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

  There was something he should have wondered about.


  There seemed to be an answer he didn't know.

  The most important thing for him now is to understand the power of the origin of the universe.

  Since he understood the source power of the universe in the dark river, his current body has been able to directly pass through the blue star and come into contact with the power of the vast universe.

  He found a place.

  There, he sat down.

  ————————I don’t know how long it took.

  He opened his eyes again.

  The original civilization has begun to change.

  He saw the savages dug out the cave according to his method.

  He saw the flames appear.

  Also saw some simple and rudimentary tools.

  While he was sitting cross-legged.

  Occasionally go out.

  And the savages, since the first time they saw him, called him a god.

  Every time Jiang Gu goes out, he will be enlightened.

  since he was enlightened.

  The origin of civilization.

  It started gradually.

  Those savages began to leave the caves, thus building simple thatched huts and making simple tools for hunting.

  The number of savages gradually increased.

  They gradually differentiated into different tribes.

  These savages have immortality, and their power will gradually become stronger with the years.

  The only difference is .

  No matter how powerful these savages like Pangu are, there is always a certain time.

  These savages, similar to the Pangu tribe, will worship in front of the caves of Jianggu.

  For these savages similar to the Pangu tribe, Jianggu is a god's mansion.

  And here.

  Also known as the forbidden place of God.

Chapter 406 Changes in civilization!The construction of the eternal kingdom!

  Time flies by.

  When Jiang Gu left the cave again.

  Savages similar to Pangu no longer exist.

  It was replaced by the ancients who wore silk coats just like the ancient Chinese civilization.

  They also have blood that is immortal and immortal like the Pangu people.

  his cave.

  I don't know when it became the highest peak in the whole world.

  below him.

  There are countless steps and altars.

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