But he didn't breathe anymore.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the woman who was almost identical to her, and couldn't help trembling in her heart.

  Om! All of a sudden.

  She felt an extremely terrifying aura surging up.

  The turbulent moment rushed towards her! At the same time.

  In the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, she absorbed the spiritual power that Ma Linger had left behind and began to roll in her body! That breath directly poured into Ma Xiaoling's body, intertwined with Ma Xiaoling's remaining power in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

  at this moment.

  She seemed to feel that the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

  In that earth-shaking change, the shattered rays of light on Kunlun suddenly condensed.

  Destiny opened its eyes in that endless abyss.

  "Eternal Heart Lock"

  It feels the breath of the eternal heart lock.

  It's just that the breath disappeared quickly! At the same time.

  Those condensed rays of light actually appeared directly around Ma Xiaoling's body.

  These condensed rays of light slowly poured into Ma Xiaoling's body.

  after pouring into the body.

  Ma Xiaoling's memory, a memory that does not belong to her, but belongs to her.

  this memory.

  It is Malinger's sad memory.

  In this memory, she saw everything that had happened, saw the annihilation of those friends, and saw the world being swallowed up by the red snow storm.

  I don't know how long it took.

  When she finished absorbing that memory, Ma Xiaoling fell into a deep silence.

  She is sitting by the coffin.

  Think about the memories you just saw.

  It seems to be in the dark.

  Something is guiding her.

  But she couldn't find her way.

  "Eternal kingdom"

  Eternal kingdom.

  All because of the eternal kingdom.

  Now the eternal kingdom has come.

  It's just that her spiritual consciousness unfolded.

  It is found that the eternal kingdom is not opened.

  She felt as though she had caught something.

  But it just didn't catch anything.

  She was lost in thought in the silent darkness.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 411 The Gamble of Destiny!A lifeline bet!

  After a short while in deep thought.

  She seemed to understand something.

  "Eternal Heart Lock"

  "Ma Linger's residual thoughts can control the eternal heart lock!"

  She thought of a possibility.

  The eternal heart lock was originally in the hands of that fate.

  But Malinger's remnant felt a familiar aura.

  This breath seems to come from itself.

  Eternal Heart Lock has a huge relationship with Malinger.

  And he is the descendant of Malinger.

  Then you must be able to control the eternal heart lock.

  Although through reincarnation.

  But she has Ma Linger's soul in her soul, she is Ma Linger and Ma Xiaoling.

  "Eternal Heart Lock, Eternal Kingdom"

  Eternal Heart Lock.

  It is the key to the eternal kingdom.

  Then she seems to want to understand a little bit.

  If she is the key to the eternal kingdom, is she the key to unlocking the eternal kingdom? Ma Xiaoling thought of this possibility.

  But this doesn't seem to matter.

  Whether it is the eternal kingdom or the eternal heart lock, where is the "silver of life"?

  "Eight hundred years ago"

  Ma Xiaoling's brain seemed to be about to explode.

  She remembered what Zai Zhai told her eight hundred years ago.

  The eternal kingdom was created by a mysterious supreme being.

  And this... Supreme Being is looking for a silver lining.

  And this... Supreme Being is surnamed Jiang.

  In that darkness, Ma Xiaoling stared at the darkness in front of her.

  Her brain is running fast.

  at this moment.

  She seemed to think of many possibilities.

  Countless pictures passed by.


  A picture freezes.

  "Little Ling"

  "This is the silver lining for me to come back from the Holy Land of Pangu"

  The moment when Uncle Qiu appeared appeared in front of her eyes.

  Begged uncle to give her a stone.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the stone to the left and right: she remembered that the stone seemed to have disappeared.

  And the last moment of her consciousness.

  The person who saw it was Jiang Gu.


  "Eternal kingdom."

  Thinking of this, she shuddered suddenly.

  The more I think about it, everything seems to have begun to gradually become clear.

  Can be clearer.

  The more disturbed and shocked she became.

  This seems to involve a game of ancient chess! The power contained in the blue light of the eternal kingdom coming stone is familiar to Ma Xiaoling! Because she has used this power before! The power of Pangu Guangyu! Yu CD-ROM! Travel through time and space the power of.

  This stone, the supreme being surnamed Jiang, is implicated in everything.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to understand.

  "Why do I exist?"

  When she wants to understand everything.

  Thinking back to everything she just knew.

  Eternal Heart Lock has a huge implication with her.

  The lock of eternal heart is the key to unlock the eternal kingdom.

  "you're not dead"

  "you're not dead"

  Ma Xiaoling thought of this possibility! Because Zai Jie once said.

  The Supreme Being is looking for a chance in these long years! That is to say, he still exists.

  And he.

  It is very likely that there is an eternal kingdom! "But"

  "Why Not Let: Destiny Open the Eternal Realm"

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