
  Ma Xiaoling felt that her heart was full of panic and anxiety. At this moment, she seemed to have lost her soul.

  "Jiang Gu, where are you?"

  She looked left and right: and pursed her lips to keep herself from crying.

  She knew that Jiang Gu would be by her side no matter what.

  But she looked left and right again.

  But it seems to be somewhat familiar here.

  It seems to be the place where she met Jiang Gu for the first time and also the place where she first found the first part of the Ma family record Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 410 A silver lining... Does it exist?

  She stood up.

  There is no smell around.

  Even a bloodline power in her body disappeared.

  It belongs to Jiang Gu's bloodline.

  The blood of Jiang Gu's descendants flows in Ah Xiu's body, and Jiang Gu's blood is naturally contained in the body of Kuang Tianya, who was born to Kuang Tianyou.

  Kuang Tianya bit Ma Xiaoling.

  There are three bloodlines, and the Ma family's bloodline contains a total of four zombie bloodlines.


  Now the bloodline belonging to Jiang Gu has disappeared.

  The biggest difference between Jiang Gu and the generals is that once Jianggu disappears, the blood will no longer exist, but the blood of the generals will not work.

  "You won't die."

  Ma Xiaoling pursed her lips and looked forward.

  her gaze.

  Suddenly he looked at a place.

  There is a crack there.

  Bang! Ma Xiaoling directly blasted the crack open.

  What unfolded in front of him was like a staircase leading to the abyss.

  On both sides of the stairs, there are dense spells.

  These spells continue to extend downward.

  Ma Xiaoling gently stroked her hand on the spell, and the familiar power surged in an instant.

  "Second Tribulation Golden Light"

  She remembered the golden light that appeared in the second robbery.

  It was from this spell! She went down.

  I don't know how long it took.

  She still hasn't seen the end.

  It's like an endless loop in front of you.

  Ma Xiaoling kept walking down.

  this ladder.

  It made her feel familiar.

  Above this.

  It still retains the breath of Jianggu.

  Here is Ma Xiaoling staring straight ahead.

  I don't know how long it took.

  She paused slightly in her footsteps.

  After walking the long stairs.

  A huge space suddenly opened up in front of him! Walking out of the stairs was a huge space composed of rocks! It seemed to be a world of its own! The space was surrounded by rocks! The rocks were covered with spells! The endless abyss permeates the endless chill.

  end of the road.

  It is a platform made of marble.

  platform center.

  There is only one thing.


  Several huge chains were fastened to a coffin.

  When Ma Xiaoling saw this scene, her heart suddenly trembled.

  She goes down.

  Before coming to the coffin, she gently stroked the coffin.

  This is a coffin made of bronze.

  Ma Xiaoling opened the coffin.

  I saw that all the spells inside the coffin, the spells turned into patterns, sealed the coffin tightly.

  "is it you"

  Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself.

  Why is she clearly in Kunlun?

  It will suddenly appear here, what does it indicate that Ma Xiaoling looks to the left and right of the coffin:.

  Although the coffin was full of spells, there seemed to be nothing strange around it.


  She seemed to see something.

  There was a slight crack near the four corners of the coffin.

  There was something under the coffin, and Ma Xiaoling gently pushed the coffin away.

  A bottomless abyss appeared in front of Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  Looking at the bottomless abyss in front of you.

  After hesitating for a while, she stepped forward.

  The moment you step into the abyss.

  Her consciousness collapsed in an instant, and her eyes turned into darkness.

  ———————— After I don’t know how long, Ma Xiaoling woke up again.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  She saw something under the abyss.

  A candle was burning, emitting a green light.

  In this quiet and deep place, there is still a coffin.

  And some literature scattered on the ground.

  Ma Xiaoling picked up the documents on the ground, and what was recorded in it turned out to be the records of Jiang Gu.

  There are many things recorded here.

  Among them is Jiang Gu's experience.

  During that time, after Jiang Gu recovered from the extreme darkness, he recorded his past experiences.

  Looking at this record, Ma Xiaoling felt a burst of sadness in her heart.

  "The Way of Heaven"


  "The Sea of ​​Reincarnation."

  She sat cross-legged here, looking at this record, combining the records she knew.

  these records.

  It's like, taking her back to that...ancient time.


  All because of an eternal kingdom.

  Her eyes turned to the coffin.

  Don't know why.

  She always felt that her hands seemed to be shaking a little.

  She went to the coffin.

  Gently pushed open the coffin.

  In the coffin lay a woman in a blue shirt that has never changed.

  Her appearance was as stunning as it had been years ago.

  The cheeks were as white as the moon, and the eyelashes were lifelike, but those beautiful eyes were tightly closed.

  She seemed to be asleep.

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