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  past again.

  Another long time.

  Civilization has developed into an unimaginable future era of science and technology, countless warships shuttle in the universe, and countless planets have the base area of ​​the Dajiang Dynasty and begin to search for new life.

  Jiang Gu has not appeared for many years.

  He has been asleep all these years.

  When he woke up again, he felt a trace of unease.

  The breath of fate appeared again.

  He walked out of the cave and saw a world full of science and technology. High-rise buildings from all over the world rose from the ground, with thousands of floors, spaceships constantly shuttled in the sky, and space cars continued to flicker in the space. The technology era of the whole world At the peak of development, they have begun to gradually touch some of the taboos of the universe.

  List such as.

  The Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man.

  List such as.

  The existence of the previous era, even the existence of the previous era.

  Through countless times of history, the world has discovered one amazing fact.

  And this fact.

  Destined to lead to a book.

  Heavenly Book.

  The fate of the Book of Heaven will also appear.

  Jiang Gu looked at this prosperous era of civilization.

  He remembered the eternal kingdom that he felt in the place called Kunlun, countless years ago, perhaps tens of trillions of years ago, perhaps a long time ago.


  Full of the vibe here.

  He seemed to understand something.

  He found the queen of the Dajiang Dynasty.

  That... the little girl who used to be.

  Jiang Gu only ordered one thing.

  Build a perfect spaceship.

  Jiang Gu's order became the first plan of the Dajiang Dynasty.

  This plan.

  It is called the eternal kingdom.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 407 The origin of civilization, the arrival of Nuwa's generals

  Jiang Gu fell into a cross seat again.

  when he wakes up.

  It is the eternal kingdom that has been built.

  He went to the eternal kingdom.

  Begin to construct an original universal life law.

  After endless long years.

  His law of life has evolved to a new level again.

  distance from true understanding.

  Just a little bit more.

  After doing all this.

  He fell into a cross seat again.

  when he woke up again.

  It was the breath of fate that appeared.

  The prosperous and prosperous Dajiang Dynasty began to be in chaos.

  Dynasties from all over the world continue to provoke wars, huge scale wars, battered the entire Blue Star, and even wiped out the entire civilization process.

  The immortal human beings began to die continuously, and the Dajiang Dynasty made a strong shot, and it was still difficult to suppress.

  Even the dynasties that exist on the cosmic planet have begun to fight in the cosmic starry sky.

  Here, there seems to be a pair of hands that control all this invisibly.

  The first to feel that something was wrong was the empress of the Dajiang Dynasty.

  That... the little girl who used to be.

  From the historical relics, she has found the history of countless civilization epochs. Although those civilization epochs are not as developed as today's civilization, they can be proved to exist.

  And the beginning of the historical extinction of those civilizations is the beginning of chaos.

  Every civilization is still like this.


  It seems to be touching something.

  The Dajiang Dynasty continued to pursue the truth.

  Another long time.

  The Dajiang Dynasty found the mastermind behind the scenes.

  The mastermind behind this is called destiny.

  Jiang Gu did not show up.

  If he shows up, he will definitely be involved in this ancient history, and fate will be able to discover his existence. If he knows that he is from the future, then with his current injury, he will not be able to deal with fate at all.

  Fate and the Dajiang Dynasty and the Pangu Dynasty launched an unprecedented tragic war.

  this battle.

  The entire Dajiang Dynasty and the Pangu Dynasty were annihilated.

  Countless perfect human beings died out because of this.

  This is an unprecedented battle.

  In the end, it ends with the fate of the queen of the Dajiang Dynasty to kill.


  The empress of the Dajiang Dynasty was also on the verge of death.

  —————— Jiang Gu walked out of the cave again.

  He looked at the devastated land in front of him.

  Now the whole land is sinking.

  Those once glorious buildings, the thousand-story high-rise buildings, have long since collapsed.

  There are corpses everywhere.

  He saw a figure walking towards him staggeringly under the stairs.


  The Queen was full of dismay.

  Jiang Gu looked at the queen in front of him.

  Injured to death.

  The original little girl.

  The current queen.

  Jiang Gu gently hugged her.

  Eternal kingdom.

  Appeared from the center of the Great River Dynasty.

  He embraced the queen and entered the eternal kingdom.

  ————————The Eternal Kingdom has left here.

  The last human, Jiang Gu sent them out of here.


  reduced to death.

  In the place where the war once broke out in the universe, the planet began to shatter, countless meteorite fragments began to wander in the vast universe, and some fragments began to hit the blue star.

  After the entire Blue Star was separated from human beings, creatures began to be derived.

  these creatures.

  Called dinosaurs by later generations.

  It is the last species to be researched by humans.

  That war did not affect these species.

  When all humans leave here.

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