These huge creatures began to run rampant in this land.

  It was only after the meteorite hit that the whole world shattered, the flood broke out, the ocean engulfed the earth, and ice and snow emerged and the Blue Star entered the Ice Age.

  After the Ice Age.

  Jiang Gu once again felt the emergence of the breath of destiny.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Humans have appeared on this land, but this time.

  Less than 10% of the Pangu people.

  After developing to a certain civilization, it is still difficult for these human evolutionary histories to evolve to one-tenth and 10% of the Pangu people.

  Fate annihilated this civilization.


  There have been several civilizations on and off.

  A total of five civilizations.

  After the annihilation of the fifth civilization.

  Fate stopped this practice, and it disappeared here.

  experienced endless years.

  Maybe hundreds of millions of years.

  Also billions of years.

  Jiang Gu felt a familiar breath emerge from this land.

  He walked out of the cave.

  Saw a meteorite hit the land of Blue Star.

  A man wrapped in cloth belts emerged from this piece of land.

  His eyes were pure, like clear water.


  When Jiang Gu saw this person, his indifferent expression after hundreds of trillions of years suddenly showed a smile.

  those long years.

  Made him forget a lot of things.

  those things.

  was hidden in the bottom of my heart.

  He couldn't remember.

  Because those years did not exist here at all.

  But a familiar person finally appeared.

  those years.

  Finally coming back.

  Even if it has to go through tens of millions of years, after endless years.

  And this breath of familiarity.

  Naturally, it is the breath of the Pangu people.

  The general appears.

  After a long time again.

  A woman fell on the ground.

  She landed on this vast land.

  She meets the general.

  ————————Jianggu cave is seated in the vast void.

  The earth collapsed.

  But he didn't collapse here.

  Still standing on the top of the sky, the ruins that once existed in the previous era still exist.

  After a long time.

  under this mountain.

  Two figures were ushered in.

  A woman, and a man.

  General Nüwa.

  Nuwa looked at this and slowly knelt down on the ground.

  "God, please grant me a touch of spiritual energy, and bring life to this land."

  She bowed down here.

  "Why come here"

  the general asked.

  "This is my mission."

  Nuwa replied.

  her arrival.

  It is to contact the former God.


  He still exists.

  This used to exist like a god.

  It is the origin of the once prosperous civilization.

  —————— Jiang Gu opened his eyes.

  Look at the Nuwa below.

  at this moment.

  He has understood many things.

  The eternal kingdom of the Pangu clan in the sky is at his fingertips.

  A strand of the law of life flocked to Nuwa.


  A ray of spiritual energy, gushing out again, emerged on this piece of land.


  "still exists"

  Nuwa felt the laws of life in her body, her eyes were full of awe, shock, and awe! "Let's go."

  An ethereal and indifferent voice emerged.

  ———————— Time changes again.

  It didn't take long.

  A figure came from that vast universe again.

  He fell to the ground.

  It landed not far from Nuwa.

  "King of People"

  "Then let's start creating life with you."



  Nuwa looked at the king in front of her and muttered to herself.

Chapter 408 You came after the reincarnation, why?

  Humans began to appear.

  The Patriarch of the Pangu Clan appeared under the top of Jianggu's mountain and knelt to the ground.

  He asked Jiang Gu to create a perfect Pangu people for them.

  These remaining Pangu people are no longer the pure blood of the original Pangu dynasty.

  At the same time, he presented a plan to Jiang Gu.

  A plan against fate.

  Jiang Gu did not refuse.

  Then the most perfect god of the Pangu people appeared.

  Our Lady of Yaochi.

  He was created by Jiang Gu and was of the Pangu bloodline similar to those ten people.

  —————— Time changes again.

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