Our Lady of Yaochi left here and returned to the Holy Land of Pangu.

  Endless years have passed.

  The law of origin of the universe that Jiang Gu comprehends has tended to be complete.


  One day after the slow flow of time.

  Jiang Gu finally realized the complete origin law of reincarnation in the universe.

  The law of life, the law of time, the countless source laws, gradually tend to be complete, and finally gradually become complete.

  The law of origin of the universe is perfect.

  Jiang Gu began to repair his injuries.

  After another period of time, he repaired his injuries.

  He got out of the cave.

  He has lived in a cave for countless years.

  A cave through two eras.

  this day.

  Our Lady of Yaochi came to this land.

  Watching the arrival of Our Lady of Yaochi.

  Jianggu naturally knew about the plans of the Pangu people.

  it's just not enough

  Far from enough.

  This plan is doomed to fail.

  Destiny is a book from heaven, a strange life object constructed by the origin of the universe, or a certain rule.

  It is unrealistic to want to imprison and annihilate it.

  The doubts in his heart were resolved.

  The eternal kingdom was created by him.

  He was also the one who broke open the ancient tomb of Pan and left behind Pangu Guangyu.

  Or all that.

  All from Jiang Gu's hand.

  And that person who has been looking for a silver lining in the long years is naturally also him.

  He was lost in thought.

  Everything in the future, constantly recalled in his mind.

  All will be annihilated.

  All will die.


  Jiang Gu seemed to understand something.

  He slowly closed his eyes.

  The law of reincarnation and the law of life emerge.

  He left here.

  He walked down the mountain.

  Walking down to the foot of the mountain peak, he paused:.

  at the foot of the top of the mountain.

  A little boy quietly looked at the top of the mountain.

  "Are you a god?"

  The little boy's face was dirty, but his eyes were full of purity.


  Jiang Gu looked at him.

  "If you are God, please save everyone, they will all die."

  "They went through a lot of pain"

  The little boy burst into tears.

  Jiang Gu squatted down.

  The little boy kept talking about things.

  A plague broke out among the tribes.

  He wanted to save everyone and he also heard that there used to be gods here.

  So he came here to pray for the coming of God.

  Looking at the little boy with pure pupils in front of him, Jiang Gu smiled slightly.

  "Come with me."

  Jiang Gu got up and walked slowly into the distance.

  "where are we going"

  The little boy wiped away his tears and quickly followed Jiang Gu.



  The little boy was puzzled.


  "You are called Ksitigarbha King."

  Jiang Gu paused and said slowly.

  "King Zang"

  The little boy was stunned.

  He froze in place.

  God again.

  However, he found that Jiang Gu's body was getting farther and farther away.

  ———————— Jiang Gu

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Close your eyes.

  The laws of life, the laws of reincarnation, and the laws of time have emerged.

  His fingertips slid.

  The rules come out.

  The whole world is constantly changing.

  The Three Realms and Six Paths are slowly constructed under his laws.

  He divided the world into three realms.

  In the previous era of civilization, there were no three worlds of heaven, earth and man, and the heavens were in charge of the Tao of humanity and the Tao of Ashura.

  The underworld is in charge of the animal realm, the hungry ghost realm, the reincarnation realm, and the three realms and six realms.


  Jiang Gu constructed an eighteen-story underworld.

  The deepest part of the underworld.

  It is a void of darkness.

  In that emptiness and darkness, Jiang Gu gradually began to construct the last reincarnation path of the underworld.

  The sea of ​​reincarnation slowly emerged.

  The cycle of reincarnation is gradually completed.

  after the construction is complete.

  Jiang Gu once again entered the deepest part of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

  it's here.

  He continued to construct a small world outside the underworld by using the law of reincarnation in his body.

  in this small world.

  It is his deadly weapon against fate.

  It's also a lifeline he has.

  —————— Time passes again.

  He took out the Pangu bow from the tomb of Pangu.

  Then put down Pangu Guangyu.


  Came to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

  His eyes turned to the Ma family.

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