
  The people here regard him as a god.

  Those who have lived for tens of thousands of years, guarding this place, this is the original savages, and gradually evolved into the top of the world, guarding one world.

  Jiang Gu's injuries are not good.

  He walks in this world.

  This is the civilization of the previous era, not the civilization of the era in which he existed.

  The only difference here is that people who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years can be seen everywhere. They have immortal life and superb wisdom.

  The buildings here are oriental.

  Very beautiful and gorgeous.

  Just tens of thousands of years.

  developed to this point.

  Jiang Gu has been walking in this world for a while, and he wants to understand the civilization that existed in the last era! He has traveled all over the land.

  Now the whole world is scattered into various dynasties, and the center, where he is, is called the dynasty.

  Dajiang Dynasty.

  This is the use of the Jiang character in Jiang Gu. He taught these savages how to read and teach them how to use tools and make tools.

  The process of civilization is developing rapidly.

  And his name.

  This is the origin of the Dajiang Dynasty.

  The Dajiang Dynasty controls all the dynasties, and the guards inside are the savages similar to the Pangu people who encountered Jianggu.

  Jiang Gu walked in the civilization of the last era.

  Just like the Qin Dynasty that walked two thousand years ago.

  It doesn't seem like much has changed.

  The only difference is .

  This is not the era in which he existed.

  The east and the west here are all dynasties composed of various dynasties.

  Walked endless years.

  He returned to the cave again.

  He is still comprehending the laws of the origin of the universe, and walking the earth is to understand the laws of life in the universe.

  Time passed again.

  Jiang Gu's own injuries have not recovered.

  He can only imprison his own life force with the law of cosmic time that he has little understanding, and during this time, he uses the power of reincarnation again to walk the world.

  in the endless years of walking.

  He saw the rapid development of this civilization.

  fifty thousand years.

  This civilization has developed into the era of technology.

  Seventy thousand years.

  This civilization has surpassed the age of science and technology and entered the future age.

  One hundred thousand years, millions of years, ten thousand years, Jiang Gu has been sitting cross-legged in the cave during these endless years, and his reincarnation will still occasionally leave the cave, go to the human world, and comprehend the life law of the origin of the universe.

  He was gone for a long time.

  It is not perfect to discover that these human beings similar to the Pangu people are not perfect.

  Compared with the Pangu Clan he knew, there was still a slight gap.

  The real Pangu people have long since surpassed the Blue Star, and the vast universe established the Pangu Holy Land.

  But the Pangu people here are beyond the Blue Star.

  Their talents and bodies make it impossible for them to achieve this level, and they cannot transcend.

  fifty million years.

  Jiang Gu's law of life broke through a new level.

  He is gradually approaching the most original law of the universe.

  When he was reincarnated, he adopted a little girl.

  Jiang Gu used the law of life to evolve his own talents and immortal genes for this little girl.

  After living for a hundred years.

  He left here.

  After he left the little girl, he returned to the cave to sit cross-legged and continued to comprehend the laws of the universe.

  when he woke up again.

  [-] years later.

  This is

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  Great changes have taken place in the regime of the dynasty.

  Lord of the Dynasty.

  Changed that... the little girl he once met became the new owner of the dynasty.

  her genes.

  It has tended to be a complete Pangu clan.

  When Jiang Gu appeared, this little girl had turned into an empress and appeared in front of him.

  Thousands of years have passed again.

  Thousands of years later.

  Jiang Gu's law of the origin of life in the universe goes one step further.

  He found the queen of the dynasty, the little girl of the year.


  Through this law of life, he finally constructed a perfect gene, even far beyond the gene of the Pangu race.


  These genes cannot be passed on.

  The Queen is Jiang Gu's faithful guardian.

  So Jiang Gu left again.

  He passed by some tribes, the most primitive ones, lingering on the borders of the dynasty.

  He found the original savages and used the law of life again to modify genes.

  Ten people 10, five males and five females, all became the original genes of the Pangu people.

  Then he left here.

  He knew that fate would come.

  But he had no way to deal with fate, and his own injury made him unable to take action.

  So he needs to use the law of life to create a real Pangu tribe to fight against fate.

  Time passed again.

  Another million years.

  Those ten people had already become a dynasty, the first dynasty under the dynasty, this dynasty, known as the Pangu dynasty, was attached to the Dajiang dynasty.

  And the people in this dynasty all possess the genes of the Pangu race.

  Since then.

  The genes of the Pangu people are constantly flowing to different places.

  Become the noble blood of the world second only to the queen.

  Endless years have passed.

  Dajiang Dynasty.

  Leaving Blue Star.

  Start exploring that universe.

  ————————— The world is prosperous.

  But Jiang Gu's laws of the universe still haven't been fully comprehended.

  He sat cross-legged constantly.

  Time. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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