Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 119: Flying around the beam, taking the head in the night!

At the moment the door opened, there was a roar of air in the hall.


The voice didn't fall, An Qisheng stepped at his feet, and the violent rolling air flow sounded like a renju cannon.

All of a sudden, the air flow in the hall rose sharply, mixed with the night wind poured in, and swept the whole hall.


As he strode forward, he threw his arm and punched Zhao Hongxuan before the coffin like a spear!


Zhao Hongxuan was startled, and wanted to say something. His face was distorted by the hurricane air, and there was still half a word to say.

Too fast!

too fast!

He just felt a flower in front of him, and the horrendous air of horrific killing was coming, making his heart tremble and his breathing was short.

I can't take this punch.

Zhao Hongxuan was trembling and in crisis.

At this moment, the cold side of his man appeared, the fist wind came out, and the palm of his hand resting on the coffin suddenly burst into strength, and the internal force spit out.


Sky sawdust flying!

Hengfei's coffin was smashed by An Qisheng, and the stubborn corpse swept out of the air for several meters under the sweep of the airstream, knocking over the hall setting.

"Ah! Zhao Hongxuan, you beast!"

The old woman's eyes were broken, and she slammed on her son's body with a swearing curse.

But Zhao Hongxuan could not hear the scolding of the old woman.

In the air of flying wood chips.

A fist had pierced through it, slamming heavily on his arms that were parrying him in front.


The sound of cracked bones rang through the Lingtang, Zhao Hongxuan coughed up and flew away, and was hit off the ground.

At this time, he also saw the appearance of the coming person.

He had white hair, a dark robe, and a cold murderousness on his old face.


Zhao Hongxuan's pupils shrank, and the words spit out with blood:

"I have a secret ..."

But An Qisheng didn't delay at all, and the impact of the step has not stopped.

Fist with elbows and elbows with shoulders.


The mist of blood sprayed by Zhao Hongxuan had not spread, and the syllables lingered still in the corner of his mouth.

An Qisheng has caught up!

Fist in the chin, elbow on the chest, turn around, Baji Iron Mountain leaning!


After a collision, Zhao Hongxuan's eyes burst into sudden bursts of blood, and blood sprayed out like arrows.

Click ~~

Zhao Hongxuan's body slammed against the wall in the sound of cracked bones like a rain-fried banana.


The wall shook, the blue bricks shattered, and the cracked cobwebs generally spread.

His body was inlaid into the wall in this collision!

"Hehe ~~~"

Zhao Hongxuan struggled in vain, with countless unwillingness all gone with the last breath.

"No need ..."

An Qisheng stood up and responded slightly.

Until then, the old woman just held Zhao Qiandu's body in her arms.

Seeing this, she suddenly laughed:

"Haha! Haha! Retribution, retribution! Zhao Hongxuan, you killed so many people, it is your turn!"

An Qi stood indifferently and did not try again.

Because in the ruins of the Lingtang, the old woman hugging her son's body had already lit the Lingtang, the rising flames engulfed the flying paper and drowned her figure.

"Retribution, retribution!"

The screams of the night screams echoed in the sea of ​​fire.

"Go water! Go water!"

"Master's Spirit Hall is gone!"

"Come on fire!"

The fire snake that accompanied the billowing smoke was finally found.

Dozens of guards patrolling outside the inner courtyard suddenly changed color and rushed towards the inner courtyard.

"The desire to survive is indeed strong."

On the edge of the sea of ​​flames, An Qisheng stood up, looking at the sea of ​​flames, speaking softly.

He has a deep grasp of the human body, and the state of life and death can be seen at a glance. The old woman in the sea of ​​fire is not dead yet.

Being able to come up with this method in a short time, this old woman is also a ruthless character.

If he hadn't been cautious, she would have been tricked by her.

"Ah! You, you demon, demon!"

In the flames, the old woman screamed.

She finally couldn't resist the lick of the fire snake, and the whole person was dancing in the sea of ​​fire.

It wasn't until the screams disappeared, and the guards from the fire rushed into the inner courtyard.

He didn't leave. After crossing the inner courtyard, he turned around and walked towards the place where the Zhao family hid gold.

He who had dreamed of Zhao Qiandu not only had no sympathy for the Zhao family and knew most of their secrets.

For example, the location of gold and silver jewelry.

Looking over the backyard is the small courtyard where Zhao Hongxuan lives.

The small courtyards are lined up in turn, and are home to many of Xiao Hongxuan.

At this moment, there was a fire, and the courtyard was lit with candles.

An Qisheng's body flickered, and he had come to Zhao Hongxuan's bedroom, reached out his hand, shook the door bolt, and entered the room.

"Who? Master? What's going on outside, so noisy?"

As soon as she entered the room, a soft, tender sound came from the bed behind the screen.

Uh ~

An Qisheng stepped out and popped a stone picked up on the road to stun the woman.

Lightly opened the dark room in the bedroom.

Pushing in the door, there was a flash of light in front of him, and a golden light illuminated his eyes.

"It really smells like Zhumen wine, and there are frozen bones in the road."

An Qisheng shook his head slightly, leaned over and swept away all the gold and silver, ancient books, and even some of the collectible tools.

Turn around and leave.


Squeak ~

The sky would not be bright, Chen Asi pushed open the door and rubbed his sore waist, ready to start the day.

He wanted to rest, but couldn't.

The young child, the seriously ill wife, the elderly parents, all pressed on his shoulders, he could not relax.

He gritted his teeth and went into the cold wind.

Suddenly, he seemed to step on the stone, a cricket, and almost fell into the snow.

"what is this?"

Chen A scratched his head four times, turned his head and looked at it, holding on: "Silver, silver?"

Under the threshold of his house, there is a silver bar!

He could see very clearly, even the pattern on the silver, and the frost that had condensed on it.

This is silver.

He has run in the inn and I have seen it many times.

He rushed almost like a thief, holding the silver in his palm.

The biting cold hurt his palm, but his heart was burning like a fire.


He closed the door.

"Cough! Si, you, are you in pain? Then, let's rest today, cough."

On the bed, the woman with yellowed face struggled to sit up.

"Juan, you, look."

Chen Asi carefully opened her palm.

"Asi, you, where are you from?"

The woman was stunned.

"Whereever you come, your illness is saved."

Chen A's sight was blurred:

"I haven't done any bad things in my life. This time, I did it. No matter who the silver is, I won't return it ..."

Same thing.

Occurs in poor people throughout Nanliang County.

Some are ecstatic, some are kneeling down to worship the gods, some are crying like rain, some are trembling, frightened ...

And all this,

As the creator, An Qisheng didn't care.

He believes that the wisdom of these ordinary people who are crawling in the market will hide this silver.

And even if it was discovered, it was not a large amount of silver, nor could it attract the greed of others.

Not to do bad things with good intentions.

"Unfortunately, this is only a cure for the symptoms."

In the courtyard, An Qisheng sat cross-legged on the bed, gazing at the stars from the open window and sighing in his heart.

The long-running turmoil in the Jiufu Realm may not affect many counties and cities in the inland, but it will not reduce half of the harsh taxes.

The vast majority of people, including decent warriors like before Wang Quandao, have been very destitute.

Toiled and toiled, not many people sell children and daughters.

Zhang Haohao and Jiang Tingting were sold by their biological parents. As a result, the adoptive father and mother could not afford them, and they were sold to the thief's den for the second time. fate.

He scattered a lot of money, but compared with the poor in the world, it was very little.

Even the poor in Nanliang County couldn't help it at all.

He knew that it was the system, and even the fault of the world, that one could not turn around.

"A squire, just save the money ..."

After sighing, An Qisheng figured out his booty.

The wealth of Zhao's family wealth surprised An Qisheng.

Seven thousand silver tickets, seven gold, one hundred and twenty gold, there are more scattered pieces of silver than this, almost full of a large box.

Of course, the most were some of the IOUs and the sale of personal deeds, which were all burned by him with a fire.

However, what he got was no more than one tenth or even one percent of the Zhao family.

The real big head is still the shops, Tianmu, Zhao family half city, but not casually.

Just this, it is not something he can intervene in.

Unless he forms a force, these things can only be rotated in the hands of many gentry, one after another, endless, and endless.

Such things have happened countless times over tens of thousands of years.

Put away the silver ticket gold, An Qisheng took out a few ancient books, lined up.

There are three cheats in "Twelve Serial Swords", "Black Tiger Sword" and "Qigong".

All three of these cheats are yellowish ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ obviously all have been circulating for a long time.

Opening it up, there are many notes with significantly different handwritings, apparently unknown for generations.

Hum ~

While looking at the classics, the light flashed in his perspective.

On these ancient books handed down from the Yellow, they really have the power to survive.

After glancing at the beating power, after reading these three cheats one by one, his power has accumulated to forty-four.

Most of them were provided by the twelve serial knives.

"This power is not the spiritual power I think, but the best wisdom of a person ..."

An Qisheng thoughtfully and turned to a picture of communication:

"Searching for Kong San's message ..."

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