Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 118: I'm coming!

Huh ~

As the night wind blew, An Qisheng suddenly fell into the courtyard.

As soon as they were together, they rushed into the rockery.

After a few months, with the help of herbs and elixir, he has made great progress in both physical and internal forces. Between ordinary people, he cannot even see his shadow.

With several jumps, he has gradually approached the backyard.

And here, An Qisheng stopped.

Because outside the courtyard, the guards of the guards unexpectedly.

"The rich landowner in a county has raised so many guards? And, it seems that there are still martial arts ..."

An Qisheng frowned, finding that things were not easy.

Nanliang County is just one of the 97 counties under the jurisdiction of Ronghua House, and although the Zhao family is said to be a gentry, it is actually just a rich man.

It would be normal to just raise some guards, but at a glance, dozens of guards actually had strength inside!

This is not easy.

Although the martial arts in Jiufujie is very strong, it is not everyone's martial arts. Even one of the twenty or thirty people is good at martial arts. Generally, meals are a problem. Where does the extra money go to support one? Musha?

Moreover, the view of Jiufu Realm is extremely strict, and internal martial arts has always passed on males to females, and disciples with surnames often have to be cattle and horses for a lifetime, so that they can learn internal strengths while retaining one hand.

But that's just for more convenient crushing, not for inheritance.

Dozens of family members with internal strength can eat a lot of meat every day. In addition to the mess of other medicinal materials, where can a local rich man afford?

Not to mention, he has a son sent to the martial arts school.

The martial arts are not good halls, but let you learn martial arts for no reason. The twelve serial docks have a fierce style and want to get online with them, and the money they need is not a small number.

"That's interesting ..."

An Qisheng's eyes flickered.

The guards of Jiading, who were patrolling back and forth, were very vigilant. If An Qisheng did not want to punch hard, he would not easily lurk forward.

But the night was long and he was not in a hurry.

Sitting in the shadow of the rockery, and using it with one heart and one heart, looking for opportunities, he has already carried the method of the tiger and leopard thunder and started to wash the bone marrow viscera.

The more he practiced, the more An Qisheng realized that the internal force and the internal boxing were a perfect match.

A method like Tiger, Leopard and Lei Yin combined with internal force, the effect of washing the body is much stronger than the two alone.

In just two months, he almost trained his inner strength into the bone marrow.

This is something that Wang Quan Lao Dao did not achieve in 70 years of hard work!

This can only be said that the direction is greater than the choice. Counting your fingers for a lifetime, the amount of calculation is not as good as abacus and one day of artificial intelligence.

Huh ~

As the night wind roared, time passed, and in the middle of the night it had arrived.

The red moon is still high, but dark clouds cover part of the moonlight.

Large shadows hang down, covering the entire Zhao family in the dark.


The patrol guard walked by, and the guard who walked at the end suddenly became alert, but turned around but found nothing.

"what happened?"

Someone asked.

"No, it's nothing. It's a bit windy. I thought someone came in."

The guard shook his head.

"Don't be suspicious. The eldest son was killed today. Madam is in a bad mood. Don't yell."

The front guard warned, turning back.

"Maybe I think too much ..."

The guard turned his head.

No row of guards was found. Behind him, a person was hidden in the shadows, almost sticking to him.

At this time, An Qisheng's heartbeat, qi and blood, breathing pulse, skin temperature and even all physiological characteristics almost disappeared.

How thrilling it is to be close behind a person and not to be found?

But An Qisheng did just that, and it did.

Huh ~

As he turned around, An Qisheng's body moved, and several undulations sprang up into the inner courtyard.

"Woo ~"

As he entered the inner courtyard, a low whine seemed to sound.

An Qisheng didn't look at it either. A stepping lightly under his feet, a five-finger one opening and closing, holding the wolf dog's nose and mouth, spit it out, stunned it, and carefully placed it among the flowers.

He glanced.

The inner courtyard is small and exquisite, and all kinds of decoration are quiet, but it is not good enough. At this time, white lanterns are hanging in the courtyard.

Secretly, there was a cry that couldn't stop.

In the night breeze, some desolate.

Huh ~

An Qisheng walked like a civet cat at night, and there was no sound at the bottom of his feet. Even if he stepped on the fragile dead leaves, he would not make a sound.

A few breaths, he had walked past the inner courtyard, and came outside the room where there was a faint cry.

Along the gap in the window, he looked intently.

In the room is a spiritual hall.

An old woman wept in front of the hall with white paper **** and dim candlelight.

In front of her, an old man in satin and black knelt down on the ground tremblingly.

"Old housekeeper, have you been with my Zhao family for more than thirty years?"

The old woman said as she wiped her tears.

"Mrs. Hui, it's been thirty-seven years and six months."

The butler's voice was trembling

"For more than thirty years, don't you know Dou's temper ..."

A low sigh came from the hall, and the old housekeeper shook even more:

"Old, master, slaves don't know, I don't know if the master will be so impulsive ..."

He was desperate and trembling.

Zhao Qiandu's action was extremely fast. He had disappeared before he could explain. Where can I think of it, it was not even half an hour, and he died in the south of the city with his internal strength.

After the shadow of the hall, an old man with a cold face walked out slowly.

"Zhao Hongxuan? He didn't die? So how did they cheat six doors?"

Outside the window, An Qisheng was shocked.

When he first arrived in Nanliang City, he heard Wang Bai and Wei Yu talk about Zhao Hongxuan's death.

He also wondered why the Zhao family didn't mourn, so he didn't even die?

What does this old man want?

What's the conspiracy?

An Qisheng thought about it. In the room, Zhao Hongxuan had come to Lingtang.

He stroked the big red coffin with one hand, and his cold eyes fell on the old housekeeper:

"The young master also needs a waiter. The servant girls who have served Dou since childhood have gone. You watched the young master grow up, and you would be unhappy without you ...

"Master, sir ... you treasure!"

The old housekeeper's tears flowed, his body shivered, and finally, under the cold eyes of the old man, he patted him with a palm.

Bang ~

Blood was sprayed to grab the ground with your head.

Until death, still kneeling.

"poor person must have something mean."

An Qisheng watched coldly, and finally knew why Zhao Qiandu was so fierce.

With such an old man, can his son learn well?

"My son, my son ..."

Zhao Hongxuan stroked the coffin, and a grief appeared on his face.


The old woman stood up, her eyes pale and resentful: "Zhao Hongxuan, it's all your idea, you killed Duer!"

"Duer ..."

Zhao Hongxuan sighed, his expression was extremely sad:

"It's all Dad's fault, it's all Dad's fault ..."

He never dreamed that he deliberately faked his death in order to deceive people who had passed through the six doors, which would actually cause his son to die tragically.

"Zhao Hongxuan, my son is dead, my son is dead!"

The old woman's voice was cold and her body shook:

"You have two sons, I have only this one son, I have only this one son!"

Zhao Hongxuan turned around, his face fainted:

"Du Er is also my son, do you think I want him to die ?!"

"Hahaha! Who knows if you are trying to kill the little bitch's son by inheriting the family business!"

The old woman cried like a nighthawk:

"The people at the six doors said, the one who killed Doer was Kong San, the Kong San you cooperated with!"

"Zhao Hongxuan cooperated with Kong San? Yes ... Kong San started quickly and accurately, without any clue to stay, because it was because someone had betrayed him ..."

An Qisheng's eyes moved, and it was in her heart.

Ji Shenzong is located tens of thousands of miles away from the east. How can Kong San, who lived in Ji Shenzong from an early age, be unable to know what masters are near Nanliang County, which are tens of thousands of miles away.

Even if you want to ask, it will leave traces.

But for six months, Kong San's shadow has not been touched for months. It turned out that an inner ghost provided information.

"To shut up!"

Zhao Hongxuan changed suddenly, and he slaps and slaps the old woman to the ground:

"Don't dare talk nonsense, I will kill you with one palm!"


The old woman vomited blood and her face swelled, but her eyes became more resentful:

"Last name Zhao, you have lost all your conscience and killed your own son. You must not die!"

"Go! You madwoman!"

Zhao Hongxuan kicked the old woman to the ground with a kick, and her face was extremely gloomy:

"Do you think I contacted Kong San to kill my son? Are you crazy or am I crazy ?!"


The old woman smirked: "Zhao Hongxuan, you are guilty, you are not guilty, it is not you who sent Kong San to kill Doer, this Nanliang City, who, including you, can kill my son?

Six doors? Or is Wang Quan's dying old hair? "

Zhao Hongxuan's face was iron-blue. If it wasn't for his son Lingtang, he would almost kill the crazy woman with one palm.

At the same time he was a little panicked.

He knew very well that no one in Nanliang County, along with several other counties, could kill Zhao Qiandu.

But if it's Kong San's hand ...

"No! Impossible! It's definitely not Kong San who kills Du Er! Kong San has big things to do now ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It's impossible to go out, even less likely to kill, and even less likely to come and kill my son! "

Zhao Hongxuan's chest was undulating, and his face was murderous:

"That old thing is lying, yes! It must be Wang Quan's old thing is lying! Wait for me to grab the old thing and bury it for my child!"


Suddenly, the door opened, and the night breeze poured in, and the fragrant gray paper was flying in the sky.


Zhao Hongxuan changed suddenly.

"Without you ..."

Under the red moon's rays, the old man pulled by An Qisheng's shadow:

"I'm coming!"

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